Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Memorial to Ali)

"To One of a Kind!"

(1) "A Eulogy"

"This be a day to exult,
For the Here be far richer
And the Knight hath rid
Home wearing the colors,
His Shield battered,
his Trappings worn,
but his Spear bright."

-- Patience Worth

(2) Haiku:

"Rivers, Ponds, Lakes and
Streams" are All different Names
For States of Water.

(3) Inspiration:

"Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams --
they all have  different names. But they
 all contain water. Just as religions do.
They all contain truths. Islam is peace."

--Muhammed Ali  (While visiting the site
of the World Trade Center attacks in 2001)

(4) Companion Image: From an article by
Don Steinburg in the Philadelphia Inquirer, June 5, 2016.

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