Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (I Am What I Think in this World)

It's not what others
Think about you, but what you think
Of yourself that counts.

[Rich Note: Inspired by a quote by Seth Joyner, a former Philadelphia Eagle All-Pro, regarding Buddy Ryan's influence on fellow players, in a 6-29-2015 Philadelphia Inquirer article by sports colomunist, Bob Brookover.]

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Heartfelt Still Silence)

Abiding as the
Heartfelt Still Silence of the 
Awareness I Am.

Abiding as the
Heartfelt Silence Stillness of
Awareness Itself.

Abiding as the
Heartfelt Radiant Stillness
Of Pure Awareness

Absolute Stillness
Is apprehended by mind
As Infinite Peace.

Heartfelt Still Silence
Is apprehended by mind
As Sweet Simple Peace.

"Go to the source for that movement where the "I Amness" begins." Sri Nisargadatta

Hay-Ku of the Day (A Backlit Beacon)

I Am a Beacon
Of the Self-Shining Light of
Awareness Itself.

Being a Beacon
Is Shining the Light of the
Awareness I Am.


Being a Beacon
As the Backlit Screen of the
Awareness I Am.

The Backlit Screen of
Of the Light of Awareness
Shines in Every Heart.


Radiant as the
Backlit Screen of the Light of
Awareness I Am.

Self-Radiant I
Am as a Backlit Screen of
Awareness Itself.

"...This Awareness can be likened to a backlit ‘screen’ displaying the thoughts and sensations, occurring a any given moment, that the mind views and then decides which of these it will focus on and ‘process’..."

-- Colin Drake (from Introduction to his new book: "Enlightenment Is For All: Pointers To Awakening")

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid."

You Can't Be A Beacon -- Donna Fargo

One Little Candle:

This Little Light of Mine:

-- performed by our junior choir of Prince George Winyah Episcopal Church

Friday, June 24, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Surrendering the Sword)

So dam hard for those 
Cut of the warrior cloth to
Surrender their swords.

[Rich Note: This was inspired by the following "one hell of a brutally honest (which is so him) testament" by my dear friend Charlie Hayes, who many years ago, observed that he and I were of the same tribe (of those whose worldly profession involved living on the razors edge between life and death on a continuing basis); as is my friend, Teddy, who was an electrical lineman, and all others called to consciously live in "harms way."

Charlie: In the matter of non-dual spirituality 
"The truth of the matter is, very simply, the pains and suffering of the body have blanked out any pure understanding I used to have regarding my true nature..... it is simply too much, I cannot handle it; the mind is sort of in charge these days. With all due respect to Bob Adamson, whose teachings made a big difference for me over the years, I cannot claim to have the knowledge of my true nature anymore. So that's what's so. So what? 

"No matter. Just a sincere wish to leave this dirt ball. Full Stop! 

"With love for Bob and Sabine Hamm."


So dam hard for those 
Of us cut of warrior cloth
To surrender the sword.

I love your, Charlie,
and my prayers (such 
as they are) are with
You daily, my friend,
as am I!

(Said the "Flyboy" to the "Racer")

Hay-Ku of the Day (An Uncloudy Day)

Mirroring my Face
Clouds of Divine Energy 
Suspended in Space.

A cloud enshrouded 
Sky momentarily masking
A prodigal Sun.

Slowly drifting off
Clouds of thought and feeling part
Revealing the Sun.

Clouds of Energy
Floating in the Clear Sky of
Awareness I Am.

Awareness I Am
Embodied as a Sense of
Self-Radiant Light.

Awake to Being
The Self-Radiant Light of
Awareness I Am.

[Rich Note: An arrangement of new and old.]

[Rich Note: A link to an old related favorite, "Uncloudy Day" (with an unexpected, but welcome, down-home, patriotic motif): ]

Monday, June 20, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Feel the Burn of the Firey Heart)

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
Is the Life I Am.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
Is the Light I Am.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
Is the Love I Am.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
Is the Peace I Am.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
Is the Joy I Am.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
Is the Truth I Am.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
Is the Child I Am.


This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is the Way.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is the Truth.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is the Life.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is the Light.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is the One.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is the Lord.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is the Child.


This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is God's Life.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is God's Light.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is God's Love.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is God's Peace.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is God's Joy.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is God's Sun.

This Self-Radiant
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is God's Child.


Keeping in mind this
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is the Way.

Keeping in mind this
Self-Radiant Awareness
I Am is the Way.

Keeping in mind this
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is the Law.

Keeping in mind this
Self-Radiant Awareness
I Am is the Law.

[Rich Note: See if these Light the Same Fire There as they do Here.]

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Haiku of the Day (The Living Word)


The Word of God is
This Awareness of Being
I Am and You Are.

The Word of God is
This Awareness I Am Now
Conscious of Being.

The Word of God is
This Aware Presence I Am
Being Here and Now.


The Living Word of
God is this Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

The Living Word is
God's Idea of Being Here
And Now as I Am.

The Word of God is
This Awareness Right Here and
Right Now as I AM.

Scripturally Speaking:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

"The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." Isaiah 40:8 KJV

"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7 KJV

But the word of the Lord endureth for ever..." 1 Peter 1:23-25 KJV

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 KJV

"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts." Jeremiah 15:16 KJV

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." John 1:14 KJV

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom..." Colossians 3:16 KJV

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." 1 Peter 1:23 KJV

Metaphorically Speaking: 

"If a 'word' is defined as an external vibratory pattern of energy intended to express or convey an inner thought or idea, is it not possible to characterize each and every man- made object you now see before you as a 'living word?' For is not each such object simply a recurring pattern of physical energy that expresses an inner idea that once impressed another person’s mind? Do you yourself not also speak your mental ideas into physical being through words—vibratory patterns of external energy—in a similar fashion every time you speak or write? Might this same characterization not also hold true of the natural world?" 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Single-Eyed Seeing)

A Single-Eye Sees
The House as Whole a mind builds
It with mental bricks.

Enlightenment sees
The House as Whole a mind builds
It with mental bricks.

To Know I Am and
Just Be That is the Headstone
The Builder's reject.

A related quote from a Chapter 10 , Creation from a book by Neville Goddard entitled, "The Power of Awareness":

"I am God, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done. Isaiah 46:9, 

"CREATION IS finished. Creativeness is only a deeper receptiveness, for the entire contents of all time and all space, while experienced in a time sequence, actually coexist in an infinite and eternal now. In other words, all that you ever have been or ever will be in fact, all that mankind ever was or ever will be exists now. This is what is meant by creation, and the statement that creation is finished means nothing is ever to be created, it is only to be manifested. What is called creativeness is only becoming aware of what already is. You simply become aware of increasing portions of that which already exists. The fact that you can never be anything that you are not already or experience anything not already existing explains the experience of having an acute feeling of having heard before what is being said, or having met before the person being met for the first time, or having seen before a place or thing being seen for the first time. The whole of creation exists in you, and it is your destiny to become increasingly aware of its infinite wonders and to experience ever greater and grander portions of it..."

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Light, Light, More Light! --The Living Light I Am!")

The Living Light of
The Awareness of Being
I Am is the Way.

The Living Light of
The Awareness of Being
I Am is the Truth.

The Living Light of
The Awareness of Being
I Am is the Christ.

The Living Light of
The Awareness of Being
I Am is the Lord.

"As long as I Am in the world, I Am the Light of the world." John 9:5 KJV 

"In him was Life; and the Life was the Light of men...That was the True Light, which Lighteth every man that cometh into the world. John 1:4 & 9 KJV

"Ye are the Light of the World. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid."
Matthew 5:14 KJV

"The Light of the body is the Eye: if therefore thine Eye Be Single, thy whole body shall be Full of Light." Matthew 6:22 KJV


"O Blessed Flame of Divine Love I AM Thy Pure Presence Forever." 

"Because I Am Thee and Thou Art Me, I Am Protected, Illumined, Supplied and Free."

"I AM Christ, God in Action, the Light of God that Never Fails, in the Fullness of Its Eternal Victory and Dominion." 

"Light, Light, Light!  More Light, the Light of God which Never Fails."

-- St. Germain I AM Religious Activity

PS1: A notation system I am fond of for conceptual computation:

I am (Son of Man);
I Am (Christ in You);
I AM (God the Father)

PS2: A Prayer:

"'May All Beings Be Well, 
Happy and Free From Suffering;
May All Beings Be at Peace'";
May All Beings Know I Am."

[Rich Note: A forth line expansion on a prayer suggested by Stephen Levine.]

PS3: Johann Wolfgang Goethe 

"...I have found no confession of faith to which I could ally myself without reservation. Now in my old age, however, I have learned of a sect, the Hypsistarians (Greek for "Most High" God), who, hemmed in between heathens, Jews and Christians, declared that they would treasure, admire, and honour the best, the most perfect that might come to their knowledge, and inasmuch as it must have a close connection to the Godhead, pay it reverence. A joyous light thus beamed at me suddenly out of a dark age, for I had the feeling that all my life I had been aspiring to qualify as a Hypsistarian. That, however, is no small task, for how does one, in the limitations of one's individuality, come to know what is most excellent?"

PS4: A reprise of Bill Sameul's "Lil' Lijah, the Luminous Lightening Bug" Story, Illustrated by Sandy Jones:

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Self-Knowing Aware Sky)

Peace in Action is
Temporal, whereas Peace at
Heart is Eternal.


Mirroring my Face, 
Clouds of Divine Energy 
Suspended in Space.

Still and Quiet this
Sky of Perpetual Grace 
Abiding in the Heart.


Clouds of Energy
Floating in an Infinite
Sky of Awareness.

Shifting focus from
Clouds of thought to an Empty
Sky of Awareness.

Shifting focus from
Thought to the Self-Knowing Clear
Sky of Awareness.


Shinning Clarity
As the Self-Knowing Sky of
Awareness I Am. 

Shinning Clarity
As Self-Knowing Awareness
Of Being Itself.

Shinning Clarity
As Self-Knowing Sky of the
Awareness I Am.

Shinning Clarity
As the Self-Knowing Single
Eye of Awareness.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Memorial to Ali)

"To One of a Kind!"

(1) "A Eulogy"

"This be a day to exult,
For the Here be far richer
And the Knight hath rid
Home wearing the colors,
His Shield battered,
his Trappings worn,
but his Spear bright."

-- Patience Worth

(2) Haiku:

"Rivers, Ponds, Lakes and
Streams" are All different Names
For States of Water.

(3) Inspiration:

"Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams --
they all have  different names. But they
 all contain water. Just as religions do.
They all contain truths. Islam is peace."

--Muhammed Ali  (While visiting the site
of the World Trade Center attacks in 2001)

(4) Companion Image: From an article by
Don Steinburg in the Philadelphia Inquirer, June 5, 2016.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Cloudy Mental Sky - Part 1 & 2)

"Pleasure and pain" are
Mental clouds passing through the
Sky of Awareness.

These Clouds of mental
Energy floating in space
Cannot touch the Sky.


Clouds of Energy
Cannot disturb the Peaceful
Sky of Awareness.

Mental hurricanes
Can not touch the Clear Sky of
Awareness Itself.


Awake to Being
The Clear Sky of Awareness
Underlying All.

Awake to Being
The Clear Sky of Awareness
You Already Are.


Clouds of energy 
Float in the Clear Sky of the
Awareness I Am.

Clouds of Energy
Can't disturb the Clear Sky of
Awareness I Am.

Part 2

I Am the Clear Sky
Of Awareness clinging to
Self-created clouds.

Neither Seer nor
Seen but the Clear Sky of the 
Awareness I Am.


Being the Seeing
Instead of a cloud in the
Sky of Awareness.

Being the Seeing
Of Clear Sky Awareness and
Not a mental cloud.

Being the Seeing
Of Clear Sky Awareness and
Not Seer or Seen.


Overlook the clouds
And Notice the Clear Sky of
Awareness You Are.

Stop chasing mental 
Clouds and See you are Clear Sky
Awareness Itself.


Focusing on clouds
Causes me to overlook the
The Clear Sky I Am.

Focus on mental
Clouds caused me to forget
Being Awareness.


Missing the Clear Sky
Of the Awareness I Am
Chasing mental clouds.

[Rich Note: Inspired by the following Dr. Pedro Cortina post: 

"The only way to end the cycle of pleasure and pain is to let go of seeking both. Who are you then?"]

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Alchemy)

Transmuting ego 
Lead into spiritual gold 
Is suffering’s job.


Ego's a serpent
That eats its own tail till it
Give's birth to Glory.

Ego's a serpent
That eats its own tail till its
Rebirth in Glory.

Ego's a serpent
That eats its own tail until
Only Light remains.


Auger of Desire, 
Sharp cutting edge of despair, 
Bursting into Light.

My Soulful Anguish, 
Mid-wife to Eternal Glory, 
Cosmic Labor Pains.


"For our light affliction, 
which is but for a moment,
 worketh for us a far more 
exceeding and eternal weight
of glory." (2 Cor 4:17 KJV)