Monday, September 21, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Laser-Like Mind)

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of Pure Awareness.

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of God's Awareness.

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of Still Awareness.

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of Aware Presence.

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of the Divine Mind.

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of the Mind of God.


Laser-like is the
Mind brought to a Still Point of
Being the Seeing.

Laser-like is the
Mind brought to a Still Point of
Single-Eyed Seeing.

Laser Beam: "A laser beam is a state of coherent light in which all the light waves align and cease to impinge upon themselves. Said light waves may be likened to a collective group of energy vectors, which, when perfectly aligned, cease to lose a portion of their aggregate energy due to internal friction. Conceiving mental energy in a similar fashion, perfect alignment of mental energy vectors would necessarily yield the mental equivalent of a laser beam and thus produce a perfectly coherent state of mind—a unified condition of consciousness in which internal non-alignment, friction and energy loss no longer arise." 1992

[Introduction to Chapter 3 of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses" (OOMM).]

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