Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day ("What Do We Know For Sure")

Big Picture-Wise: All
I See is a State of the
Consciousness I Am.


Nothing is Ever
Experienced outside of
Awareness Itself.

Nothing is Ever
Experienced outside the
Awareness I Am?


All as a State of the Pure
Awareness I Am.

What We See as a
Direct Experience is
A State of Our Mind.


Life is a Pattern
Of Energy Arising
Within Awareness.

Everything is an
Energetic State of the 
Awareness I Am.


Can anything Be
Other than a State of the
Awareness I Am?

Can anything Be
Other than a Relative
State of Awareness?


How can I not Love
What is Being a State of
My Own Awareness.

You can't help Loving
What is a State of Your Own
Conscious Awareness.

You will Fall in Love
With Life when you See It's the 
Awareness You Are.

[Rich Note: The foregoing Hay-Ku were inspired by the following selected, sequential dialogue, as it appeared in Peter Brown's great book, "Dirty Enlightenment, The Inherent Perfection of Imperfection":

"In YOUR experience. In YOUR consciousness. The only thing you can know is your consciousness, your experience. Everything 'else' is a guess, a hypothesis. Right?

"Look for yourself. How could you possible know something outside of your consciousness?

"Have you ever had an experience that wasn't energy appearing in your consciousness.

"So what reality can be said to consist of as far as we know, is energy appearing in your consciousness. Right?

"Stay there.  Where else is there to go? And you ARE that consciousness.  Because anything 'else' that appears in that consciousness, is dependent on consciousness for its appearance to appear."

"Like your body is in your consciousness, this iPod is in your consciousness, or this room is in your consciousness; but the constant in this equation is always 'your' consciousness."

"So what you are is the consciousness, not any partial experience that is appearing in it. It's obvious.  This is the result of asking 'What we can know for SURE' as opposed to what is speculation."

"What I can know is 'you' AS ENERGY appearing in 'my' consciousness.  That's where I start and that's where I end."

Here's the Amazon Link to Peter's book: http://www.amazon.com/Dirty-Enlightenment-Inherent-Perfection-Imperfection-ebook/dp/B00DIL3X16/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1425390433&sr=1-1&keywords=dirty+enlightenment ]

1 comment:

rfhay333 said...

Subsequent Cross-Correlators:

If All is a State
Of the Awareness I Am
"It and I" are One

Can the Temporal
Content of Awareness Be
Other than I Am.

Nothing is Other
Then a State of Awareness
That I Myself Am.