Sunday, March 29, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Human Condition)

(1) Circumstance:

Existence is an
Energetic State of the
Awareness I Am.

"I as I think" is
A thought appearing in the
Awareness I Am.

I Am not "my thoughts"
But the Awareness in which
Thoughts arise and fall.

(2) Condition:

Identified with
What "I am not" I forget
"Myself as I Am."

Identified with
Relative thought I forget
Being Awareness.

Identified with
Thought I Am blind to Being
Awareness Itself.

"Identity" with 
An object is the shortest
focal length there is.

With thought causes a case of
Divine Amnesia.

An extreme case
Of mental myopia is
Being overlooked.

(3) Cause:

Our addiction to
Self-thought causes a case of
Divine Amnesia.

Our self-obsession 
With thought causes a case of
Divine Amnesia.

Narrowing focus
And shifting attention is
Causing Amnesia.

Narrowed focus and
Sequential attention shifts
Is what thinking is.

Mental motion is
Caused by narrowed focus and 
Shifts in attention.

(4) Cure:

Being mentally
Still restores Awareness of
Being Awareness.

Be mentally still
And the veil of words and thoughts
is "rent asunder."

Being a Witness
Instead of a judge allows
The mind to Be Still.

Reducing mental
Variables serves to still
Apparent motion.

Opening mental 
Focus both stills the mind and
Reveals Awareness.

Wide-open mental
Focus extends focal length 
To "Infinity."

With no point of self-
Reference mental focal
Length is "Infinite"

Being Here and Now
Still and Silent as I Am
One with the Father.

(5) Cross-Correlating Context:

A) Scripture: 

"Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?" James 2:4 KJV

"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." John 7:24 KJV

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:" Philippians 2:5 KJV

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." Matthew 6:22 KJV

"That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world."  John 1:9 KJV

"For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;" Ephesians 2:14 KJV

"Be still, and know that I Am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 KJV

"... for I Am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee..." Hosea 11:9 KJV

"And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;" Matthew 27:51 KJV

B) Eckhart Tolle:

"The ego arises out of the state of identification with thought. The moment of freedom arises when we realize we are not our thoughts -- rather, we are the awareness."

(from Eckhart Tolle TV, Questions and Answers)

"When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. 
When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world. Your inner most sense of self, of who you are, is inseparable from stillness. This is the I Am that is deeper than name and form. Stillness is your essential nature. 

"What is stillness? The inner space of Awareness in which these words are being perceived and become thoughts. Without that Awareness there would be no perception, no thoughts, no world. You are that Awareness, disguised as a person."

(from the first chapter of "Silence Speaks")

C) Bill Samuel:

"'I' means identity. 'I' means identity, not a suffering human concept of self. I let go the role of an awakening student. I end the identification of a gendered mortal learning this or that. I’m not even a member of the human race, I’m not one among many, working, striving, struggling, arriving at truth. As it’s put in the bible “Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little” I take the divine Awareness of God to be my identity. I am that. That is Me. And I don’t hesitate to say so. Right here, right now, I don’t hesitate to say so, that I am the Awareness of God. Reminding myself, as often as necessary, that Awareness is who I am, Awareness is what I am, the why I am and that identity is not a human one, not a worldly one, not a sick, sinning, ignorant or quarrelling one, but the holy One, the whole One, the Perfect One." (from "Vignettes on Love 1")

"Yeah, God Awareness is my activity.
Faithful Witness of Harmony,
Honest Witness of Simplicity,
Eternal Action of Deity,
Indeed, this Now Awareness is Identity."  (from "The Woodcutter and the King")

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Non-Action)

I wish to live
In the capital
Of non-action. 

"The Capital of
Non-Action" is Being the
Awareness I Am.

The Principle of
Non-Action manifests as
Divine Awareness.

Divine Awareness
Is non-interactive with 
Respect to content.

"The Capital of
Non-Action" is Being Still
And Knowing I Am.

"The Capital of
Non-Action" is a Point of
Absolute Balance.

A Point of Perfect
Peace is the Capital of
Divine Non-Doing.

A Dimensionless
Still Point is the Capital
Of Non-Doership. 

Inspired by:

"My one wish
Is to live in the capital 
Of non-action." -- KIBAI

Related Commentary:

"Mui is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese wi wei, the Taoist philosophy of 'non-action'..."

"Taoists define correct behavior as 'non-action,' which does not mean 'sit still and do nothing.' Rather, it refers to action in which natural processes are not interfered with -- actions as natural as the growth of sunflowers..."       

(Commentary by Yoel Hoffmann, from a compilation of poems entitled, "Japanese Death Poems, Written by Zen Monks and Haiku Poets on the Verge of Death")

Friday, March 13, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Holding Fast)

"I hold fast to the
Integrity of What I
Am" as Awareness.

I hold fast to the
Integral Nature of this
Awareness I Am.

I hold fast to the
Integrity of Myself
As I Am in Truth.


I hold fast to the
Zero Point Energy of
Awareness Itself.

I hold fast to the
Dimensionless Point at the
Heart of Awareness.

I hold fast to the
Central Still Point Peace at the
Heart of Awareness.


I hold fast to the
Still Point Peace at the Heart of
Awareness I Am.

I hold fast to "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
As the Light of All.

(1) Inspiration:

Re: "I hold fast to the integrity of who I am. At every moment, I'm in contact with that infinite value which is simultaneously Event and Nonevent, and nothing can take that from me."

Stephen Jourdain, from "Radical Awakening"

(2) Cross-Correlation:

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee : because he trusteth in thee." Isaiah 26:3 KJV

Re: "...set yourselves, stand ye still , and see the salvation of the Lord with you..."  2 Chronicles 20:17 KJV

Friday, March 6, 2015

Haiku of the Day (Suffering's Source)

I suffer because
I believe myself to Be
Other than I Am,

I suffer because
I am pretending to Be
Something I am not.

I suffer because
I imagine I am other
Than I Am in Truth.


Suffering exists 
To remind "me" I Am not
"What I think I Am."

Suffering exists
To remind me I Am not
What I imagine.

Suffering exists
To remind "me" self-thought is
A consuming fire.


Human Suffering
Serves as a reminder I
Am not what I think.

Human Suffering
Is a Divine Wake-Up Call
To Be What We Are.

Human Suffering
Is a call to wake-up to
Being Awareness.


Suffering is the
Mental equivalent of
Pain as a warning.

Re: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;" 2 Corinthians 4:17 KJV

Re:  Suffering's Cure -- "Stop pretending to be what you are NOT and don’t refuse to be what you ARE”. Sri Nisargadatta

Or in haiku form:

Stop pretending to
Be what you are not and you
Will Be What You Are.

[Rich Note: The following extract from a Philadelphia Inquirer sports section article inspired today's haiku:

"(Justin) De Fratus' (a Phillies' relief pitcher) initial task was to answer a question proposed to him by a classmate in high school: 'If God is all good and all powerful, then why is there suffering?" A good question, De Fratus said."

"...The answer, he said, is a person's free will. Humans, not God, created suffering and evil, De Fratus said."

Going beyond the "free will defense," which still assumes separate self-existence, apart from an Absolute God, as its operating premise; I would suggest a case of mistaken identity and self-ignorance, that anchors Life in a false premise; which, in turn, leads to false conclusions (re: unrighteousness self-centered action, misery, suffering and, ultimately, death) is "suffering's true source" -- all of which is suggested more succinctly in the following and above haiku:

A fatal case of
Mistaken identity
This being human. ]

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day ("What Do We Know For Sure")

Big Picture-Wise: All
I See is a State of the
Consciousness I Am.


Nothing is Ever
Experienced outside of
Awareness Itself.

Nothing is Ever
Experienced outside the
Awareness I Am?


All as a State of the Pure
Awareness I Am.

What We See as a
Direct Experience is
A State of Our Mind.


Life is a Pattern
Of Energy Arising
Within Awareness.

Everything is an
Energetic State of the 
Awareness I Am.


Can anything Be
Other than a State of the
Awareness I Am?

Can anything Be
Other than a Relative
State of Awareness?


How can I not Love
What is Being a State of
My Own Awareness.

You can't help Loving
What is a State of Your Own
Conscious Awareness.

You will Fall in Love
With Life when you See It's the 
Awareness You Are.

[Rich Note: The foregoing Hay-Ku were inspired by the following selected, sequential dialogue, as it appeared in Peter Brown's great book, "Dirty Enlightenment, The Inherent Perfection of Imperfection":

"In YOUR experience. In YOUR consciousness. The only thing you can know is your consciousness, your experience. Everything 'else' is a guess, a hypothesis. Right?

"Look for yourself. How could you possible know something outside of your consciousness?

"Have you ever had an experience that wasn't energy appearing in your consciousness.

"So what reality can be said to consist of as far as we know, is energy appearing in your consciousness. Right?

"Stay there.  Where else is there to go? And you ARE that consciousness.  Because anything 'else' that appears in that consciousness, is dependent on consciousness for its appearance to appear."

"Like your body is in your consciousness, this iPod is in your consciousness, or this room is in your consciousness; but the constant in this equation is always 'your' consciousness."

"So what you are is the consciousness, not any partial experience that is appearing in it. It's obvious.  This is the result of asking 'What we can know for SURE' as opposed to what is speculation."

"What I can know is 'you' AS ENERGY appearing in 'my' consciousness.  That's where I start and that's where I end."

Here's the Amazon Link to Peter's book: ]