The Light I Am shall
Come to Outshine All I Now
Think myself to Be.
The Living Light of
God I Am will Outshine All
Mind can Imagine.
At some Point the Light
Of What I Am Outshines the
Light of what I think.
The Light I Am will
Eventually Outshine all
My self-conceptions.
The Light I Am will
Eventually Outshine all
Human conceptions.
The Light I Am will
Eventually Outshine All
That Was or Will Be
The Light I Am will
Eventually Outshine All
Conscious Existence.
"If you are seeking truth, reality, God or whatever you like to call it, I suggest that you start with the only reality you are absolutely certain of—that is the fact of your own being. There is no one sitting here who can say 'I am not'. Each one of us knows 'I am'. But that thought 'I am' is not the reality. It is the closest you will ever get to it with the mind. That 'I am' is just a translation by the mind of that sense of presence, the awareness of presence or the presence of that awareness. That is the only reality we are absolutely certain of. Nobody under any circumstances can say 'I am not'. That knowing is constantly and ever with us. And that is why we say that what you are seeking you already are.
"We base what we talk about here on what the ancient traditions tell us. In Advaita, for instance, they call it non-dual—one-without-a-second. The one-without-a-second part means that even one could imply that there is something other than one. In the Dzogchen scriptures they call it non-conceptual, ever-fresh, self-shining, presence awareness, just this and nothing else. And if you look at that, that is describing you, me and everything else. That presence of awareness is non-conceptual. You don't have to hold a concept about it. It's ever fresh because it has no beginning and no end. It is self-shining like the sun. It shines of itself. It doesn't need a light to say 'I am shining'. And that is what it is, just that which you cannot escape from, which you cannot get away from-presence-awareness..."
-- Sailor Bob Adamson
[Rich Note: These are the first two introductory paragraphs from a piece entitled "Introductory Talks" by Sailor Bob that can be accessed at the following link:
[Rich Note: Or more Biblically Speaking (with respect to "I Am" or the "I Am that I Am"), in order to provide rather "clear, cross-cultural, conceptual correlators":
"I AM Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 1:8 KJV
"...I AM the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, (the Absolute) but by me." John 14:6 KJV
"...lo, I AM with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:20 KJV
"Be still, and know that I AM God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 KJV
"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." Exodus 3:14 KJV
"...I AM God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee: and I will not enter into the city." Hosea 11:9 KJV
"As long as I AM in the world, I AM the light of the world." John 9:5 KJV
"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." Matthew 5:14 KJV
"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I Am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts." Jeremiah 15:16 KJV.]
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