Saturday, August 9, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Awareness I AM as the Door/Gateless Gate)

Re: "An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarity, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you." (Unknown)


Yes, and Attention,
As Focused Awareness, is
The One Doorway In.

[Rich Note: As "Awake Space" one quite literally becomes, in a vibratory way, as a temporal state of conscious or focused attention, whatever occupies the Absolute (or Infinitely Expanded) Awareness One Ultimately Is (That which is Aware of Being as Consciousness and/or the Mind of God).]

You as Awareness
Are what you focus on as
Conscious Attention.

As Awareness I
Am what I focus on as
Conscious Energy.

Everything is a
Vibrant State of the Present
Awareness I Am.

Everything is a
Radiant State of the Still
Awareness I Am.


Expand Awareness
By Focusing on Nothing
And so becomes All.

Expand Awareness
By Focusing on Nothing
And All becomes One.

Expand Awareness
By Focusing on Nothing
And Re-Unite All.

Expand Awareness
By Focusing on Nothing
And Resurrect All.

Re: "It is when we become nothing that we become the door to Something.  The best door is the empty place without an impediment.  The Window that allows Light is the place where nothing is."  -- WmSamuel (The Child Within Us Lives, pg.321).

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