Take a moment to
Rest as Awareness letting
Whatever Is Be.
Rest a moment in
Being Awareness and "Let
It Be As It Is."
Taking a moment
Abiding as Awareness
Just Letting It Be.
[Rich Note: The following synoptic extract from the Introduction to Scott Kiloby's "Living Realization" (which is highly recommended) -- an extract that, at least seen from here, offers the "shortest-cut" you will ever find back to the "Eternal Home" you never really left (except, of course, in the "story of me" that the "me that says my" is so fond of constantly telling itself):
"The main invitation in "Living Realization is this:
- Recognize awareness
- Let all appearances be as they are
- See the appearances are inseparable.
"There are many other pointers, tools and inquires in this book, but these simple pointers are all you need to recognize freedom in the midst of your life.
"We must start with something fundamental: basic, everyday awareness. What is awareness? Right now, before you entertain your story of who you are and before any other thought arises, there is a basic awake, thought-free awareness here.
"Awareness is the simple capacity to be aware. It's as simple as that. If you try to understand that intellectually, you miss the simplicity of it. Before you think about it, are you aware right now? That is awareness.
"Stop for one moment and bring your full attention to this basic awareness. It is what allows the present moment to effortless be as it is. Notice that when you are not thinking, this basic awareness simply allows, for example, the wall to be as it is. It naturally allows a table to be as it is. It naturally allows the air in the room to be as it is. It takes no effort to let everything be as it is. Discover this for yourself.
"Stop thinking for long enough to get one glimpse of the fact that there is a basic awareness already here. All you have to do is notice that it is here. Then notice that when a thought arises, this basic awareness allows even that thought to be as it is.
"At first, this awareness might not seem like a big deal at all. Perhaps thoughts rush back in very quickly, one after another, and take over attention. But that one glimpse of life without thought is actually monumental. It is a doorway to freedom.
"The more we return to this basic awareness, over and over, through out the day, the more we see that it is always already present. We discover for ourselves exactly what the words acceptance, freedom, love, peace, compassion, wisdom and selflessness are really referring to: our own immediate experlience in the here and now, free of the belief in separation.
(Note: Shared per the "Fair Use" statutes of the copyright laws.)]
Letting It Be As
It Is allows me to Know
Myself as I Am.
Being the Presence
Of This Awareness We Are
Is Our One Option.
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