Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hay-Ku of the Day (Truth in a Nutshell)

[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]

(Truth in a Nutshell Photograph)

Truth in a Nutshell (2006, Wikimedia Common’s by AndonicO); A take-off on Stephen Hawking’s considerably more complex, bottom's-up, outside-in, scientifically based, theoretically physics title, "The Universe in a Nutshell"; Companion haiku: "Being Is, You Are That and Everything is Fine,"unless “you think not.”]

Truth in a Nutshell:
"Being Is, You Are That and
Everything is Fine"!

[Rich Note: Based on an extremely simple, rather “matter-of-factly presented” (as if that’s all one really needed to remember -- inspite of the all the mind's protests to the contrary), John Wheeler, non-duality-pointer offered during the second of four "Urban Guru Cafe" interviews (#21); ( view link ).]

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