Thursday, February 15, 2018

Haiku of the Day (OOMM, Appendix G, Reading Strategies, “He Soever Seeks to Save His Life Shall Lose It”)

Relating to God
As other than I Am is
A fatal mistake.

I am a Divine
Self-Reflection conscious of
Relative Being. 

Beware, for one who
Judges becomes subject to
Absolute standards.

1.Use other haiku on the same page for potential contextual help.

All I now see are (1)
Self-reflected images 
Of divine being. 

Only a still mind (2) 
Reflects a perfect image 
Of Divine Glory. 

Divine reflections (3)
Shatter in turbulent minds as 
Sunlight on the sea. 

Prismatic rainbow (4) 
A coat of many colors 
Shattered white light. 

The thematic “common thread” in the above haiku is “light” and how it relates to or interacts with relative environments. In the first two, light is implicit in the “reflective” characterizations; in the third and forth it is explicit. The secondary thread is “mind” as a centrally referenced, self- reflective state of conscious awareness that serves as a “mirroring mechanism.” In this regard, a still mirror/mind reflects a perfect, whole and compete image; whereas a moving mirror distorts, or in the case of the sea metaphor, seems to “shatter” the image. Of course, the light is never really divided or shattered, either by the “turbulent mind” or the “prism,” but it truly seems so when the mind moves, becomes relative, and thereby introduces an adulterating prismatic effect on the “pure light” of awareness. 

(Note: Using strategy five, see 1 Corinthians 13:11–12 and John 1:4 for additional “light” with regard to the self- reflective and partial nature of relative/carnal mind, as it relates to the “Word” of God I Am, the Divine Conscious Awareness of Being from which all “Life” flows and “Light” radiates.) 

2. Identify the major theme or common tread that particular haiku reflect.

All I now see are (1) 
Self-reflected images (2/3)
Of divine being. (4)

(1) The non-relative and peaceful nature of a perfectly present mind. 

(2) The unitary nature of a mind that ceases all mental movement. 

(3) Both 1 and 2 restore the pre-conceptual, non-dual state of pure conscious awareness I Am. 

(4) The Pure Consciousness of Being I Am (The Son) is one with the Field of Absolute Awareness (The Father) in which it arises and into which it eventually resolves. 

(Note: Use strategy 3, as well, to recognize that to be perfectly present and/or mentally still both have the effect of restoring conscious awareness to a non-relative or unitary state, here and now; and, further, that a present mind becomes still and a still mind becomes present.) 

3. Seek to see how things are the same, rather than different: 

Peace is a state of (1) 
Pure consciousness in which all (2) Mental motion stops. (3) 

1) Peace implies a state of mind that is still, silent, present and unitary. 

2) Pure consciousness implies a non-dual (100% and thus unitary) state of awareness that is still and, thus, peaceful because of its non-relativity. 

3) When all mental motion ceases the field of one’s awareness becomes unmoved, non-linear and peaceful. 

4. Read each haiku as if it were prose or a saying: 

Man’s option to be (1) 
Perfectly self-aware is 
Seldom exercised. 

Paying attention (2) 
To material matters 
Instead of being. 

(1) Man’s option to be perfectly self-aware is seldom exercised. 

(2) (We are) Paying attention to material matters instead of being. 

5. Correlate individual haiku with the Foundational Scripture referenced in Appendix F. 

At all times I pray (1)
To be still and know I Am (2) 
Hid with Christ in God. (3)  

(1) Pray unceasingly. (1 Th. 5:17) 

(2) Be still and know that I am God . . . (Ps. 46:10) 

(3) For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. (Col. 3:3)

[Rich Note:  Appendix G, “Reading Strategies, “He Soever Seeks to Save His Life Shall Lose It,” in a “section by section” sampling of “Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses”(OOMM). For those whose interest might be piqued or experience a heartfelt resonance with what is shared, I would highly recommend downloading the Amazon Kindle sample of OOMM, as it effectively constitutes both a synoptic and seminal, 59 page “mini-book .”]

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