Sunday, September 10, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (A Jody Kish "Farewell Address" Memorial)

(1) Haiku-Wise:

Sweet, Gentle Jody
Never lost the "Child Heart of
God in All" most do.

From "GD's" to "Loving
The Father" with "All his Heart
Mind, Body and Soul."

Jody, who often said:
"How you going to tell 'em
That?" telling them that.

How could "Gentle
Jody" be about to "shuffle
Off his mortal coil?

(2) Sandy Jones-Wise: 

"Wow, that is so beautiful - "You got nothing else" wow! Exactly - he got it, he is It -- There is nothing else but God -Nothing else - that's it -

(3) Patience Worth-Wise:  

Here's a fitting eulogy and related poems I am fond of by Patience Worth (a 14th Century English Literary Spirit/Angel):

A. "A Eulogy"

"This be a day to exult,
For the Here be far richer
And the Knight hath rid
Home wearing the colors,
His shield battered, 
his Trappings worn,  
but his Spear bright."

B. "Is Thy Quest Honest?"

Through that vast vale, black, pit-like,
Wouldst thou hold a taper? 
Wouldst thou
Lend thy hand to them that seek?
Is that yearning born of Truth?  
Eating thy heart in hungry anticipation 
That thou shouldst leave a beacon
On the sands?
Oh, dost thou behold the regal 
Barque of day floating upon the sea of  Eternity 
And no beacon, no light, no chart?
In benediction do I bow before thee!"

C. "The Death Experience?"

"A bit wary wi' the fetters,
A yawn, a blink and the wakin'."

D. "A Pultry Pence"

"What a paltry pence 
Is death to buy eternity;
What a light price to pay
For an everlasting abiding place."

(4) Scripture-Wise:

A. I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death." Revelation 1:18 KJV

B. "So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory." (1 Co. 15:54)

(5) Introductory Letter/Note-Wise:

"To Still and Always, Present Friends:

"The following spontaneous "Farewell Address" is the "Divine Cherry on Top of the Ice Cream Soda" of four years, and probably a 1000 hours, of dialogue with my OCNJ Buddy, Sweet, Soft and Gentle, Jody Kish -- Who Loved the Ladies, People, Life and Planet Earth by natural inclination; but, in the end, truly Loved God with "All His Heart, Mind, Body and Soul."

"In many ways, one might call the audio below Jody's 'stuck in an elevator sharing of a lifetime summary message with a stranger' -- the stranger, in this case being, the world and people in it that Jody loved so very much.

[Rich Note: Not sure how to do so yet, but I'd like to see Jody's spontaneous "Last Testament to the Planet" go viral -- as friend, Robert, who had just been moved to tears, felt it might.]

With Love to All, Rich

(6) "F-Bombs"-Wise:

Fair warning on a bit of "street language," so innocent and in character for, Jody, who never really stopped being a "street guy." Yet, to forego this "one of a kind, profound and inspirational message," from one whose body succumbed to cancer only a week later, for this reason, would really be shame.

7) Gentle Jody's Farewell Address:

Does Jody sound like his body will succumb to cancer in a week?"

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