Monday, August 21, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Figuring the Figureless")

Mankind's attempts to
"Figure the Figureless" bear
Witness to the Truth.

When we "Figure the
Figureless" we're witnessing
Truth as we see It.


In "Figuring the 
Figureless" we try to put
The Sea in a Cup.

In "Figuring the 
Figureless" we're attempting
To capture Lightening.

The Truth put into
Words is a just a finger
Pointing to the Sun.


Capturing the Truth
In Words is like Capturing
The Wind in a Jar.

Capturing the Truth
In Words is like Climbing a
Ladder to Heaven.

Capturing the Truth
In Words is like Flying to 
The Sun on Wax Wings.

(1) Lao Tzu- Wise"

"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. 
The name that can be named is not the eternal name. 

The nameless is the beginning of heaven and Earth. 
The named is the mother of the ten thousand things..."

(Tao Te Ching, Feng & English Translation)

(2) Hazrat Inayat Khan-Wise:

"The truth cannot be spoken; that which can be spoken is not the truth."

(3) Jesus-Wise:

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32 KJV

"To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth." John 18:37 KJV

(4) Bill-Samuel-Wise:

[Rich Note: "With respect to this on-going 40 year attempt, here, to come closer and closer to "capturing the truth in words" (something very much akin to expressing an "Absolute Potential to Be" through the "Energetic Self-Expression" that All Creation attempts) and the ultimate futility thereof, I find the following Bill Samuel "word picture" to come closest to resolving the paradox.]:

"..All right now…refreshed…refreshed we can start again to try to tell it again, to tell it like it is, but I tell you, there are no words that are gentle enough. Oh, there are just no words that are soft enough but maybe there will be some sort of mysterious combination of them...maybe something…a magic combination that will be able to illicit the feeling that will be gentle enough to tell it like it is. Love is that feeling. All feeling is love. It is always Love that does the work or what appears to be the work that’s done. Love is here, right now, as identity, right now."

Here's a link to the whole extraordinary 5 minute meditation from Bill's Vignettes on Love 1:

(5) Metaphor-Wise:

[Rich Note: This was my shot (which you may or may not have seen before) at explaining 40 years of attempting to "figuring the figureless," as it appears in the introduction of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses" (OOMM)]:

"Coin Balancing: Although we can not fully define an absolute state in relative terms, we can use analogies, metaphors and similes in an attempt to evoke or recall a direct sense or perception of that state. Thus, if I have an experience I wish to share, I can use a metaphor to indicate what it felt like with the hope of evoking a similar feeling in another. This is the verbal equivalent of having someone balance a coin to convey what balance feels like. This is because balance, as an absolute or non-relative state, cannot be captured in words, yet can be known as a direct experience. Thus, by moving a coin back and forth through its balance point, while progressively reducing said movements, one may get a feel for almost balanced. Then, suddenly, as the coin comes to rest, perhaps a direct sense of balance, as a non-relative state, may be experienced."

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