Saturday, July 8, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Heaven and Hell)

Life's either a Joy
Ride or Nightmare depending 
On One's Perspective.

One can turn a Joy
Ride into a Nightmare based
On what One believes.

Whether Life is a
Joy ride or nightmare depends
On the way one thinks.


The Perspective One
Adopts determines whether 
Life's Heaven or Hell.

Hell is in your Head
Heaven is in your Heart and
Love is All-Around.

Heaven and Hell aren't
Locations but Potential
States of Consciousness.

[Rich Note: With the exception of the "Love is All-Around" OOMM Oldie, the above Haiku were inspired by a Francis Bennett post, a related stream of reader comments and the following response thereby evoked:

Re. " many dimensions and so many fascinating beings...";...only One....BE-ing"; and " is more fun that way..."

(Prefatory Note:  Funny/strange how I don't see/feel any contradiction in any of the above referenced discriminative descriptors.)

"Only One BE-ing" with an Infinite Number of Particle State Perspectives (or Dimensionless Still Point Frames of Absolute Self-Reference) from which to View (and so Experience) THAT; (All of which are a direct function of Mental Focal Length and Breadth of Vision) in a Zero (Absolutely Still) One (Energetically Vibrant) Way (of SEE-ing/BE-ing).

In Seeing this, the "One" (Quantum Potential to Be) is no more "Real" than the "Many" (Potentiated Particle) States of Consciousness, seen in an Absolute Context or by Absolute Standards. For even directly perceived, apprehended or intuited "Awareness Aware of Itself as THAT" (prior to Cosmic Consciousness) still implies Relativity or a Zero-One mechanism of Absolute Self-Reflection.

PS1: So why don't We All just "Sit back, relax and enjoy" the Co-Creative Trip/Flight this Divine Amusement Park (or Cosmic Joy Ride) of "Infinitely Creative Absolute Potential to Be" (as Awareness of Being or Consciousness) offers (once one no longer relates to it as "a matter of life and death").

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