Saturday, July 1, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Form and Formlessness, Part 1 of 5)

Form's subject to the
"Laws of Relativity"
Formlessness is not.

Form is subject to
"Newtonian Principles"
Formlessness is not.


Form is subject to
Relative Laws and that which
Is Formless is not.

Formless Energy
Is of not subject to Laws of
Relative Being.


To "Be Nothing" is
To Be in a "Formless State" of
"Conscious Energy."

To "Be Nothing" is
To Be in a "Formless State" of
"Conscious Awareness."


True Emptiness is
Absolute Potential to
Be Prior to Being.

Real Nothingness is
Absolute Potential to
Be Prior to Being.


Particular States
Of Quantum Consciousness are
Patterned Energy.

Particular States
Of Quantum Consciousness are
Like Ocean Waves.


Particle States of
Awareness of Being are
Temporary forms.

Particle State Forms
Of Conscious Awareness are
Forms of Formlessness.

[Rich Note: The following spontaneous thread of a great Francis Bennett Face Book post this morning inspired the above (only the first 12 of 54) stream of Haiku:

Re: Francis Bennett 7-1-17 FB Post 

(1) The Stream:

"An amazing revelation is when one sees with deep clarity that the emptiness of shunyata and the compassion of Karuna are one."

Stephen Bae: Ugh now I have to learn what shunyata is

Francis: Both are unconditional openness.........   :)

Rich: Yes, Francis, and the seeming paradox (but not the amazement and wonder) is resolved with the realization that what is experienced as both emptiness and compassion is the same formless energy in the absence and presence of form; and, further, that emptiness is not really nothing, as normally supposed, but only a present absence of form or patterned energy.

Ergo : "Form is Emptiness (Formless Energy) and Emptiness Form (Formed Energy) -- with the Energy Itself  Being Vibratory (zero-one; on-off) Absolute Potential to Be (or Absolutely Nothing playing at Being Everything).

Jerry Freeman: "shunyata karuna garbham" ...

"Emptiness, the womb of compassion"
~ Nagarjuna

Rich: Jerry, this correlates perfectly with the "Contemplative Living Silence," as a Quantum Field State of Energy (that is Synonymous with both Universal, Energetic Consciousness and/or Vibratory Emptiness), referenced in Robert Sardello's "Silence, the Mystery of Wholeness" and "Heartfulness."

P.S. Something also implied when Neville Goddard said, "Now, let us enter the Silence," at the end of many of his talks.

(2) Related quotes:

A. The Heart Sutra:

"O Sariputra, Form does not differ from Emptiness
And Emptiness does not differ from Form.
Form is Emptiness and Emptiness is Form.
The same is true for Feelings,
Perceptions, Volitions and Consciousness."

B. St. Paul:

"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." Colossians 1:15-17 KJV

"Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen." I 1 Timothy 1:17 KJV

C. Bill Samuel:

"A new world had been revealed in the morning of a spring day. The chimerical nature of the old world was seen in the afternoon. That night, in the cold and dark of a human night, only a meager memory of the Light at the pond remained. In the place of Joy, desolation and depression had descended. My confidence in the old world had been smashed during the day; yet in the dark of night, there was only a fading memory of Something Wonderful to take its place, and, as I looked at the stars, I was aware of my human nothingness and emptiness. Though I didn't know it then, I was coming to discover the nature of learning."

D: Robert Sardello:

"The way of Silence is the way of feeling, and the heart is the center of feeling.  When we are able to place our attention into the center of the heart, we develope the cognition of Silence because feeling is a mode of knowing."

D. Rich Poetry:

"On again, off again, round and around, One moment lost, the next moment found; Movement and stillness, silence and sound, One moment free, the next moment bound..."

"...Flesh and spirit, body and soul, One moment part, the next moment whole; Mary and Joseph, manger and stall, One moment Nothing, the next moment All."

Circa 1982

(First and Last Verse of "One Moment" Poem)]

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