Monday, July 17, 2017

Haiku of the Day ( "I Am" Is the "Open Door")

The Always Open
Door Between Inside and Out
Is the "Way I Am."

The Always Open
Door Between One and Many
Is the "Truth I Am."

The Always Open
Door Between Thought and Feeling
Is the "Life I Am."


The Wide-Open Door
Between Subject and Object
Is the "Door I Am."

The Wide-Open Door
Between Future and Past is
The "Knowledge I Am."

The Wide-Open Door
Between Father and Mother
Is the "Child I Am."

The Wide-Open Door
Between Future and Past is
Present Awareness.


Always Open is
The Door Between Here and There
And "I Am That" Door.

Always Open is
The Door between Now and Then
And "I Am That" Door.

Always Open is
The Door between Life and Death
And "I Am That" Door.

Always Open is
The Door between God and Man
And "I Am That" Door.

Always Open is
The Door between None and One
And "I Am That" Door.

(1) Scripture-Wise:

"I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." John 10:9 KJV

"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so , I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." John 14:2-3 KJV

(2) Three Principle (3P)-Wise:

[Rich Note: A related client story from a wonderful 3P exposition by Mara Thomas entitled, "One Thought Changes Everything"

"'...But in the end, every last person in the course came around and began to have rich, new insights into how they were using their minds in life and at work: even Carl..."

"'I looked in Carl’s direction and asked, “Well, would you care to share?” He looked around the room for a bit, inhaled and then gave us the most fascinating description of what he was experiencing. And in his story, underneath it you can hear the evidence of the principles we’d been discussing with them:

“'You know, it’s a funny thing. All my life, I’ve been an intellectual. I’ve studied and learned so much information. And I’ve prided myself on this knowledge. It’s like I built this amazing library in my brain. And in this library, there are books on almost every topic. It’s really quite impressive. You need a book on quantum mechanics? I’ve got it. You need a book on religions of the world? I’ve got it. Engineering? Math? History? Anything? You name it. And I know exactly which books sit on which shelves, and I’ve read them all a hundred times. I’m a master of all of them. 

"'But as I’ve been sitting here in this class the last couple of days, it’s almost like someone lightly tapped me on the shoulder and whispered, ‘You know, there’s a door over there.’ And I seem to have walked over and opened this door to discover that outside this library is an entire mansion. There are other rooms. And then there’s a door from the mansion to the lawn outside and beyond. There’s just so much more than this little library. What my mind already knows is so small in comparison to what I haven’t explored yet, what I haven’t thought yet. So I guess I’m just quietly walking around, exploring the new scenery. It’s fascinating and it feels very big. So much bigger than where I’d been living before. I’m looking forward to going back to my work and my family more in this space of unknown.'"

Amazon Link:

(3) Robert Sardello Heartfulness-Wise:

20. The "I Am" Mantras

"To be inwardly, bodily-gesturally said from the central point of the heart:

"This I Am is a body of Light
I Am a body of Light

"This I Am is a body of Silence
I Am a body of Silence

"This I Am is a body of Love
I Am a body of Love"

[From "Heartfulness" by Robert Sardello:

Amazon Link: ]

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