Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Life in the Balance)

Ambulance passing,
Lights flashing in the night, 
Life in the balance.


Abiding in the
Balance of Awareness where
Ego Disappears.

Abiding in the
Balance of Awareness that
Is with us Always.

Abiding in the
Balance of Awareness where
The Many are One.


Resting in Peace at
The Heart of Awareness where
Extremes disappears.

Resting in Peace at
The Heart of Awareness where
There is Only One.

Re: Bill Samuel on Balance (from "The Child Within Us Lives")

"To find BALANCE is to find Identity—and Identity leads the way to God. 

"Surely ten thousand books have been written over the centuries about identity—what it really is and how to find it. 

Essentially, the world's holy books are about identity, the “real man” made in the image and likeness of God..."

"When one has found the balance, he has found himself. One is the point of balance between all “the five trees in the midst of the garden.” Where is the balance between inside outside if it isn't this very Awareness I am? The inside passes through this Awareness to the outside and returns from the outside and passes through Me again. 

"Where is the balance between above and below? Right here as Awareness, midway between microcosm and macrocosm. And where is the balance between male and female? Here as Awareness. Certainly not here as this body. This body appears more male than female. That body seems more female than male. But, upon careful examination, the balance IS found within the body physical, the body being both male and female but tipped bodily one way or the other. Between the extremes of gender lies Awareness, this consciousness of being, perfectly balanced Identity which is being all there is to both male and female.

"And so it is with all imbalances. The balance is found right here as Awareness, Identity. When the ancients said one's aim in life was to “Know Thyself,” they were exactly right. One finds himself, Identity, and finds he is the balance between Spirit and matter, first and last, inside and outside, above and below, objective and subjective, the macrocosm and microcosm. He will also find (slowly) that his Self, as Awareness, precedes all tangibility in time. Awareness is prior to the body we seem to be looking out of.

"One finds the divinity in himself before he sees it in another—and when he has actually found it in himself, he sees in in all others. But of course, we think we see it in others long before we see it in ourselves. A letter is here from a lady who is certain she has found God living in a commune on the West Coast, and she would have me agree that he is God. People are all the image of God, but not one image is God. God is God and people are life's confirmation, life's “image” as that image appears on the tangible scene. The godly man confirms God more obviously than do the warrior and thief, but to the godly, the sinner is as much the image of the Image of God as the saint is."

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