Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Old Favorites List 7 Plus 3)


Mind depends on the
Thought process to exist while
Consciousness does not. 

What do you know that 
Does not arise as a state 
Of your Consciousness?

How can what you see
Be other than a State of 
Your own Consciousness? 

Consciousness is a
Vibratory State of the 
Awareness You Are. 

The Gap between One 
Thought and Another is the
Consciousness You Are. 

"Consciousness is All 
There Is” and “You Are That” is
What the "Sages Say."

The space between one
Thought and another is the
Consciousness you are. 

Worshipping ideas 
Above the Consciousness in
Which they arise?

Mind based science is 
Blind to the Consciousness in 
Which thought arises.

The Everlasting Light 
Of Awareness dawns with the 
Setting of self-thought. 

Awareness wed to 
Sensory Presence becomes
Conscious as I Am.

Is there anything 
That you have to do to be 
Present and Aware?


If Consciousness is
A Perquisite for Life
It's a Name for God.

If Consciousness is
Fundamental to All
Then I must Be That.

Is it possible for 
Anything to Be without
Awareness thereof?

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