Sunday, March 26, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Mind, Consciousness and Thought)

There is Only Mind,
There is Only Consciousness,
There is Only Thought.

[Rich Note: A natural (unintentional) haiku, inspired by the "Primal Realization" Syd Bank's shares in the following quotes extracted from "The Missing Link":  

"All human behavior and social structures on earth are formed of Mind, Consciousness and Thought."

"All feelings derive and become alive, whether negative or positive, form the power of Thought."

"The achievement of mental stability and peace of mind is one thought away from everyone on earth...if you can find that one thought."

"All three elements -- Mind, Consciousness and Thought -- are the lifeline to our very existence.  It is through these three elements that we have the power to realize the very existence of life."

Mind, Consciousness and Thought are the complete Trinity of all psychological functioning. Without one the others are non-existent.

All living creatures, great or small, interpret what they think of life via these three divine gifts.

[Rich Note: Referring to the "3 Principles as "Divine Mind, Divine Consciousness and Divine Thought," as Syd sometimes did, brings God (as the Absolute Source and Ground of Being) back into the picture. 

Please note, as well, that the above haiku is actually an amalgamation of Syd's "Three Principle Realization- Revelation" and the following Robert Adam's suggested breath synchronized meditation/affirmation:

"There is Only God,
There is Only Consciousness,
Everything Else is an Appearance." ]

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