Saturday, February 18, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day [Seeding Silent Stillness ("Being Still" as a "Societal Immediate Action, Emergency BOLDFACE Item")]

Seeding thought in the
Still Silence is "Taking it
To the Lord in Prayer."

A seed thought planted
In Silence is "Taking it
To the Lord in Prayer."

Seeding Silence with
A desire is "Taking it
To the Lord in Prayer."

[Rich Note: Inspired by the following extract from Christian D. Larson's masterful (New Thought) delineation of "Being It" with respect to both  Bentinho's: "See It, Feel It, Be It!" summation and Neville Goddard's "proceeding from the wish fulfilled" approaches to operationalizing the Law of Attraction":

"...To feel the perfect peace of the soul, however, is the first essential.  

"After that is attained your consciousness will deepen and you will enter the great within to a greater and greater degree. While the mind is in this interior state of being every thought you think will be a power, and every desire you express will modify or change everything in your life according to the nature of that desire and in proportion to its depth and unity with the Supreme. For this reason you should train yourself to think only right thoughts and create only the truest desires while you are in the silent state.

"That which you think or do while in the silence will have a greater effect upon your life than that which you may attempt while on the surface of outer consciousness. Therefore, everything that is important should be taken into the silence and through the silence to the Infinite. This corresponds perfectly with the statement: “Take it to the Lord in prayer.” The real purpose of the silence is to enable the mind to enter the inner life and not only re‑create all thought according to the higher truth, but to enter into a more perfect touch with the divine source of things. 

"The silence should be entered every day for ten, twenty or thirty minutes. This is a daily practice of extreme value. Though you may not have any real results at first, simply continue; you will reach your goal. “When you begin to become conscious of your interior life and begin to live more or less in touch with the world beautiful that is within you, you will find that you can live in this high, peaceful state the greater part of the time and thus be in the silence almost constantly. This is not only a most desirable attainment, but it is the one great attainment toward which every soul should work..."

For those who might like to go a bit deeper, here's a link to the whole "Pray without Ceasing" section of Christian's "The Ideal Made Real" -- Great Stuff; followed by a link to the Amazon, 99 cent, kindle compilation of Lardon's books entitled: "Seven Inspirational Books":

1) Extract Link:

2) Amazon Link:

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