Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Politics of Ignorance)

By choosing a side
You only guarantee that 
You are off-center.


"Alternative facts"
"Complete a story" that was
Not the "whole story."

"Alternative facts"
Are "facts that are left out" of
"Incomplete stories."


"Alternative facts"
Are "those that are left out" of
"Partial sales pitches."

Political sales
Pitches seldom if ever
Present all the facts.


Politics by its
Very nature means slanting
Facts in ones favor.

Politics involves
Slanting facts as a way of
Currying favor.


The very nature
Of politics is to ignore
inconvenient facts.

Politics by its
Very nature ignores facts that
Are not convenient.


Politics is all
About tailoring facts to
Support agendas.

Politics ignores 
Facts that run counter to
The stories it sells.

[Rich Note: It appears that the term "alternative facts" as an "antidote" for "political or media spin doctoring," is a term that offends those who prefer to consider "alternative facts to be untrue," rather then "additional facts" conveniently "overlooked or ignored," in presenting a "story" intended to further a political agenda.   

Which is, of course, what politics and any other form of salesmanship actually is, was and always will be about; that is, conscious intent to "de-emphasize the negative and accentuate the positive," with respect to any particular political agenda or product "one happens to be selling." 

So let's stop being naive about politics (personal or otherwise). It never was or will be about "Telling it like it is" or "Telling the Whole Truth," but about "Telling it like a particular party (individual or collective) wants it to be seen," in order to curry favor with the electorate and further a political agenda.

The attached photo, which presents two diametrically, and obviously subjective opinions, reported as "alternative 'headline' facts," concerning the same event in the same newspaper, clearly illustrates the point.]

"Carnal mind" worships 
"Relative facts" as if they
Were "Absolute Truth."

"Double-minded" men
Worship "temporal facts" as
"The Eternal Truth."

[Rich Note: Some addition thoughts concerning a more accurate definition, then a politically self-serving, "alternative facts aren't true."

(1) "Alternative facts" might be a term used to describe salient facts conveniently ignored in the fabrication a story intended to garner support for a political agenda.

(2) "Alternative facts" might also be defined as facts that have been filtered or left out to emphasize other facts, in order to slant a story, either left or right.

(3) Perhaps "additional missing or withheld facts," as the "rest of the story" (or the "whole truth") might be a better way of characterizing "alternative facts"?]

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