Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The "K.I.S.S." of Natural Security)

Naturally secure
The Instant I See I Am
Awareness Itself.

Naturally Secure
As the Awareness I Am
At the Heart of All.

Naturally secure
When not thinking of Being
Other than I Am.


Focused on Being
Awareness Itself I Am
Naturally Secure.

"The Story of Me"
Appears in the Context of
Being Awareness.


The "Rock of Ages"
Is the Awareness required
To Know that I Am

The "Rock of Ages"
Is the Awareness I Am
That Underlies All

*K.I.S.S." ("Keep It Simple Stupid or Silly):

Inside-Out Living
Is Simple while Outside-In
Living is Complex.

Inside-Out Living
Is Heaven while Outside-In
Living is Hellish.

[Rich Note: Haiku Inspired by the following extract of a "K.I.S.S." essay by Judy Sedgeman, who is a proponent of Syd Banks' potentially revolutionary, "Three Principle" Insight" (which is, perhaps, best captured in the following three conceptual distillates: (1) "Life comes through us, not to us"; (2) "Living from the inside-out instead of from the outside-in"; and (3) "Thought, and not circumstance creates, feeling and experience"):

"...It popped into my mind a number of times over the last several days, when I found myself over-thinking situations and decisions that really didn’t need anything more than a commitment to the simple and a quick check of the obvious... 

"...Here’s the “simple” and “obvious” K.I.S.S. I recently received. Not my first K.I.S.S., to be sure, but one of the best yet: 

"The only way to become insecure is to think about the life drama of me, myself and I. When I’m not thinking about myself personally, I am naturally secure, and can respond to anything in life with confidence, good cheer and a clear head.

"This is hardly new news and it certainly isn’t the first time I’ve written it down or seen it written down by others. But the neat thing about a K.I.S.S. is that something familiar comes to you in Technicolor, with special effects and glorious intensity as though you’d never known it before.

"So the message that zoomed at me and filled the screen of my mind was “REALLY get yourself off your mind because you are always fine, except when you think you’re not..."

(Or as Sailor Bob Adamson so clearly put it in a classic "non-dual pointer" book title:

"What's Wrong with Right Now, Unless You Think About I?")

Here's a link to Judy's all downloadable Reflections (extrapolated insights into Syd's Three Principles): ]

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