Monday, May 9, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (What I Experience 1)

Although "I" still Live
In the Head, Truth-Wise, I Am
Coming from the Heart.

Although "I" still make
My Home in the Head, I Am
Speaking from the Heart.

Although "I am" not
Enlightened in the Normal
Way Our Joint-Heart Is.

[Rich Note: The following introspect exposition downloaded/popped up in response to being at loggerheads with a lively Enlightened Lady, who could not understand what I was saying to her -- something that has increased the understanding here of exactly what Living Enlightenment is and is not. A process that has been going on for over a year now.]

Part 1: What I Experience

Re: "What is your experience Richard have you had a shift like some of us here where it is suddenly realized that there are no things nor separate events."

(1) Let's start off with a related set of favorite quote (and see if the quotes are only outlawed in the original post and not the comments, as...suggested, but which was never confirmed) by Patience Worth (a 14th century, 1920's disincarnate, channeled spirit, whose writing some called on a par with Shakespeare) that the "warrior nature" (that is only somewhat attenuated -- Scorpio and all that) here dearly loves:

"This be a day to exult, 
For the Here be far richer
And the Knight hath rid 
Home wearing the colors,
His shield battered, his
Trappings worn, but his
Spear bright."  (a poetic eulogy)

Is Thy Quest Honest?

"Through that vast vale, black, pitlike,
Wouldst thou hold a taper? Wouldst thou
Lend thy hand to them that seek?
Is that yearning born of Truth?
Eating thy heart in hungry anticipation
That thou shouldst leave a beacon
On the sands? 
Oh, dost thou behold the regal
Barque of day floating upon the sea of Eternity
And  no beacon, no light, no chart? 

In benediction do I bow before thee!"

(2) Addressing the experience question haiku-wise:

Although "I" still Live
In the Head, Truth-Wise, I Am
Coming from the Heart.

Although "I" still make
My Home in the Head, I Am
Speaking from the Heart.


The Heart is the Sun,
The Mind or Head is the Moon
And I Am the Light.

Moonlight gazing back 
At the Sunlight at its Source
Declares: “I AM THAT”!

(The "Poet's Heart," still throbs deeply and passionately here, though the intellect can be both over-bearing and over-shadowing, at times, as William pointed out along the way.)

(2 parts of 6 related to this question)

Part 2: What I Experience

[This is a response to a comment from a friend who asked for a plain text version of Part 1.]

Doubt what needs to be said can be said in language that is less then three dimensions, cross triangulating-wise, Monica.

Besides, the haiku, as in,

A fatal case of
Mistaken identity
This being human.

Is as "plain text" as it gets.

Besides, as the poet in your heart full-well knows, as a "heart to heart" transmission, it's to be read "softly, gently with the heart" and only needs an open mind to let it through to understand its content.


Part 3: What I Experience

(3) Plain Text (let's give it a try):

To..., with Love: 

(1) I am still identified with or as a separate-selfhood (for any number of surmisable reasons); and have known this for nearly 40 years.

(2) I speak from, at least with respect to the matters of Spirit or Truth, a direct or intuitive apprehension of the Heart; as any Enlightened Being does.

(3) As one with a rather extreme (96 percentile quantitative; 66 percentile qualitative -- which is backwards for most pilots) intellectual bent, body-mind organism-wise, I am naturally predisposed to be considerably more interested in Understanding the mechanics of Life, Being or Existence (or how it works) than in actually being enlightened (at least not yet) of the illusion of being a separate person in this Cosmic Virtual Reality Game We are playing with Our Self/Selves; as this ridiculously long, 50 year Walk on the this "Long and Winding Earthly Path" clearly testifies.

(4) I have mental access to a local data bank (in addition to the Universal or Cosmic One we all have as Our Joint or Common Heart) that is mind bogglingly (at least I have been told that several times) extensive. Not because I'm particularly smart or special, but because I have been very earnest in seeking, finding, confirming and loving the "Truth as the Common Ground in All" for 50 years at this point.

(5) Though I am still "bottom-up, particle state, outside-in" oriented, the Understanding of Truth, Itself, is "Pure Top-Down, Quantum State, Inside-Out, Heartfelt Knowing, Feeling and Seeing;" in the same way any Enlightened Understanding Is a Direct Apprehension or Intuition (In-To-It). In other words, the Understanding or Knowing is a "direct apprehension of being that which is known"; and, accordingly perfect (whole, complete, one and done) knowledge.

(6) To paraphrase Scripture, I see and know, not in part, or through a glass darkly (relatively or self-reflectively); but "face to face (or directly), even as I am known (in the same way "I know I am or exist").

(7) I completed a book (I am very fond of calling a "40 Year State of the Head Message) in 2006 entitled: "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses, the Object of Life is to Find Out Who I Am before Time Runs Out;" a book that pretty much arranged and formatted itself out of 40 years of creative expression; all of which attempted to cross-triangulate, with different mediums of expression, One and the Self-Same Absolute Truth: the Simple, Yet Utterly Profound, Truth of the Absolute Nature and Oneness of All-Conscious Being, Life or Existence.

(8) Obsessive compulsive to the core, at least with respect to this on-going 48 year Love Affair with Truth (though my dear wife of 48 years, Sandy, would say there are others such objects of deep affection and love, as well -- environmental oblivion and messiness being two predominate ones), at one-time the library of physical books fell somewhere between 3,000 to 4,000 books. Mostly kindles, I haven't counted, for the last 5 years. 

(9) I can speak about this most simple Truth, I have grown to know and dearly love "metaphysically, philosophically, theologically or psychologically (with even a bit of quantum physics thrown in). But apparently not in plain text (which the hay-ku haiku, as defined militarily below, attempts:

Smart-bombs to target
Deeply embedded patterns 
Of self-centered thought.

[Know I'm not supposed to mention God, here -- which, by the way, is a great constraint to the size of the audience you can get your message across to (says the Penn State '67 marketing guy) -- but here's a related one on Jesus I doubt any of your constituency will mind:

Jesus died to save
Us all from our delusion
Of self-existence.]

(10) As some love beautiful poetry, art or music, I have now come love seeing that self-same Truth reflected in Ever-Higher Self-Expression in, through and as the "ever-new, ever-fresh, ever-expanding Self-Perfection of the Enlightened.

(New 3 of 6)

P.S. Thank you, again..., for the new round of introspection you mid-wifed out of me.πŸ˜‰

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