Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Thinking)

Thinking causes one 
To burn mental moth holes in 
The present moment. 

Identified with 
A relative state of mind
Instead of being. 

Mental resistance
To your present state of mind 
Causes suffering. 

Clinging to the hell 
Of self-centered thinking, 
I Ask to stop burning. 

Thinking separates 
Me from the field of my own 
Conscious awareness. 

Man mistakes thinking 
For being and then fears the 
Loss of thought as death.

[Rich Note: Yes:  Here's something that came up in response to a FB friend saying "I feel you think too much" after I posted something big picture abstract.]

Of course I think to much...that's the way the body-mind organism is wired here.

But It's not really thinking in the traditional sense. It's actually heartfelt seeing and knowing that the mind translates in words with a certain degrees of learned skill and programming.

It's the same flow of consciousness that is needed to take an essay exam in college.  You preload the data bank before you get to the classroom, read the question and then just start writing, as there's no enough time to self-reflect and "think it on to the page."

Same is true for aerial refueling. Done well, is a gestalt-like thing where your actions are seamlessly integrated with the whole picture at once.  It's quite like driving a car where you're directly interfaced with the needed, moment to moment, eye-hand motor actions, subconsciously; and can motor-mouth about this or that at the same time. However, if you have to perform an analytical, cognitive action, like how much gas do we sneed to get, it is literally like taking you attention inside your head and, at lessen for a second or two, totally ignoring the road, the tanker and anything else that's going on around you; and gets you out of phase with any required reaction (or "behind the airplane and the power curv"e as they the flight instructors uses to say).

However, right after the 1978 epiphany and the flow of consciousness started-up like a River of Life, with a subsequent briefcase full of scrapes of paper with stuff written on it , 5,000 3x5 cards, twenty plus journals and endless computer file archives, I learned a very valuable lesson along the way. 

You see, I (and the mind) would be in the flow and at some point the mind would step outside and say something like, "wow, that's really neat" and the flow would come to a screeching halt. In other words, the train of thought would jump it's mental tracks the instant the mind did anything more then watch as a pure Witness or observer. Seems s
any cognitive function divide attention and what would otherwise be a holistic state of consciousness; and the automatically break the flow of consciousness.

Well, after trying to think myself back on the mental train track, any number of times by trying to remember my last thought, and only finding it only drove me further away, at some point the thought instruction came to: "Place your attention at the Center of your Heart, Be Still and Wait." This I did, and still do today when I writing or speaking about metaphysical matters. Rich and the mind that creates him is focused on the center of his chest and the Heart is actually does the talking.

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