Monday, May 2, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Opening Focus Ends All the Hocus Pocus - Part II)

Relaxing focus
Widens breadth of vision and
Extends focal length.

Opening focus
Expands breadth of vision and
Extends focal length.


Simply Relax in
To Being the Awareness
You Already Are.

Simply Relax in
To Being the Awareness
You Never Not Are.

[Rich Note: As Awareness, "What You Are (or I Am) or Are Not" all depends on "conscious focal-length, breadth of vision and associated frame of self (or No-Self) reference."]

(1) At a narrow focus or "I AM This or That," double-minded (or visioned) frame of self-reference, aperture or peep-holes: 

"I am" as "I think or imagine I am," as a "person in the world," who is "this or that."

(2) At a broader, "I AM," Single-Eye Focus, Frame of Divine Self-Reference, Aperture or Peep-Hole:

I AM the "Aware Presence of Being I Am," the "Awareness of Being I Am," or Formless, Non-Dual Consciousness.

(3) At an even more wide-open "I or I-I" focus, Trans-Divine Frame of Self-Reference, Aperture or Peep-Hole.

"I or I-I" is Awareness Aware of Being Awareness, in and of Itself (or as Sri Nisargadatta said: "I am that by which I know I am.").

(4) However, at a Wide-Open, Zero Focus or with Absolutely No-Frame of Self-Reference (and necessary radiant embodiment thereof) One is the Nameless Absolute (which is, necessarily, Absolutely Unaware of Itself as Being THAT).

[Rich Note: The "I AM This or That, I AM, I-I, Beyond I" is a Bentinho Massora "conceptual computation convention" [recognized here as an extrapolated variant of three Sri Nisargadatta macro principles: (1) "Consciousness is a bubble on the Absolute;"  (2) "You are a Ray of the Absolute"; and (3) You are a Dimensionless Point in Consciousness (the "caps" are mine)] that appears, here, to "put all the divine balls (from Alpha to Omega) in the right courts."]

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