Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (This 2016 Election: "It's About Freedom")

Re: "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." -- Thomas Jefferson November 29, 1802

"We the People" have 
A choice between "self-rule" and
"Government kingship."

Each new law Congress
Enacts is another "right
To choose" surrendered.

"More Government means
Less Freedom" is a stone cold
Fact seldom mentioned.


The "Constitution"
Intended Government to
Serve, not be served.

The "Constitution
Did not intend Government
To be "self-serving."


"The Land of the Free"
Won't stay that way if we don't
"Stand-up for Freedom."

"Defending freedom"
Means less and not more "cradle 
To grave government."

What "we pay" for the
Government's "free lunch" is "free
Choice" in what we eat.


Working for those who
Use Government to gain a
Competitive edge?

Serving those who use
The Government to gain a
Business advantage?


Trading Freedom for
Government "hand-outs" is a
Short sighted option.

Trading freedom for
Short-term "easy-street" leads to
Long-term "poverty."


America's freedom
Was "bought at a price" we should
Not take for granted.

America's freedom
Should not be "bought and sold" on
The floors of Congress.


Trading freedom for
Hand-outs is selling-out those
Who died for freedom.

The next thing those who
Offer "hand outs, hand out" is
Limits to Freedom.

Yoking ourselves to
More and more government is
Selling-out freedom.


"Government hand-outs"
Are "purchased at the cost" of
"American Freedom."

The "real cost" of a
"Pie in the sky" legislation
Is "Freedom Itself."


"Socialism" is a
Fear based appeal to the herd's
Survival instincts.

"Socialism dies"
When it runs out of "other
People's resources."

Candidates trying
To peddle socialism are 
Selling "old dead fish."

[Rich Note: I spent 8 hours yesterday with my good friend and brother, Dr. Stanley El, videoing another of the extremely insightful and patriotic "Making of America" seminars he periodical does for the "National Center for Constitutional Studies." A spirited event (attended by an Iranian expatriate, writer and poet in attendance, who likely appreciates American freedoms more than most Americans -- for obvious reasons), as you can see from today's outpouring. As Dr. Stanley's seminar served to rekindled my appreciation of the blessing living in the "land of the free and the home of the brave" truly is.  And, even more so, in light of this year's election and the way it so clearly high-lights the "true fork in the road, moment of truth, turning point" in America's history our choice of next President will represent.

Hopefully, seen in light of what's really at stake, "We the People," will see through all the "political smoke, mirrors and spin-doctoring" and stop succumbing to the petty concerns of personal self-interest.  And, in so doing, choose to honor, with our lives and with our votes, the "Principles of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" upon which this Nation was founded. And, in so doing, overcome any and all temptation to continue "our blind stampede" (like a spooked herd of cattle) down the "not so subtle socialistic path" on which we have been lead for the last 8 years -- a journey whose only clear result has been mind-blowing increases in the national debt and a potentially catastrophic erosion of Constitutionally guaranteed American Freedoms and Rights.

Needless to say, I am tired of this de facto surrendering of the same American Rights and Freedoms I, and fellow American's fought and died for to elected servants of "We the People" who arrogantly seem to believe and act as if "we need to be taken care of,"  because we don't have the innate good sense and backbone to "take care of ourselves."

As a closing aside, the beautiful thing about brother Dr. Stanley, as he never fails to mention during his patriotic seminars, is that in nowhere but America, at this point in her history, could a "person of color, such as he" be called on to remind us all of the Constitutional Principles that guarantee and defend America's Freedom from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.]

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