Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Natural Heart)

The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus of
Absolute Focus.

The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus of
Wide-Open Focus.

The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus of
All Conscious Focus.


The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus that
Originates Life.

The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus that
Witnesses Being.

The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus now
Witnesses Presence.


The Natural Heart
Is the Christ, the Soul, the 
Light of God I Am.

The Natural Heart
Is the Christ, the Soul, the 
Love of God I Am.

The Natural Heart
Is the Christ in You, as the
Child of God I Am.


The Natural Heart 
Is the Divine Awareness
Of Being I Am.

The Natural Heart 
Is the Heart of Awareness 
I Am and You Are.

The Natural Heart 
Is the Light of Awareness 
That Underlies All.

[Rich Note: These particular haiku were written to accompany the following essay (which I read in its entirety to the audience of Dr. Stanley El's Write Now Author's Showcase, last Thursday evening in Woodbury NJ), that appears in Sandy Jones' wonderful new book, "Barefoot at Heart":

Natural Heart

"There is a natural heart. There is this Child within us that knows the Truth. It lives and responds deeply and intuitively to Life. It is the soul of us. It is the pristine mind, pure and shining clear. It is a way of Living. It is who we are at the very core of our Self. It is both within us and transcendent. It is understanding what is and what is not, both at once. “With all thy getting, get understanding.” And from the Gospel of Thomas, “Know what is before your face, and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you. For nothing hidden will fail to be revealed!” 

"Everyone knows what this is. It is the authentic Self within us. The one who dares to stand alone and free. The one that is not beholden to false images of ridged ideas of perfection. This  is the confident Self that lives from the genuine, honest integrity of individual expression. The authority is within you. 

"There is no point in keeping this Light from shining in our world. Finding the Child is to uncover the one we are meant to express. We are born with this divine imprint. We can let it up and out, thus benefiting all concerned.

"This individual shines with the qualities and attributes of those everlasting and eternal verities — those traits of character that make for real beauty and light that is the true unspoiled heart of us. We are, each one of us, the Sons of God.

"And yes, this Child I am lives with abandon, not giving two hoots in hell what the political or religious ambassadors might think. 

"Heart and soul come together with the crystalline mind to form a triad of wholeness and power, like a holy trinity." 

"Here, I am dancing in the barroom of the universe. The cosmic rock band plays. We hear those marvelous melodies that turn us on, get us moving, light our fire. We harmonize. We move to the rhythm of the music bestowed to us by the Eternal Song Writer. 

"We become the artist, the poet, the music of this passionate body, full of enthusiasm and the warmth of understanding.

"Now we are full of life again, like a child, full of spontaneity, happiness, sincerity, humor and honesty.

"The real of us is adaptable and courageous. The nature of our true Self shines, playful with a love that is pure, it “thinketh no evil.” 

"We know we have the right to be ourself, unique, nonconforming expressions of the truth of this holy, cosmic universe that shines in this light of our minds, our eyes, our imaginings, our wonder and our love.

"When I let my heart open fully to Life, to the divine light that flows like a holy river, I am set free to move through this earth life clear-eyed, in full stride and unafraid. I am touched by a joy and freedom that lets me take life as I find it. I’m not trying to make life fit into a mold, a format, a slot. Not now, not any more. Now my soul is free and is living the pure joy, making it worth while for others as I make it worth while for myself.

"With this natural Self, I am living from the circumference of my being. I am living way out here beyond the fences. And yet, I am in the center, strong and steady as I found this Golden Point in the middle.

"It is our nature to be an artist all the time, being an artist of Living Beauty.

"We are serving the Supreme Artist by Living from this natural state of mind, from the Child, as our Self. These enduring values are intrinsic to the mind and heart of each of us, including simplicity, gentleness, candor, faith, optimism, affection, teachableness, inner flexibility, far-vision, sweetness, being tenderly caring, fun, full of laughter and helpful. These are some of the natural qualities that exist forever between Creator and Created." 

"As the Child I can live in such richness without the need to possess anything at all. This is real. What a divine love affair we are having, Universe and I. 

"To find this eternal beauty which exceeds time and finiteness, to live from the unbound fearless Soul, is to live again. 

"I need no more than this Love that has found me. Then it is my pleasure to give you my heart, give what I can, give to my world, give my Self to you. 

"Lovingly from your girl, always —"

Amazon Link to SJ's "Barefoot at Heart": ]

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