Saturday, September 5, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Heaven on Earth)

Re: "Maybe Heaven is already happening." -- Vern Hydeman

Heaven's Here and Now
Because it means Being in
The Presence of God.

If Heaven's Being
In God's Timeless Presence "It
Is with me always."

If Heaven's Being
In God's Presence then Heaven
Must Be Here and Now.

Heaven is Here and
Now as the Presence of God
Or Nowhere at All.

157. Worm Holes: In a very real way, "I," as a center of individualized awareness, as a soul, am very much like the "worm hole" (space-time warp between two or more dimensions) spoken of in the Star Trek adventure series. For I, as a potential "mental hole or warp" between the realm of Spirit and the realm of Flesh, (or Heaven and Earth as Dimensions in the "Awareness of Being or Knowledge I Am," as the Ultimate Witness and Substance or Sub-Stratum of All) can focus attention, narrow said focus to a particular point, and so make of myself a central contraction and self-reference in the Field of Awareness that I myself Am; and, so, block commerse (spiritual energy flow) between those primal dimensions. In this regard, I may be viewed as a gate (Re: "...lift up your heads, O ye gates...") or door keeper ("...even lift them up ye everlasting doors)..." or a "single-eye" (that allows my Divine Self-Embodiment to be Full of Light." Alternately, I might also be characterized as "a dimensionless mathematical point of being," where "spirit meets flesh (like the geometrical dimensionless point where the two-circles or delineated spaces of a figure 8 or infinity sign conjoin); and, thus, as the mid-point where heaven and earth touch, merge and unite  -- God's Divine Middle-Man or Mr. Divine Inbetween, as it were. 1992; updated 9-5-15

[Rich Note: A related link to Van Morrison's "Dweller on the Threshold," a singer and song I only discovered in the last 5-10 years or so: ]

Is it Possible
A "Soul is Hole" that Unites
Every Dimension?

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