I hold fast to the
Integral Nature of the
Awareness I Am.
I hold fast to the
Integrity of What I
Am as Awareness.
I hold fast to the
Absolute Still Point at the
Heart of Awareness.
I hold fast to the
Absolute Still Point Peace at
The Heart of All Life.
I hold fast to the
Absolute Focal point at
The Heart of Being.
I hold fast to the
Absolute Focal point at
The Center of All.
I hold fast to the
Central Focal point at the
Heart of All Seeing
I hold fast to the
Dimensionless Point at the
Heart of Awareness.
I hold fast to the
Absolute Still Point Center
Of Being I Am.
Standing Fast as an
Absolute Still Point Center
Of God's Awareness.
I hold fast to Christ
As the Central Still Point Peace
At the Heart of All.
I hold fast to the
Single Still Point Peace of Christ
As the Child I Am.
Attention Expands
To Embrace All Being when
It turns Inside-Out.
Attention Expands
To Embrace The Absolute
When turned Inside-Out.
Mind as a Central
Contraction in Awareness
Is Expandable.
Mind as Attention
Focused on its Source grows to
Embrace All Being.
Mind as a mental
Self-contraction fixed on Its
Source resurrects Christ.
Mind as a mental
Self-contraction fixed on Its
Source becomes Boundless.
[Rich Note: Steve Jourdain refers to an "Inner Gesture"-- as the key to Sustained or Stabilized Enlightenment (Re: Awakening, Illumination and/or God or Self Realization, call It what you will) -- that he doesn't specifically define other than to say at another point: "I hold fast to the integrity of who I am."
In this regard, it "feels-like" the Hay-Ku (as but a small sample) above come close to capturing (or at least pointing to) the "Spirit of that Inner Gesture" and the rather amazing implications so implied. Some cross-correlative support from some rather diverse sources follows.]
RE1: Related Scripture:
Matthew 6:22 KJV
"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."
Hosea 11:9 KJV
"...for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee..."
Psalm 46:10 KJV
"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."
Ephesians 2:14 KJV
"For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;"
Colossians 1:26-27 KJV
"Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: …"
Isaiah 40:31 KJV
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
RE2: "Duet of Two" - Ramesh Balskar
"Faith intuitively recognizes the ring of truth, and opens "the eye of the heart" to apperceive the Truth."
"Having started by saying that "You are -- 'I' am -- one pure Consciousness...the intension is clear: to stop the mind from objectifying, and return it to his true center...to return the mind to the source, the Consciousness..."
RE3: Chandogya Upanishad 8.1.2-3
"If someone says to you,
'In the fortified city of the imperishable,
our body, there is a lotus
and in this lotus is a tiny space:
what does it contain that one
should desire to know it?"
You must reply:
"As vast as this space without
is the tiny space within the heart:
heaven and earth are found in it,
fire and air, sun and moon,
lightening and the constellations,
whatever belongs to here below
and all that doesn't,
all this is gathered in that tiny space
within your heart."
(As it appears at the beginning of a book entitled: "Living in the Heart" by Drunvalo Melchizedek)
“A pinprick of “knowingness” has flashed against the background of my innate “not-knowingness”.
In it appear all the universes.”
"That's which makes you think you are human is not human. It is but a dimensionless point of consciousness, a conscious nothing."
"I have held the feet of Sat-guru, beyond that I don't know anything."
"YOU must do that, but you should understand the meaning of "feet of Sat-guru."
"Understand that, as movement begins with the feet, so movement begins from no-knowingness to knowingness. When the knowingness occurs, that is Sat-guru movement."
"Go to the source for that movement where the 'I Amness' begins."
"The effort of the one who has arrested that movement will not go to waste."
"Holding the feet of the sat-guru is the borderline between knowingness and no knowingness.
"Better stay put here at this point, in the Beingness. The primary quality of the Beingness is the sense of 'I-am-ness'".
-- Sri Nisargadatta
RE5: A Silent Mind - Rich
An Empty mind
Is also clear;
Without thought
There is no fear.
A quiet mind
Lives in Peace,
Makes the most
Of even least.
A Silent Mind has
No Bound,
Open and Still
Itself is Found.
A Growing Center
Of Awareness expands to
Embrace All Being.
I Am an expanding Center of Awareness in the process of becoming More Fully Aware of the Absolute Extent of Its own Being, from the inside-out.
RE6: Bill Samuel
"The one who makes no judgments, either good or bad, is never moved from the Tranquility and Peace which resides in the Heart at the very center of Being."
"Feeling that is not a balanced equanimity (tranquility) is not a legitimate sensation... It is a judgmentally produced liar, powerless to move immovable Tranquility (Identity) from its center."
"To silence the dinner bell, one goes to the table and eats. To have done with pain, one goes to the Identity he is."
"Contrary to popular belief, power is not the ability to do something. It is the ability of the Identity to continue being what it is—undisturbable Tranquility, the Center of Being, the Awareness of Deity."
"I take the Divine Awareness of God to Be my Identity."
RE7: The 'I AM' Religious Activity
"I Live at the Heart
Of the Violet Flame, there' I
AM' and I Remain."
"O Blessed Flame of
Divine Love 'I AM' Thy Pure
Presence Forever.
"I AM' the Fiery Heart of the Violet Consuming Flame in Cosmic Action controlling all forever."
"I AM' come within the Heart of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame of a thousand suns and there I Am sealed forever."
"Beloved mighty 'I AM' Presence, take charge of my Attention, anchor it in the Heart of Thy Light and keep it there Eternally."
I AM' Christ, God in Action, the Light of God that never fails, in the fullness of Its Eternal Victory and Dominion."
(Note: "The Violet Consuming Flame is the Forgiving Mercy of Love's Immortal Purity.")
RE7: Bill Hicks
"Good evening Brothers and Sisters, Friends and Neighbors, vibrations in the Mind of the One True God, Whose Name is Love."
[Rich: The following edited opening to "Alpha to Omega: A Fairy Tale of Cosmic Proportions" (a Genesis Story) offers a bit more metaphoric (and Westernized) correlative to Sri Nizargadatta's "Nector of the Lord's Feet/Sat-guru" conceptual imagery above:
"Once upon a time...
"Before the beginning there was an 'Absolute Stateless-State' of Infinite Potential to Be Any and All Things, in All Time and Space.'
"In the Beginning, a 'Primal Vibration' arose (as a Divine Actualizing Principle, Catalyst or Movement) in the 'Self-Existent, Infinite, Eternal, Still, Silent, Absolute Singularity.' From that 'First, All-Originating, Cosmic Vibration" a 'Zero-One' Duality (or Self-Mirroring Effect) of 'Stillness and Motion, Silence and Sound, Awareness and Presence' arose; and, in so doing, actualized a latent innate Infinite Potential for "Pure Self-Reflection and attendant Knowledge of All Being” (in and of Itself).
"In the process, the Absolute Field -- Now Manifest as 'Pure, Still, Silent Awareness,' gazes into the "Original Face" of Its Own Actualized, Vibratory Potential to Manifest as a Pure, Singular, Undifferentiated, All-Encompassing, Universal State of Vibratory Being -- becomes Fully Self-Known (or Aware of Itself as THAT -- as 'All There Is, Was or Ever Can Be').
"Simultaneously, 'I AM' [the First (and Only Begotten) Person Singular of the Present Tense to Be] is 'Felt, Seen, Thought, Spoken, Envisioned or Imagined' into Relative, Vibratory Being; as Divine Emanation of Absolute Self-Expression.
"In that Self-Same, Single, Everlasting Cosmic Instant of NOW, with the "Biggest Orgasmic Bang" imaginable, the Absolute's Infinite Potential to Be Actualizes through the 'Self-Witnessing, Dimensionless Still Point' (or Single Eye) of that Pure Awareness of Being 'I AM'-- a Single Divine 'Eye/I' observing through "all eyes" as the 'Central Originating, Observing, Orienting, Organizing Principle or Governing Intelligence' of All, as an Ever and Everywhere Present Point of Absolute Self-Reference and Awareness..."
"...and lives Happily Ever After!"]
[Rich Note: These are the first in a series of additional, cross-correlative quotes from a book entitled: "Resurrecting Jesus" -- an Enlightened (and Enlightening), Interpretive Revitalization of the "Jesus Story" by Adyashanti -- that complement those that originally accompany the "Inner Gesture" Hay-Ku of the Day.]
"...in the Jesus story, it’s as if the still point that the image of the Buddha evokes within us becomes a very dynamic engagement with life...
"...Ultimately, there’s a triumph through meeting the tragic elements of life. From one perspective, the entire Jesus story reads like a Greek tragedy, but the beauty of the story is in how it reveals that sense of eternity, that still point in the midst of difficulty, that divinity shining through the latticework of time and space..."
[Rich Note: Here's an additional link to "Resurrecting Jesus" on Amazon:
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_18?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=resurrecting+jesus&sprefix=Resurrecting+Jesus%2Caps%2C176 ]
[Rich Note: Two more "Inner Gesture," cross-correlating quotes from the audio and print versions of Adyashanti's "Resurrecting Jesus":
"The whole Jesus story is the story of embodied Spirit, of embodied Enlightenment (Enlightenment is dropped in the book). What it means and what it looks like to embody it and to act from it and to act on it (divine being) ..."
"...Peter's not a bad man, he's not evil (evil is dropped in the book), he's not malicious. If anything, he's extraordinarily well-intentioned. He just still hasn't found that inner point of stillness (the Kingdom within himself) yet and so at the critical moments he's not quite yet capable of acting from that Truth in a fearless way..."]
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