Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hay-Ku (A Last Salute)

A parting salute
To an American Hero/Legend:
CPO Chris Kyle.

[Rich Note:  Felt the following response to a friend's comment on 'American Sniper' deserved "front page" billing:

re: "Wow just saw 'American Sniper,' so well done...what a soldier, what a tough job."

"It's tough to live with once you 'get back to the world,' as the Vietnam guys used to call it, Ray.  

"Took me about 10 plus years to get over it; and that with flying being a lot less personal -- quietly literally, due to the physical, mental and emotional distance involved.  An awful lot don't survive the PTDS even if they do survive the war.

"In my particular case, a DFC awarded for a TIC action that resulted in 150 KBA in support of trapped American and friendly troops south of DaNang AB, documented a reality that could only be internally suppressed for so long. Providentially, the mental and emotional books balance by themselves around 1980.

"In any event, Ray, I feel it is very healthy for folks without military and/or combat experience -- regardless of any particular political persuasion -- to see an un-glamorized, honest and raw depiction of the supreme self-sacrifice some folks were willing to make to build this country -- a sacrifice many of our younger folks are still willing to make, even as we speak. 

"God Bless them all for their service and the freedom we all enjoy and might otherwise lose!"

Rich Hay, Major, USAF (Retired) ]

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