Friday, December 19, 2014

Haiku of the Day (The Animating Principle)

Life's Animating
Principle is the Divine
Awareness I Am.

"This Awareness of
Being I Am" is "the Way,
The Truth and the Life."


Divine Awareness
Breaths Life into Being through
Focused Attention.

The "Animating
Principle or Life Force" is
Focused Attention.


Quantum Awareness
Focused on particulars 
Breaths Life into them.

Conscious attention
Is a Contracted State of
Quantum Awareness. 

Conscious Attention
Collapses the Wave Function
Of Pure Awareness.


The mental objects
I pay attention to are
Thereby enlivened.

I make real in my
Imagination what I
Pay attention to.

I energize in 
My mind whatever I fix
My attention on.


Focusing on what
I fear is manifesting
What I do not want.

Turning attention
Away from personal fear
"Pulls the Plug" on it.

"The Stoic philosophers identified the term (Logos or Word) with the divine animating principle pervading the Universe." Wikipedia 

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God (the Father, Absolute or Un-Manifest), and the Word was God” (the Son/Child, Relative or Manifest)  [John 1:1].

"In the beginning was the unconditioned awareness of being, and the unconditioned awareness of being became conditioned by imagining itself to be something, and the unconditioned awareness of being became that which it had imagined itself to be; so did creation begin." Neville Goddard

"Your nature is awareness, which uses the mind for the purpose of promoting survival. Once you start seeing this clearly, you’ll allow the mind to do what it does and not identify with it. This is how you awaken to your true nature. You don’t do anything to accomplish awakening, but simply ALLOW yourself to see what is real and lasting – which is awareness (your Presence)." Burt Harding

"One may say that at this moment consciousness seems to be filled with problems. But the believing that this is so merely gives authority to the seeming. We do not deny the seeming, we leave it, we let it alone and the power goes out of it. If the bird appears to eat a cricket, so what? Isness still Is, Perfection is still Perfect, All is still All, this Identity being us is still God’s Self Identification and nothing we say or believe, or do not say, or fail to understand, an alter this Fact one iota."  Bill Samuel

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