Friday, November 28, 2014

Haiku of the Day (Speaking the Truth in Love)

Hay-Ku of the Day (Speaking the Truth in Love)

Speak the Truth in Love
And Grow up into Him in All
Things, which is the Christ.

"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:" Ephesians 4:15-16 KJV


All Things I Am, can
Do and Be through Christ the Truth
Now Living in me.

"All things I am,
Can do and be,
Through Christ 
the Truth
That Lives in me."

-- James Dillet Freeman

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13-14 KJV

[Rich Note: Here's full version of that Joel Goldsmith closing to "Practicing the Presence" that's has stuck with me for 30 years (but wouldn't fit as a comment under the previous post).]

"The Babe of Christ"

"You can rise no higher in consciousness than to that place where the spiritual Presence enters the heart, and you realize it has happened the Presence is within you. A new dimension has entered your heart when you entertain the Presence, but I must say to you that it is your responsibility to nurture it. That Is the only way to be sure that you will not lose what you have gained. What You have gained is only a Babe; you must let it develop into full Christhood: Many times a day turn your thought as if in the direction of your heart—not because your physical heart has anything to do with your spiritual demonstration, but because the heart is symbolic of love. Thinking of the heart as a symbol of love, as a symbol of the resting place of the Christ within you, turn your thought several times each day to that heart in recognition that the Babe is enthroned there, that the Christ has entered, and that It lives with you. It is you who must keep the Babe from wandering out of your heart and getting lost. It is there, but I say to you that it is a Babe: You must watch It; you must nurse It; you must acknowledge It, love It. Watch It grow as you learn the ways of loving God and of loving man. No Improvement has ever been discovered, no alteration has ever been made in the two great commandments, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind . . . and . . . Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

"No longer plead with God for things; let this Babe do all that for you. It will not have to plead: It will experience Itself as the added things. Do not look to God for favors and do not look to God for strange powers to do things for you. Turn your gaze now to the place where you have already felt that gentle Presence. Smile at It. Secretly and sacredly know that It is there and that It Is fulfilling Its function and is about the Father's business. This Babe is given unto you to restore the lost years of the locusts and to return you to the Father's House and to your conscious union with God.

"It is the function of this Babe to reveal that you are living in the midst of Eden where you will always be tempted with only one temptation: There is only one evil in the Garden of Eden, only one sin, the belief in the power of good and evil.You, sitting back inside your own temple, must be able to look at that tree of the knowledge of good and evil at all times and resist the temptation to believe in it. You, yourself, must be able to say: 

"Beautiful as you look, or horrible as you look, I now know there is no truth in you.There is no power for good or for evil in any form, that is, in any person, place, thing, circumstance, or condition. God in the midst of me is the only good, the only power, and the only presence. The only evil there is, is the belief in a selfhood or a condition separate and apart from God.

"Even when you have overcome for yourself every form in which this one temptation may appear, the problems of the world will tempt you: storms at sea, disaster, war, poverty, and disease; but whatever the temptation, it will always be the one great temptation to accept two powers. This is when you must turn to the Christ within:

"The Christ within me is my assurance that only It has the power the Son of God, the Spirit of God in me. It will never leave me nor forsake me as long as I realize and recognize It and as long as I live the life It tells me to live. I look to It For guidance; I look to It for wisdom. Whenever a question is presented to my mind, I look down toward my heart, and the answer comes forth in whatever form is necessary. 

"Oh, do not be too literal about this. Sometimes this Presence will seem to be looking at you from over your shoulder or sitting right on your shoulder; sometimes It will appear as a face in front of you, sometimes smiling, but always reassuring. Keep It alive. 

"The presence of this Christ, gentle and small as It may be, is the substance of every experience that you will have on the outer plane. Seek neither health, nor wealth, nor fame, nor fortune. Seek first the realization of this inner kingdom and be a beholder as these outer things are added unto your experience. Do not hesitate to turn to It for revelation. Why should not revelation be given to you as well as to others who have lived before alteration has ever been made in the you?  "God is no respecter of persons."Gautama was only the Buddha because he worked for twenty-one years to receive illumination; Jesus was only the Christ because he gave himself to the world; and you will be whatever degree of love there is in you for God and for your neighbor. You will be whatever you permit yourself to be, but only by acknowledging that you, yourself, can never be anything; it is this gentle Presence that you have felt that is to carry you throughout your days back into conscious union with God.

"You know what the goal of life is to be reunited with the Father, to be consciously one with God. You know the way, the prayer of inner contemplation and meditation, the recognition of the Christ, the love of God, and the love of man. Now carry this message in your mind where you will always remember the principles; and in your heart, dwell upon the gift which has been given you, delivered to you from the Father the gift of the realized Presence within you. Bless It always that It may increase.

"FINI. "                 -- Joel Goldsmith

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