Monday, September 29, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Master Mind)

"Resting in the Source
Of the next thought" is how
To "master your mind."

"Resting in the Source
Of the next thought" is how
To "de-clutch" the mind.

"Resting in the Source
Of the next thought" is how
To end "self-bondage."

"Resting in the Source
Of the next thought" is an
Effortless "Way Out."

This Awareness of
Being I Am is the Source
Of Everything Else.


"Resting in the Source
Of the Next thought" is how
To "Be What You Are."

"Resting in the Source
Of the next thought" is to
"Be All You Can Be."

"Rest in the Source of
The Next Thought" and "Allow Things
To Be As They Are."

(Jac O'Keeffe Amplified Reprise)

[Rich Note: Here's a related arrangement of favorite Jac O'Keeffe ( Pointers:

"The freedom you look for is where you look from." 

"Rest at the source of the next thought. That’s all."

"In any moment, you are either observing effortlessly or you are believing your thoughts."

"As long as the 'I' is looking for peace, there will be no peace."

"Suffering is an idea that there is an 'I' that doesn't like what is happening."

"The problem is not with the mind, it is the personal identification with thoughts that creates suffering."

"Let your attention be on what is taking place, not on how you fear it may impact you."

"Nothing is actually happening to you unless you want to believe it is."

"Deep stillness always rests under an agitated mind."

"Something underneath is taking care of all, is taking care of what you really are."

"Your true nature is causeless and living causeless happiness is your natural state of being."

"To abide in your natural state requires no movement or doing on your part."

Sit still, be quiet, and don't engage with any thoughts that come, just let them pass without your interest. 

Be that which sees what is seeing. Do not be the watcher. You are That which sees that which is watching

"Let your mind be focused inward. Let your attention rest calmly in its natural state."]

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