Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Twitter, Blogspot and Facebook Archive 5

[Rich Note: Comment related to preoccupation with Noah movie inaccuracies.]

Great Point, Vern!

Here's my 2 cents:

Re: "So Hollywood does a story about Noah...and rather than using the opportunity, most the faithful are busy bitching about accuracy..."

"Worshipping Words" as
"Graven Mental Images"
Is "Missing the Point."

Seems, here, that taking issue with inaccuracies in a "Divine Story" -- whether literally true, allegorical, metaphoric or mythological, it matters not which -- that only serves to point to the "Absolute and Eternal Nature of Being Itself" (as a particular Self-Expression of that Self-Same, Ultimately Unspeakable and Unknowable Nature) really is "missing the point."

[Rich Note: The General Semantic folks pointed out many years ago "the word is not the thing" (it represents) and never can be more than a "finger pointing to the moon" (and, as such, should never be mistaken for the moon itself).]


  1. Speaking of Jesus:

    Jesus died to save
    Us all from our delusion
    Of self-existence.*

    Jesus died to wake
    Us from our dream of Being
    Separate from God.

    Re:"...Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light…" Ephesians 5:13-14 KJV

    [*Rich Note: Self-existence = *Belief in Being a person separate from an Absolute God."]

  2. Re: "Jesus uses everything..."

    Yes, from God the Father's Absolute (or Single-Eyed) Point of View, even that which we "double-minded sleepers" see as Bad is Ultimately Good!

    Re: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; …" 2 Corinthians 4:16-17 KJV

  3. Jesus died to wake
    Me from my dream of Being
    Other than I Am.

  4. C: "Exactly Who do we think we are?"

    R: And beyond that...who or what are we when we are not thinking at all?

    Re: "The Sun Seeking Light"
    Joshua BenAvides

    All you see is words!
    Strip the world
    of its labels.
    Strip the body
    Of identification.
    Strip the mind
    Of belief.
    What do you see now?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A Wave that accepts
    It's Oceanic Nature
    Has to pass away.

    A Wave that accepts
    It's Oceanic Nature
    Must die to Itself.

    Waves that accept their
    Oceanic Nature must
    First Die to Themselves.

  7. Played Relatively
    Life is a Zero Sum Game
    Everyone Loses.

    Lived Absolutely
    Life is a "Win-Win Game" with
    Out Any Losers.

  8. To see as God sees
    I must stop looking through a
    Mental glass darkly.

    "In the mind there are problems, and you look at reality through the mind. Thus, the reality becomes problematic." Sri Rajneesh "The Book of Secrets"

  9. Awareness is the
    Absolute Ground at the Heart of
    All Conscious Being.

    Awareness is the
    The Alpha Omega Ground
    Of All Existence.

    "I AM" the WORD that
    Was in the Beginning that
    Was With and Is God.

    "I AM" the WORD that
    Is the ALPHA OMEGA

    "I AM" the WORD that
    Is the ALPHA OMEGA

    "I AM" as the Pure
    Aware Presence of Being
    Is God in the Flesh.

    "I AM" the WORD that
    Is the ALPHA OMEGA
    Witnessing Presence.

    The Absolute Self
    Witnessing Presence of All
    As This Awareness.

  10. [Rich Note: Dear long-time Friend and one time next door neighbor in our military days, Connie Schaeffer's recent resurrection of an old hay-ku (or hay-coo as she kindly and accurately anoints them) called to mind the following overflow endorsement of an Aussie "Enlightened No One" who first "coined the coo connection" in the closing endorsement to "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses" (OOMM) that ends that "40 Year State of the Head Message".]

    "Richard’s Haiku’s are as little Blossoms on the Tree of Life. From the One source they arise, expressed through one man’s later life.

    Ah! Autumn years see
    Syllables expressed in
    Form: a Haiku. Ah!

    Silly syllables
    What wisdom lies hid in the
    Words: a Senryn. Ah!

    His deft use of few words, in Haiku’s
    Will delight all who this book peruse;
    For they speak of the One
    Who, when all’s said and done,
    It is by, through, and for Him. . . . that Hay coos.

    Echoes praising God through his own voice.

    Reading them, One smiles in remembrance.

    The following selection says it all. Read the book for the simple joy of it.

    Pure awareness wed
    To limitless sensation
    Gives birth to being.

    “I am that by which
    I know I am” conscious of
    Present existence.

    For man to know God
    It must really be God who
    Knows Himself in man.

    Though reflected in
    The circumstance, God is
    Found at the center.

    Michael Haynes, Car Manufacturing Manager,Melbourne, Australia

  11. [Rich Note: Response to the following Twit:

    Re: "What place has authority in relationships?" J. Krishnamurti

    In any form is without
    Real Authority.

    The One and Only
    Absolute Authority

  12. Self-referential
    Thinking limits Infinite
    Potential to Be.

    Thought limits your Absolute
    Potential to Be.

  13. Re: "'I am.' When you have all the power,
    You don't need all the words." Bob Goff

    Reminds me of "Sailor Bob" who "Points" to the Truth by saying:

    "I Am, Full Stop" (which is British for 'period')!

    And Sri Nisargadatta's:

    "All I can truly say is: 'I Am', all else is inference."


  14. [Rich Note: Playing with Steven Wolinski's "Rays if the Absolute," Sri Nisargadatta tribute this morning]:

    "I take my stand in the original state where I was not aware I Am." SN

    "That which makes you think that you are human is not human, it is but a dimensionless point of consciousness, a conscious nothing." Sri Nisargadatta (The Void)

    The Absolute is without the Idea of
    "I Am, Beingness or Presence..." SN

    "We are all Rays of the Absolute." SN (Verse 5: The Shift)

    "I Am The Absolute, The Absolute I Am."

    "The Consciousness, Emptiness, Void, Supreme Witness (Awareness), are All Rays of the (Nameless) Absolute, the One and Only Absolute." SW

    Awake to Being
    The Supreme Witness as the
    Father's Awareness.

    The Supreme Witness
    Awareness of the Nameless
    Absolute I Am.

    I Am the "Supreme
    Witness-Awareness" of the
    Nameless Absolute.

    Awake to Being
    The Supreme Witness as this
    Awareness Itself.

    Awake to Being
    The Supreme Witness as the
    Divine Awareness.

    Awake to Being
    The Supreme Witness as this
    Present Awareness.

    Awake to Being
    The Supreme Witness as the
    Awareness I Am.

    Awake to Being
    The Supreme Witness as the
    Awareness of All.

    Awake to Being
    The Supreme Witness as the
    Awareness of God.

    Awake to Being
    The Supreme Witnessing of
    Divine Awareness.

    I Am the Supreme
    Witnessing Presence of the
    Nameless Absolute.

  15. I Am Being the
    Self Radiant Presence of
    Divine Awareness.

    This Awareness of
    Being I Am is the Christ
    Of God within All.

  16. "Reality does not need
    Or Imagination
    To be.
    Reality Is
    What Is
    Your thoughts
    about it.

    Joshua Benavides,
    From "The Sun Seeking Light"

  17. A Perfectly Still
    Background is needed to Know
    Relative motion.

    The Apprehension
    Of Motion Requires a Still
    Frame of Reference.

    I Am the Stillness
    That enables motion to
    Be Experienced.

  18. "...the Union of "Compassion and Wisdom..." is the reconciliation of "Head and Heart, Chit and Ananda, Light and Love, Seeing and Being.

  19. Without a horse in
    The race whatever happens
    Is perfectly fine.

  20. Re: "Why - Why can I not be creative when I actually need to be."

    You can only "Be Truly Creative" when "You Are Self-Forgotten" (Re: not thinking about yourself or "your needing to be" creative.)

    PS: More pragmatically, Matt, place your attention on your Heart (the center of your chest), Be Still, Wait in Faith and the Natural Flow of Divine Creativity will return with "your needing to be creative" out of the way.
