Friday, January 24, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (All God, All Good)

The What:

"There is Nothing but
God in the World and Nothing
But Good Happening."

The Why:

If God is "All in 
All" Life is Absolutely
Perfect "As It Is."

It Is All Good by
Virtue of Being One with
An Absolute Whole.

The How:

Seeing the Good in
All Restores the Single Eye
That Sees Only God.

The "Beatific
Vision" can only Be Seen
With a Single Eye.


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  2. [Rich Note: "The What, the Why and the How" (the Where and When are Here and Now) haiku is a sequence inspired by a classic metaphysical declaration (Re: "There is nothing but God going on and nothing but God happening.") of Absolute Truth, as it appears in "The Child Within Us Lives," Part 2, Related Paper 38, "The Lady in the Laundromat"; which will be presented in subsequent comments).]


    Years ago, in a hot, steamy little southern town, I was doing my laundry in the town's only laundromat. It was a dilapidated little place with puddles of muddy water on a cluttered sandy floor, and rickety machines making an ungodly clatter. In those days it cost fifteen cents a load for the washing machine and a nickel to use the dryer. I had just gotten my laundry underway when a country lady came in with a huge bundle of dirty clothes. She was dripping with perspirations, clearly very tired and very pregnant. She was accompanied by an obstreperous little boy tugging at her, yelling like a banshee and running off in all directions at once.

    What a sight: There I was, silently declaring, “there is nothing but God going on in the world. There is nothing but good happening.” And then that lady walked in with her uncontrollable, loud-mouthed little boy. Ah so. I remember watching the mother carefully pinch open her coin purse and make her calculations ever so carefully before she began her clothes. Clearly she didn't have many nickels and dimes. She didn't have many pennies either.

    The little boy was into everything, yelling and shouting over the noise of the clattering machines. I was sitting there observing, trying to see something good about that busy ragamuffin full of noise who didn't seem a bit bothered by the devastating heat of an Alabama afternoon. Every few minutes the very pregnant mother shouted at the top of her voice,“Quit that!” or “Behave yourself!” But the boy heeded nothing. The mother was terribly uncomfortable, clearly at her wits end. I sweated and observed and “knew the truth,” as the old saying goes, insisting that God was in charge of this scene, too...(continued)


    Well, my clothes were about finished, and the lady had just put her tub of clean wet clothes into the basket to move them to the dryer, when the little boy, still yelling and dashing everywhere, ran into her basket and dumper her clothes onto the muddy floor. Dismay and rage overtook her instantly. “Come here!” she screamed hysterically.

    The boy ran to me instead of his mother and grabbed the leg of my pants. “Come here!” the distraught mother screamed again, and the little boy knew he was damned if if did and damned if he didn't. Very slowly he started her way and very quickly she lunged at him, grabbed him and began beating him unmercifully.

    I am a soldier and have seen people kill one another. I know uncontrolled and senseless anger when I see it. The mother was clearly out of control. What was I actually looking at, if, as all the holy books say in one way or another, God is all in all and there is nothing happening but God? What did I see? Illusion? Mesmerism?

    Immediately I asked within and the answer arrived instantly, just as it did when I watched the man stealing the chewing gum. What did I see? The delineation of patience and love! Negatively appearing, surely, but the negatives are “not real” and the positives they delineate are “real.” So I saw the delineation of the very opposite of the appearance. What else, if God really is “all in all”? Either God is all, even the present picture a part of that allness, or else God doesn't exist and we can end our search...(continued)


    “Thank you for making love and patience plain!” I shouted over the yelling, the pounding and the screams. “Thank you for making love and patience plain!” I yelled again. Well, now. Even the machinery had stopped before the echoes of my shout were gone. It was as if I had shaken the lady or hit her. She stood looking at me with surprise and relief in her eyes—even joy. The boy's nose was running, his eyes full of tears, but he stood there looking at me, then his mother—and his nose stopped bleeding right before my eyes.

    What had I done? I had called the scene by its new name. We must eventually learn to make the turn around without that constant sop, “Unreal. Matter. Illusion. Dream. Mortal mind.” The “turn around” is an absolutely necessary part of the “repentance” the holy books tell of. Disclaiming the reality of something doesn't make the turn around, but the turn around is necessary. To do such a thing is a very powerful exercise in this world of plastic imagery. You may wish to try it, but expect to be surprised at the power of it. Yes, you must try it.

    A short time later as I sat in the little cafe up the street, jotting down my memories of the event before the sights and sounds and revelations could be forgotten, the mother and the little boy walked in, a look of pure love in their eyes. She stood tremulously beside a table, peering once more into her coin purse, emptying its contents onto the table. She found a nickel and enough pennies to order a piece of homemade cake and a scoop of chocolate ice cream. We watched the boy eat it as if he'd never had such a wonderful day in his life.

    Looking for the good in a situation allows us to call it by its right name. Dear readers, do you know what a marvel lies hidden in these words, a marvel that you can put to the test and see for yourself before this day is over?"

  6. Ahoy there Rich!

    Thank you so much for your scrumptious sharing and being a wonderful glittering sparkle of lovelight. A love-ly reflection and much needed! William came into my life last June unexpectedly last June! Thank you lovely William and Angel Han L love you!! *smiles* the old man has been bellowing loudly and very uncomfortable. What a wonderful blessing and confirmation when I found you and Sassy Sandy! Am in touch with Sandy pure child!1 lol Loved your youtube glimmers, was down bot not out and your vids were pure sparkling refreshing living waters, a cooling balm and much needed reflection of the child IAM! I'd like to climb aboard the little red wagon please jus need lots of reminders and encoragement and your hay=ku do exactly that. Would love to share with you best email is I realised , a very slow dawning that i was trying to be the Child insted of just being, not fully clicked IAM the CHILDHEART!! But most certainly believe in her and she's 7, your chats about the no 7 and ite meaning were a much needed confirmation helped me to breathe again!! With a heartful of gratitude appreciation and sparkling lovelight I thank you muchly! *smiles* I look forward to hearing from you sweet singing childheart! God bless you! xxx

  7. Ahoy there Rich!

    Thank you so much for your scrumptious sharing and being a wonderful glittering sparkle of lovelight. A love-ly reflection and much needed! William came into my life last June unexpectedly last June! Thank you lovely William and Angel Han L love you!! *smiles* the old man has been bellowing loudly and very uncomfortable. What a wonderful blessing and confirmation when I found you and Sassy Sandy! Am in touch with Sandy pure child!1 lol Loved your youtube glimmers, was down bot not out and your vids were pure sparkling refreshing living waters, a cooling balm and much needed reflection of the child IAM! I'd like to climb aboard the little red wagon please jus need lots of reminders and encoragement and your hay=ku do exactly that. Would love to share with you best email is I realised , a very slow dawning that i was trying to be the Child insted of just being, not fully clicked IAM the CHILDHEART!! But most certainly believe in her and she's 7, your chats about the no 7 and ite meaning were a much needed confirmation helped me to breathe again!! With a heartful of gratitude appreciation and sparkling lovelight I thank you muchly! *smiles* I look forward to hearing from you sweet singing childheart! God bless you! xxx

  8. Hi Rich

    just realised posted same message twice! Am new to blogging!! LOL

    just came to me, the two that are ONE! Childheart Encore with the 2nd
    blog, she's singing tweet tweet tweet finding my wings ready to fly fly HOME! Sing sign beloved childheart may I hear you loud and clear! *smiles*
