Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Twitter, Blogspot and Facebook Comment Archives 3

11-26-13 Selections

Objects of Love and
Fear are both Guaranteed to
Get Our Attention.

Paying Attention
To Being Awareness pays
Divine Dividends.

Empty of a "myself
As I think" I Am Full of
"Myself as I AM."

Instead of Being
The Storyteller become
The Story's Witness.

The Story of God
Is more Self-Fulfilling than
The Story of Me.

Mental Stillness is
The Only Way to Restore
The Natural State.

Being Mentally
Still restores Awareness to
Its Edenic State.

The Animating
Principle of Existence
Is This Awareness.

Mentally estranged
From the Absolute Nature
Of Self-Awareness.

Whatever makes You
Pay Attention to "What Is"
Expands Awareness.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Two Voices Speaking
    From a Single Heart Reveal
    Their Absolute Source.

  3. That I Am is Not
    Disputable; What I Am
    Is Not Knowable.

  4. The Welfare of All
    Is My Own if I Am One
    With the Absolute.

    Being other than
    One with the Absolute is
    A Non-Sequitur.

    Arguing there is
    No Absolute Nature of
    Being is Nonsense.

    As Up Implies Down
    So does Relativity
    Imply Absolute.


  5. Knowing I Am This
    Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,
    Changes Everything.

  6. "Who is doing what
    I do" if the "Father in
    Jesus" did the Work?

    "... the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." John 14:10

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "Bad Stuff" that wakes us
    Up to "Being Awareness"
    Serves "Absolute Good."

    "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 KJV

  9. [Rich Note: Response related to a Facebook question about what is experienced during meditation.]

    "No One" Awakes to
    Being Awareness Itself
    Prior to Conception.

    "No One" Awakes to
    Being Present Awareness
    Prior to Conception.

    "No One" Awakes to
    Being Awareness prior to
    Carnal Conception.

    "No One" Awakes to
    Being Awareness prior to
    Egocentric thought.

    "No Mind" refers to
    A cessation of "minding"
    Particular things.

    "No Mind" refers to
    A cessation of "minding"
    Relative matters.

    "No Mind" refers to
    A cessation of "minding"
    Conceptual things.

    PS: Anything that can be said is an abstraction of a Direct Apprehension of Being; the more accurate (Ideal or Perfect) a particular abstraction is, however, the more likely it is to evoke a Direct, Heartfelt, Experiential Recollection of Actually Being the Unspeakable,"Ineffable Isness or Suchness" (that is noticing these abstract words Right Here, Right Now) that your question points to as the Common Ground of All, Sean.


  10. For those unable to download SJ's reading of the "Child Within Us Lives" (a demand overload crashed the site) here's the link again:


  11. "Noticing" slows down
    The mental shell game and lets
    One See: "There's No Pea!"

  12. Being the Presence
    Of the Father's Awareness
    As the Child I Am.

    Being Awareness
    Prior to Carnal Conception
    As the Child I Am.

  13. The Truth Is I Am
    One with the Father of All
    As This Awareness.

    The Truth Is I Am
    One with the Absolute as
    Awareness Itself.

  14. God is Present as
    The Awareness of Being
    I Am and You Are.

  15. Noticing "What Is"
    Instead of "What I Think Is"
    Changes Everything.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. The Truth Is I Am
    Nothing that's Conceivable
    Or Perceivable.

    Not Conceivable
    Or Perceivable as the
    Awareness I Am

    (Sri Nisargadatta a Inspired.)

  18. If "God Is All" then
    There is "Good in All" for those
    With "Eyes to See It."

  19. The Only Way to
    Know Myself as I Am is
    Simply Being That!

    Re 1: "The only way to realize your true self is by being." Graham Ellis

    Re 2: "The only way there is to be there." Bill Samuel

  20. Graham Ellis' "Read Me: Simple Self-Realization" (best 99 cents I ever spent).


  21. Amazon Review of Graham Ellis'
    "Read Me: Simple Self-Realization."

    "Graham has caught 'Lightning in a Jar' with this one. A 'simple, straight-forward, down to earth' exposition of 'Truth in Super Strength, Easy to Swallow, Capsule Form.' They said It couldn't be done (Re: 'Figure the Figureless'), but Graham has gotten more than close enough for everyone -- seeker, sage, sinner or saint!

    "Rich Hay -- author of 'Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses, The Object of Life Is to Find Out Who I Am Before Time Runs Out.'

    "P.S. Graham's book is a perfect 'clear text, expanded explanation' of the seed truth pointed to in the following 'Hay-Ku Haiku':

    Truth is "Dirt Simple!" --
    The mind complicates It
    To "Keep Its Day Job."

  22. Always Already
    Awake while imagining
    I Am fast asleep.

  23. I laugh when dogs bark
    At self-reflections but not
    When I do the same.
