Saturday, July 13, 2013

Twitter, Facebook and Non-Blogspot Comments (Archive 1)


"Each moment contains a hundred messages from God,
To every cry of "Oh, Lord," God answers a  hundred times,
"I am here."    RUMI

[Rich Note: Subsequent entries will be logged as comments.)


  1. Divine Humility is "Taking No Thought" (at all); and, as such, ceasing to judge Reality (Divine Being or God) by self-referential standards.

  2. Sounds like the "Bruce Almighty" thing, Pat -- "Everyone Wins, but Very Little (due to the "Global Zero-Sum Game" we constrain ourselves to play).

    [Rich Note: Pat had won $4 on a Power Ball Ticket.]

  3. Response to a photo from son Aaron of a his son Josiah's dry-board response to being sent outside for a "time out":

    RE: "No Daddy--Yes Josiah" and "I am mad at Daddy"

    Just showed this to Matt and he said it was was "Sasha Move" -- must be genetic ;-)

    [Rich Note: More generically speaking, however, and from an egocentric (or collective human) perspective: "NO to the WORLD or WHAT IS and YES to ME or WHAT I THINK and FEEL the WORLD SHOULD BE (based on my own "particular, circumscribed, partial, limited, personally bias, individual, human" perspective or point of view).]

  4. "Back to the Future": A Divine Summation of a 40 year (1966-2013) Search to Find and Express TRUTH (as the "One Changeless Common Thread in All") clearly delineated in the following 1st Chapter of Neville Goddard's, "Your Faith Is Your Fortune" (originally published in 1941):


    "Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM. – John 8:58

    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” [John 1:1].

    "In the beginning was the unconditioned awareness of being, and the unconditioned awareness of being became conditioned by imagining itself to be something, and the unconditioned awareness of being became that which it had imagined itself to be; so did creation begin.

    "By this law – first conceiving, then becoming that conceived – all things evolve out of No-thing; and without this sequence there is not anything made that is made.

    "Before Abraham or the world was – I AM. When all of time shall cease to be – I AM. I AM the formless awareness of being conceiving myself to be man. By my everlasting law of being I am compelled to be and to express all that I believe myself to be.

    "I AM the eternal No-thingness containing within my formless self the capacity to be all things.

    "I AM that in which all my conceptions of myself live and move and have their being, and apart from which they are not.

    "I dwell within every conception of myself; from this withinness, I ever seek to transcend all conceptions of myself. By the very law of my being, I transcend my conceptions of myself, only as I believe myself to be that which does transcend.

    "I AM the law of being and beside ME there is no law. I AM that I AM."

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. ...The Shadow of Death
    Is Swept Away by the Light
    Of Understanding..."

    [Rich Note; A natural (unintentional) haiku that jumped out while listening to Bill Samuel's "The Melody of the Woodcutter and the King" with grand-daughter Gabi, on the way to Glee Camp.]

  7. "The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he attained liberation from the self." Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

    (Quote used to begin Chapter 14 of "Proof of Heaven, A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife," by Eban Alexander, M.D.)

  8. The "Only Thing" that
    Ever "Really Matters" is
    "The Knowledge I Am."

    [Rich: Came up as a response to a request for a life summary motto.]

  9. "I must be willing to give up what I have in order to become what I will be." Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

    "Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved." -- Matthew 9:17-18 KJV

    " In order to enter into a new state of consciousness you have to give up the old." -- paraphrased Neville Goddard

  10. "There are only two ways to live your life: one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as if everything is." -- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

  11. A Taste of Non-Duality
    (Extracted from an Essay entitled "Clarity"
    By Nathan Gill)

    "... Spiritual life is based on the presumption of individuality, with enlightenment or re-union with the whole as the projected goal, and as a means to achieve this goal of re-union, an array of exotic techniques and methods are provided in the play to 'purify' the individual, to get rid of the ego, to calm the mind and emotions etc.

    The fundamental point being missed at every stage of the individual's quest is that the individual - being played by you, who are Consciousness - is already what he or she is seeking. Nothing will make the seeker any more what he or she already is.

    The search and all the methods and techniques employed are there for no more reason than any other part of the play. They arise for their own sake as part of the play..."

  12. "...As Granny would put it, 'When you stop clutching at yourself, your hands are free to help others.'" (Sri Eswaran, Family Yoga, The Little Lamp, 1969)

  13. "How dare you bother about others when you do not fully know yourself." -- Sri Nisargadatta

  14. The Simplest Prayer

    "It is Peace I ask for, Father, Perfection I long to see; yet what I ask for must be, the Self-Same One You are in the Action of Being Me." Bill Samuel

    (From "The Melody of the Woodcutter and the King")

  15. "I take the Divine
    Awareness of God to Be
    My Identity." -- Bill Samuel

  16. "Take your attention off of the story as to why you feel what you feel and put it on the feeling itself as consciousness. Experience the feeling and the feeler as consciousness. Experience the attentioner, the one who puts attention on something, as made of consciousness." -- Cashmere Shivaism

  17. Patience is having
    Sufficient Faith in Being
    To wait for Its Good!

    Patience is having
    Sufficient Faith in Being
    To Stand-fast and See.

  18. Re: "...the hole within the hub that gives the wheel its unity."

    "That which makes you think you are human is not human. It is but a dimensionless point of consciousness, a conscious nothing." -- Sri Nisargadatta

  19. Haiku inspired by Sri Nizargadatta's "...dimensionless point of consciousness...":

    A Dimensionless Still
    Point is the Equivalent
    Of the Absolute.

    A "Singularity"
    Is a Dimensionless Still
    Point Self-Reference.

    A Dimensionless Still
    Point is Equivalent to
    An Absolute One.

    A Black Hole is a
    Dimensionless Point at the
    Heart of All Being.

    A Singularity
    Is a Still Point Reference
    At the Heart of All.

    [Rich Note: As a related point of interest, Nassim Haramein claims that the mathematics that result from assuming a "black-hole" at the center of every atom, unites Quantum and Newtonian physics.

    If so, and they have found black-holes at the heart of the universe, its not much of a "quantum leap, to assume there is a dimensionless still point -- seen as a black-hole -- at the heart of every particle state of being, including human, as its source and its central sense of Identity, as Sri Nizargadatta "dimensionless still point in consciousness suggests. ]

  20. "All things I Am, can Do and Be, through Christ the Truth that Lives in Me." -- John Dillet Freeman

  21. Woophs -- that was "James" Dillet Freeman

  22. Re: "I need a Savior..."

    I need to be saved
    From a Belief in Being
    Other than I Am.

  23. "The world is not be narrowed till it will go into the understanding... but the understanding to be expanded and opened till it can take in the image of the world as it is in fact." -- Francis Bacon (from "Irreducible Mind")

  24. Re: Forgive and Move on...

    Forgive as your Father in Heaven does and You will Be in Paradise This Day.

  25. If there is only
    God then hating another
    Is hating Myself.

    If there is Only
    One then Loving Another
    Is Loving Myself.

  26. The Alpha-Omega is a Dimensionless Still Point of Perfect Peace at the Heart of Creation.

    Or, The Supreme Identity at the Heart of All is a Dimensionless Still Point of Absolute Peace.

  27. Appreciation = Gratitude = Humility = A Pure Heart = Selfless Awareness of Being

  28. "The sun is within me, and so is the moon." -- Kabir

    Which is another way of saying: Consciousness is All and I Am That!

  29. Desecration of the Father's House (Consciousness) by "carnal-minded, self-infatuated, money-changers" on the Temple's steps "angered Jesus."

  30. Awakening to
    The awareness beyond mind -
    Only now is real. -- Shinri (1931- )

    (An old favorite from Kenneth Verity's "Awareness Beyond Mind, Verses in Haiku and Senryu")

  31. Another favorite from Kenneth Verity's "Awareness Beyond Mind":

    The 'not-knowing" of
    Knowing, is non-conceptual
    Knowledge of being.

    "Take it slowly. This apparent conundrum is indicating the difference between conceptual knowledge in space-time and the perceptive knowing which stems from being aware that I-am."

  32. Great Twit from Jeff Foster today:

    "Be careful what you say after "I Am". Those two tiny words contain powerful magic." 3:12am - 10 Aug 13

  33. More of Kenneth Verity's "Awareness Beyond Mind":

    "Reaching towards true
    Being, beyond time and space --
    Meditating mind..."

    "In the practice of meditation, gradually one learns to let go of the everyday busy conditioned self to discover the innate natural self. By releasing and relaxing we come 'home' to ourselves. It is like finding blue sky behind the clouds, as we discover the true being which is spacious and clear."

  34. Re: Be still and know you are All That Is."

    Yes, Jody, and an awful lot of us act that way (without actually realizing We Are That -- lol ;-)

  35. Re:"Find out where life really begins."

    When you know you're Beginning you'll know your Middle and End, for they're All One and the Same!

  36. "Drugs, alcohol and
    Food" are extremely poor ways
    To manage out minds!

  37. Re: "Divine humility sounds like an absolute ideal of one seeking to be God."

    Which itself sounds like an ego wanting to keep its day job of "playing god" by projecting that desire on another.

    The Question is not
    Whether there is a God by
    Who's playing the role.

  38. "...Our eyes are telling us, 'Here you are, look around. This is it: This here, right here, right now.' Simultaneously, our minds are telling us: 'This can't be it.' Therein lies the rub..."

    (From Awakening Clarity, by Fred Davis)

  39. "I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking."

    Christopher Isherwood,
    Goodbye to Berlin, 1939


  40. Re: "...Seriously??..."

    Re:Re: "I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking."

    Re:Re:Re: "Being Being: Experiencing Your True Nature" by Fred Davis

    "...It's good to be with you today. Let me start out with a note on the graphic and the quote I'm using to illustrate this post. John Ames, of Gainesville, Florida, who was one of my DPS clients over the last month, sent me both of those. It's a perfect match-up to visually and viscerally express what we mean when we talk about standing as awareness, or as I like to say, being Being..."

    [Rich Note: Being (and "Implicit Awareness thereof") is "Christ in You" and the "Camera" metaphor can offer a direct experiential "Taste or Glimpse" (as it did here) of actually "Being That" (if the "me that says my" doesn't dismiss it in favor of its "relative rendition" of "What Is," Ultimately, an Absolute Reality).]

  41. [Rich Note: A recent text dialogue with a friend.]

    L: So Scott kiloby states everything has to with awareness can't be that simple

    R: Would you expect your human/carnal mind/ego to "think, feel or say" otherwise???

    Can anything be more simple than "Absolute Oneness" or more complex then the infinite relative relationships possible between a potentially infinite number of relative states of that Self-Same Absolute Consciousness or Awareness of Being; as the Primal Ground or Substance of All Existence?

    Truth is Dirt Simple --
    Carnal mind makes in Complex
    To stay in business.

    PS1: Kiloby is not alone, Leo -- they All (including the Bible***: for "...those with eyes to see and ears to hear"...) declare that "Consciousness (Re: the "Awareness of Being I Am" or the Mind and/or Imagination of God, as Christ in You" -- in some way, shape or form) is All There Is."

    ***Only the Clear Sky of Awareness is "...the same yesterday, today and tomorrow," " above all, through all and in you all," and " (as Christ or the Awareness of God I Am) All and in All."

    L: But yet hard to do .....

    R: Impossible to "do," Leo, but not impossible to "See and thus Be" the instant I notice "I Always Already Am That" (and really could never not be except in imagination).

    So this isn't really about becoming "Awareness," because we are already That, Leo -- It's about becoming "Conscious of Being Awareness"; which is something "we do" by "Seeing What Is, Was and Always Will Be," when we stop giving all our conscious attention to what "we think" instead of what we "experience."

  42. Dialogue Part 2 (continued)

    L: Yes...but we (I) label ,analyze, pontificate about the awareness ...what kiloby is stating just let it be ...that's easy but hard to do

    R: Here's what Sri Nisagadatta might say to that, Leo:

    "Stop pretending to be what you are not, and Be What You Are."

    You aren't what you think, You Are What You Are when you stop identifying with mind and thought (by seeing you are awareness).

    The bottom-line is that the "carnal mind (re: "knowledge of good and evil") is the veil" that keeps us from seeing we are awareness; and as long as we trust our minds to go beyond itself, we only reinforce it's individual and collective strangle-hold over our attention (which just happens to be focused awareness).

    L: Good point

    Fred, in the following link, does a wonderful job of describing the "mental jujitsu" actually involved in "using the mind to go beyond mind" (by "Standing as Awareness") -- please let me know if it both "makes sense and feels right."

    Fred Davis YouTube : "Stand as Awareness":

  43. "Stand-Still and See the
    Salvation of The Lord" means
    "Stand as Awareness!"

  44. "Doubt is the great wedge to keeping the door to reality cracked." -- Fred Davis

    (Page 42, "The Book of Undoing")

  45. A very topical Twit:

    Gina Lake Twit:

    "What the voice in our head says doesn't affect what's actually happening. It only affects how we feel about what's happening."
    10:53am - 21 Aug 13

  46. Len Sweet Twit:

    "Does this ever happen to anyone else---the moment when the body in the mirror is suddenly someone else’s?"
    7:25pm - 20 Aug 13

    @lensweet Yes, Len, that's called "Enlightenment" (or the end of Self-Ignorance that identification with objective appearance implies).

  47. "A Small Conversation with God"

    'I asked God is their a though that can bring me near to You? God smiled and replied, thought is what takes you away from me...' SARDANA, TARUN - "Dissolved"

  48. "Just Be, Jason, Just Be!" -- the "Doing" is "way above our present pay-grade." ;-)

  49. A Perfect Pair!

    "In the absence of my opinion, everything seems to be going fine." -- Fred Davis

    "What's wrong with right now, unless you think about it?" -- Sailor Bob Adamson

  50. "The whole truth can be summed up in one verse from the Jewish/Christian scriptures, “I am that I am”.

    "And the entire method for realizing this truth is found in another of those scriptures, “Be still and know that I am God.”
    ~Sri Ramana Maharshi
