There is No Way to
Get Right with Reality
From the Outside-In.
Outside fixes to
Inner problems only serve
To propagate them.
We keep trying to
Change the reflected Image
From the outside in.
No Way to change what
You Are Conscious of Being
From the Outside-In.
[Rich Note: Inspired by a spontaneous response to a Twitter invitation to vote for a new "Global Thought Leader":
Do we really need a "Global Thought Leader," which is just another thinly veiled attempt to change a "Collective Outer Reflection" of what we, as "presumed separate entities," are presently Conscious of Being (from the inside-out); when, at the end of the day, what is truly needed is a "Total Inner Make-Over" (Re: "Change of Heart") from our "present self-focused and reflective" relation to Reality to a Direct One.
However, if you are one who still feels an abiding interest in exploring "outer fixes" to an "inner problem," I would offer a "write-in nomination" of Neville Goddard (who offers "The Secret on Spiritual Steroids" for gratis) for "Global Thought Leader" who can "actually deliever the goods" to those who have a sincere desire to actually "change their mind's and hearts".]
"Leave the mirror alone and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conception of yourself." -- Neville Goddard
ReplyDelete[Rich Note: This quote, which is a "plain text" version of the haiku offered above, appears at the beginning of Neville Godard's classic, "The Power of Awareness." Neville himself offers a rather miraculous blend of Pure Non-Duality returned from its Spiritual Mountain Top (of Absolute Oneness) View to the Worldly Valley (of the Shadow of Death View of Relative Separation and Multiplicity), with Spiritually wise council with respect to living "A Wishes Fulfilled Life." In his latter years Neville become what might be characterized as a "Mystic" -- a mystic whose visions, knowledge of the Scriptural symbology and ability to express a non-dual world-view in that context is unparalleled.]
[Rich Note: Neville's 10 books and hundreds of lectures in both audio and PDF formats are readily available on the Internet. is a great place to start.]
ReplyDeleteAn unclean mental
Mirror absorbs light and projects
Darkness in its place.
"That to which you have
ReplyDeleteChosen to give attention --
Your experience." -- Kenneth Verity
(from "Awareness Beyond Mind, Verses in Haiku and Senryu Style")
ReplyDeleteSelf-absorption is
Akin to absorbing light and
Projecting darkness.
ReplyDeleteA self-absorbed mind
Blocks the Light of Awareness
And projects shadows.
ReplyDeleteWhat I Am conscious
Of Being "inside" effects
What I see "outside.".
ReplyDeleteWhat you see without
Is a Reflection of your
Inner Consciousness.
[Rich Note: A "logical case" for claiming that the world we presently see as being "out there" is really going on "in here." (From the metaphoric introduction "Of Twain One New Man," Chapter 4 of OOMM).]
ReplyDelete"What’s going on within the geographic confines of your skull, behind your eyes, right now? Is it not everything you see before your eyes, and is this not actually composed of patterns of mental energy arising within your own head? Is it not also true that the patterns which you presently identify as yourself are composed of the exact same mental material you identify as other? This being true, how is it possible to be so intimately identified with one portion of your awareness,and so self-alienated from the other? Perhaps because the preponderance of your attention is habitually focused on the former, while you are proportional less sensitive and awareof the latter."