[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at rfhay333.gather.com.]
(Happy 3rd Photograph)
Happy 3rd (2006); Went looking for a picture of a birthday cake in the photo archives and, amazingly (or is that syncronistically) enough, this picture from Grand-daughter Gabriella's 3rd Birthday was first in line; Companion haiku: Accompanying.
Yesterday started
The forth year of Hay-Ku of
The Day offerings.
[Rich Note: Historically speaking (and for documentary purposes, I suppose), "Hay-Ku of the Day" (HOTD) started under the title "Hay's Haiku of the Day" (HHOTD) on MySpace on the 5th of June 1987 (I thought it was the 6th so this should have been posted yesterday). Gather postings started on the 26th of that month. Daily postings, based on an obsessive compulsive need to validate the HOTD title, continued until the 28th of August 2008.The original intent was to write for a year, build a platform and turn it into a book (Vol 2, of what was then envisioned as the "What Is Truth Series"). At this point, however, three years, 862 posts and several thousand hay-ku later, neither a book nor stopping is presently envisioned.]
[Rich Note: Just having too much fun (if there is such a thing), I suppose. Reminds me of "deadheading" back in the "party room" of a PAA "SHORTS B-747" from LA to JFK in the early 90s, with a "wine and cheese spread" on the little table before me, sitting in a very comfortable first class seat, not paying a dime, reading a favorite book, and having the FA's offer/feed me grapes, and thinking: "There is absolutely no place I'd reather be than 'Right Here and Right Now'" (or for the next 5 hours, or so, for that matter ;).]
[Rich Note: A hearfelt thanks to all who have offered comments, feedback, support and encouragement for what has been an on-going "44 year Love Affair with Truth."]
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