Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hay-Ku of the Day (Behind Your Eyes)

[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at]

(Mount Fuji Photograph)

Mount Fuji (2003); Cloud hidden Mount Fuji's peak may be likened to a particle state of mind that is temporarily blind to the Quantum State of Consciousness that is both its Essential Nature and Ultimate Identity; Companion haiku: Accompanying.

How can you relate
To Existence except in
And as Consciousness.

What do you know that
Does not arise as a State
Of your Consciousness.

How can what you see
Be other than a State of
Your own Consciousness?

[Rich Note: (Related Chapter 5, Introductory Metaphor from OOMM) Behind Your Eyes: What's going on within the geographic confines of your skull, behind your eyes, right now? Is it not everything you see before your eyes, and is this not actually composed of patterns of mental energy arising within your own head? Is it not also true that the patterns which you presently identify as yourself are composed of the exact same mental material you identify as other? This being true, how is it possible to be so intimately identified with one portion of your awareness, and so self-alienated from the other? Perhaps because the preponderance of your attention is habitually focused on the former, while you are proportional less sensitive and aware of the latter.]

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