Sunday, October 21, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (Self-Witnessing Love)

Love Witnesses it’s
Presence as the Living Light
I Am in Action.

Love Is the Nature
Of Being Self-Witnessing
Itself in Action.

Love in Action Self
Witnesses It’s Presence in
Vibrant Expression.

LOVE Witnesses Its
Presence as the Living Light
Of Love that I Am.

Loves Witnesses it’s
Presence as the Awareness
Of Being I Am.

[Rich Note: With much appreciation to Peter Hill for “Seeding” this morning’s HOTD with the following FB post:

“Real Love is always manifested in behavior.” ]

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Good and Bad Thieves)

Echoes of the past
Giving rise to present ghosts
And future specters.

Worshiping the past,
Imagining the future, 
Missing the moment.

The good and bad thieves 
Of the future and past are 
Stealing the present.

A mind divided
Between a future and past 
Is self-crucified.

[Rich Note 1: A four-part set of cross-correlating haiku from OOMM. ]

[Rich Note 2: With respect to the companion image, “Has it really been two years?”

Well, In order to put this particular image, and a lot more of the “scary stuff” that appears to be happening on the surface of our collective reality, into some sort of “coherent, less than apocalyptic, the sky is not falling, macro context,” the following YouTube, “Energy Update: Anchoring the Divine Feminine,” by Matt Kahn, might be helpful (as it certainly was here): ]