Sunday, August 27, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Genesis" - Part 2)

It Is This Felt Sense 
Of Aware Presence I Am 
That Every One seeks. 

Focused on Being 
The Aware Presence I Am 
There is only One. 

I Am Awareness
Embodied as a Sense of
Radiant Presence.

(1) Fairy Tail-Wise:

 "Alpha to Omega: A Fairy Tale of Cosmic Proportions"

Once upon a time... Before the beginning there was an "Absolute Field of Infinite Potential to Be Any and All Things in All Time and Space." 

In the Beginning, a Primal Vibration arose in the "Self-Existent, Infinite, Eternal, Still, Silent, Singularity of Pure Awareness" that was the Field’s Nature. 

From that First Cosmic Vibration a "Zero-One" duality of Stillness and Motion, Silence and Sound, Awareness and Presence arose and actualized an innate potential for "Pure Self-Reflection.” 

In the process, the Absolute Field -- as Pure, Still, Silent Awareness, gazing into the "Original Face" of Its Own Actualized Potential for Pure, Undifferentiated, Vibratory Being -- becomes Fully Self-Aware. 

Simultaneously, "I AM" (the First Person Singular of the Present Tense to Be) is "Felt, Seen, Thought and Spoken" into Vibratory Being.

In that Same Everlasting Instant, with the "Biggest Bang" imaginable, All that Infinite Potential to Be becomes Actual through the "I AM Consciousness” now serving as Its Central Observing, Orienting, Organizing Principle or Governing Intelligence. 

Thus, All that Is, Was, or Ever Shall Be comes into Being as One All-Encompassing Vision of the Fully Manifest Potential of The Absolute Field to simultaneously Experience every possible Vibratory State of Being. 

So, from the Omnipresent Perspective of That Absolute One -- gazing from Its Central Reference as the One I AM in All - everything manifests simultaneously, All at Once - from Alpha to Omega -- in No Time, Eternally Now. 

Identification of said Pure Consciousness I AM with any lesser State, however, would necessarily result in a partial perspective of the Totality of Its Own Being, and thereby cause a "Fall in Consciousness" from Its Original Unitary State to a Relative State of the Aware-Presence of All. 

So here "I Am” (at the Heart of All), a Local Center or Focal Point of Pure Conscious Awareness, unwittingly identified with a contracted state of my own Being, instead of the All-Encompassing, Omniscient Aware-Presence I AM –- a "Temporal Wave" on a "Sea of Cosmic Consciousness" that presently overlooks Its Oneness with the "Ocean " from which It arose and to which it ever returns (as a River to the Sea). 

Such a "Fall from the Grace” of Pure Awareness, however, automatically ceases to be problematic the instant I realize who I Am as a Self-Reflected Image of the Absolute One, and so resurrect my True Nature (Self) as the Pure Light of Aware-Presence "I Am" (and “All Are”)...and live happily ever after."  -- 2007 RFHay

(2) Jesus-Wise: 

A. "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." John 9:5 KJV

B. "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid."Matthew 5:14 KJV

C. The 50th saying of Gospel of St. Thomas:

1 Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.' 

2 If they say to you, 'Is it you?' say, 'We are its children, and we are the chosen of the living Father.' 

3 If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.'"

(3) St. Germain-Wise:

"O Blessed Flame of Divine Love, 'I AM' Thy Pure Presence Forever."

"Because 'I AM' Thee and Thou art Me, 'IAM' Protected, Illumined, Supplied and Free."

"'I AM' Christ, God in Action, the Light of God that never fails in the Fullness of Its Eternal Victory and Dominion."

[Rich Note: A number of the caps originate here.] 

(4) Bill Samuel-Wise:


I have never talked heart to heart with a single person who hasn't admitted that the child was still there within him— struggling perhaps, or a distant dream from the past, but still there. All of us continue to dream dreams and wonder about soft things. The heart of us still goes leaping through the high places of imagination occasionally and soars with the high flying swallows to see the far side of the moon. That is the Child at work. Yes, the Child still lives. 

Moreover, this inner one, the old/new Child of us, is healthy and well, absolutely all right in every way. None of Its enthusiasm has been dulled by the years. Its eyesight is as sharp as an eagle's, Its hearing keen as a puppy's, and all the feelings of youth are pounding with excitement exactly as they did when we were children-children, unencumbered by the world. 

Much has been said about the “heart” of us. Great theological positions have been established around “the immortal soul.” Reader, listen with that heart of yourself for a minute: The little child of us, the heart of us and the soul of us are the Same One. Whatever we have come to perceive with the heart has been a recognition of that eternal Child within. And now, as I write of the One, I address the heart, the soul with which we are all concerned. Oh yes, the heart and soul of us—the Child—is still right here quite capable of confirming Itself, evidencing Itself and revitalizing our view of everything. 

"As the years pass and the world encroaches relentlessly, we lose sight of this Original Nature of Identity except as an old photograph or a memory etched somewhere in an inaccessible past. It comes as a surprise to hear that the Original Child and all Its feelings are still around; then it comes as a wonderment to learn first hand that they are not inaccessible at all, but still right here, closer than breathing, closer than fingers and toes."  

(From Bill's "The Child Within Us Lives," A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics")

Hay-Ku of the Day (Genesis- Part 1)

There is Only One
"Mind, Consciousness and Thought" we
All Hold in Common.

There is Only One
"Mind, Consciousness and Thought" that
We Hold in Common.

(1) Word-Wise:

"If a “word” is defined as an external vibratory pattern of energy intended to express or convey an inner thought or idea, is it not possible to characterize each and every man- made object you now see before you as a “living word?” For us each such object simply a recurring pattern of physical energy that expresses an inner idea that once impressed another person’s mind? Do you yourself not also speak your mental ideas into physical being through words—vibratory patterns of external energy—in a similar fashion every time you speak or write? Might this same characterization not also hold true of the natural world?"

(2) Neville-Wise:



"Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM. – John 8:58 

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” [John 1:1].

"In the beginning was the unconditioned awareness of being, and the unconditioned awareness of being became conditioned by imagining itself to be something, and the unconditioned awareness of being became that which it had imagined itself to be; so did creation begin. 

"By this law – first conceiving, then becoming that conceived – all things evolve out of No-thing; and without this sequence there is not anything made that is made. 

"Before Abraham or the world was – I AM. When all of time shall cease to be – I AM. 

"I AM the formless awareness of being conceiving myself to be man. By my everlasting law of being I am compelled to be and to express all that I believe myself to be. 

"I AM the eternal No-thingness containing within my formless self the capacity to be all things. I AM that in which all my conceptions of myself live and move and have their being, and apart from which they are not. 

"I dwell within every conception of myself; from this withinness, I ever seek to transcend all conceptions of myself. By the very law of my being, I transcend my conceptions of myself, only as I believe myself to be that which does transcend. 

"I AM the law of being and beside ME there is no law. I AM that I AM."

(Chapter 1, "Your Faith Is Your our Faith Is Your Fortune" by Neville Goddard.)

Monday, August 21, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Figuring the Figureless")

Mankind's attempts to
"Figure the Figureless" bear
Witness to the Truth.

When we "Figure the
Figureless" we're witnessing
Truth as we see It.


In "Figuring the 
Figureless" we try to put
The Sea in a Cup.

In "Figuring the 
Figureless" we're attempting
To capture Lightening.

The Truth put into
Words is a just a finger
Pointing to the Sun.


Capturing the Truth
In Words is like Capturing
The Wind in a Jar.

Capturing the Truth
In Words is like Climbing a
Ladder to Heaven.

Capturing the Truth
In Words is like Flying to 
The Sun on Wax Wings.

(1) Lao Tzu- Wise"

"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. 
The name that can be named is not the eternal name. 

The nameless is the beginning of heaven and Earth. 
The named is the mother of the ten thousand things..."

(Tao Te Ching, Feng & English Translation)

(2) Hazrat Inayat Khan-Wise:

"The truth cannot be spoken; that which can be spoken is not the truth."

(3) Jesus-Wise:

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32 KJV

"To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth." John 18:37 KJV

(4) Bill-Samuel-Wise:

[Rich Note: "With respect to this on-going 40 year attempt, here, to come closer and closer to "capturing the truth in words" (something very much akin to expressing an "Absolute Potential to Be" through the "Energetic Self-Expression" that All Creation attempts) and the ultimate futility thereof, I find the following Bill Samuel "word picture" to come closest to resolving the paradox.]:

"..All right now…refreshed…refreshed we can start again to try to tell it again, to tell it like it is, but I tell you, there are no words that are gentle enough. Oh, there are just no words that are soft enough but maybe there will be some sort of mysterious combination of them...maybe something…a magic combination that will be able to illicit the feeling that will be gentle enough to tell it like it is. Love is that feeling. All feeling is love. It is always Love that does the work or what appears to be the work that’s done. Love is here, right now, as identity, right now."

Here's a link to the whole extraordinary 5 minute meditation from Bill's Vignettes on Love 1:

(5) Metaphor-Wise:

[Rich Note: This was my shot (which you may or may not have seen before) at explaining 40 years of attempting to "figuring the figureless," as it appears in the introduction of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses" (OOMM)]:

"Coin Balancing: Although we can not fully define an absolute state in relative terms, we can use analogies, metaphors and similes in an attempt to evoke or recall a direct sense or perception of that state. Thus, if I have an experience I wish to share, I can use a metaphor to indicate what it felt like with the hope of evoking a similar feeling in another. This is the verbal equivalent of having someone balance a coin to convey what balance feels like. This is because balance, as an absolute or non-relative state, cannot be captured in words, yet can be known as a direct experience. Thus, by moving a coin back and forth through its balance point, while progressively reducing said movements, one may get a feel for almost balanced. Then, suddenly, as the coin comes to rest, perhaps a direct sense of balance, as a non-relative state, may be experienced."

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Addiction to Self-Thought)

Any addiction
Is a symptom of being
Addicted to self.

Addiction to self-
Thought is the root of every
Other addiction.

Addiction to self-
Thought is the cause of every
Other addiction.


Mind's "addicted to
Causality and the
Tyranny of time."

Man's "addicted to
Causality and the
Tyranny of time."

We're "addicted to
Causality and the
Tyranny of time."

Re: "...the state of freedom from sorrow can be described only negatively. To know it directly you must go beyond the mind addicted to causality and the tyranny of time." -Sri Nisargadatta 

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Hay Ku of the Day ("Never Mind" - "Take No Thought "-- "Don't Think")

Hay Ku of the Day ("Never Mind" - "Take No Thought "-- "Don't Think")

The human mind is
A mental house divided
By relative thought.

The carnal mind is
A mental house divided
By self-absorption.


Self-cognition is
A mental house divided
By self-reflection.

Self-cognition is
A mental house divided
By circular thought.


The carnal mind is
A mental house divided
Into partial states.

The carnal mind is
A mental house divided
By self-focused thought


Thinking creates a
Pseudo Division in the
Consciousness I Am.

Thinking creates a
Pseudo self-division in
The Knowledge I Am.

Thinking creates a
Pseudo self-division in
The Seeing I Am.


Thinking begets a
Pseudo self-division in
Awareness Itself.

(1) Classic Quote-Wise

"If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." -- Jack Benny

(2) Scripture-Wise:

"For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. 

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
-- 1 Corinthians 13:9-12 KJV

(3) Rich-Wise: 

The Boeing 727s I flew had what we called "the trailing edge of technology" digital voice warning system that warned, "Don't Sink! Don't Sink! Don't Sink!", if you got got low on the ILS glide path.  However, it sounded much more like "Don't Think! Don't Think! Don't Think!" Which was and remains equally appropriate guidance, not only in that situation, but in many others, both in flying and life.

(4) OOMM- Wise:

"Mind is a mental process, not an object; a conscious movement arising in a much broader field of awareness. As such, minding is something we do, not something we have—this by first narrowing the focus of our awareness, minding “this” to the exclusion of “that,” and then constantly attending to shifting mental focal points. With all mental movement itself the result of said linear sequential shifts in attention from one focal point to another. All of which occurs within the single field in which all such centers naturally arise. Mind, as such, is a continuous process of mental self-polarization, reflection and conception with respect to the overall field of awareness one truly is—a rather miraculous process of self-creation enabling pure awareness to reflect upon itself, and in so doing give birth to its own self-awareness or consciousness of being." [from the introduction to Chapter 2, "Through a Glass Darkly, But Then Face to Face," of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses" (OOMM), soon to be re-released through Redemption Press.]

Friday, August 4, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (A Fine Line)

There is a fine line
Between clever and stupid
And you just crossed it.

[Rich Note: I was driving Granddaughter Gabi home from the Theater Camp on Tuesday and explained how I had broken the bone in my left-hand, body-surfing between the legs of a man standing in the surf, and catching my finger on his right leg on the way through. I also happened to mentioned I was cleared to take the splint off once a day,  for hygiene/bathing, but was taking advantage of that opportunity to work the wrist, hand and fingers a bit to keep them flexible.  To which she responded: "There's a fine line between clever and stupid and that is closer to stupid." I asked her if she had heard that somewhere and she said, no, it had just came to her.]