Friday, July 28, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (If Thine Eye Be Single)

Centered in the One
Abiding in the Balance
Mindful of the Light.

The Primal Light of
Quantum Awareness abides 
Within every Heart.

Conscious ignorance
Of the Light of Awareness 
Produces darkness.


A Mental Mirror
That absorbs Light will project
Darkness in its place.

The darkness of self-
Ignorance has no power 
Thought does not give it.


A Coherent State 
Of Conscious Awareness is 
All We are lacking.

A Coherent State 
Of Singular Awareness
Is All that One lacks.


A “Single-Eye” is 
A mind undivided by 
Mental reflection.

A “Single-Eye” is 
Consciousness undivided
By self-reflection.

A “Single-Eye” is 
Awareness undivided
By relative thought.


The "Light of God" is
The "Pure Awareness I Am"
"Conscious of Being."

The “Light of the World” 
Is the “Conscious Awareness 
Of God” in Our Hearts.

(1) Scripture-Wise: 

"In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." John 1:4-5 KJV

"As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." John 9:5 KJV

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." Matthew 5:14 KJV

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" (Matthew 6:22-23 KJV)

(2) Metaphor-Wise:

9. Laser Beam: A laser beam is a state of coherent light in which all the light waves align and cease to impinge upon themselves. Said light waves may be likened to a collective group of energy vectors, which, when perfectly aligned, cease to lose a portion of their aggregate energy due to internal friction. Conceiving mental energy in a similar fashion, perfect alignment of mental energy vectors would necessarily yield the mental equivalent of a laser beam and thus produce a perfectly coherent state of mind—a unified condition of consciousness in which internal non-alignment, friction and energy loss no longer arise." 1992/2006

(3) Sri Nisargadatta-Wise:

"Even the sense 'I am' is composed of the pure light and the sense of being." (IAT201)

"Abidance in that knowledge 'I am' which does not identify with the body-mind is the spiritual light."(CA48)

"When you realize that you are the light of the world, you will also realize that you are the love of it; that to know is to love and to love is to know." (IAT 202)

"Concept and mind are beams of light from the Contemplator." (SOS 22)

"Bhagavan (God) is the light which is the manifest world." (SOS 152)

(4) John Wheeler-Wise:

"...Who would have known that my mind is intrinsically pure,
Who would have known that my mind is forever free from change,
Who would have known it gives rise to this manifested world,
Who would have known I would find
Buddha is the Light of my own mind..." (from a song John recorded entitled, "Huineng.")

(5). Buddha-Wise:

"Be your own light." 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Haiku of the Day (Personal Suffering)

Auger of desire,
Sharp cutting edge of despair,
Bursting into light. 

Pit of my despair, 
Dung heap of mental refuse,
Digging for treasure. 

O heartfelt stirring,
Of insatiable desire, 
Bursting into light. 

My soulful anguish,
Mid-wife to eternal glory,
Cosmic labor pains.

Re: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;..." 2 Corinthians (4:17 KJV)

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (A Prodigal Sun)

The "Living Light of
Awareness" must "Be Present
To See the Darkness."

Clouds of Energy
Floating in space still masking
This Prodigal Sun?


Cloud enshrouded sky 
Momentarily masking 
A prodigal sun.

Mirroring my face,
Clouds of divine energy 
Suspended in space.


Divine reflections
Shatter in turbulent minds as 
Sunlight on the sea.

Only a Still Mind
Reflects a Perfect Image 
Of Divine Glory.


A Still Mind involves
Opening Focus and Minding
Both Nothing and All.

[Rich Note: Does this "Felt Sense of Being or Presence I Am" have a physical correspondence, or a Formless (and so invisible to bodily senses) Energetic One in which the "sensorially apparent frequency bandwidth of physical forms," such as a "goat," only temporally appear as "Momentary clouds of Mental (Divine and/or Conscious) Energy floating in the Clear Sky of  Awareness I AM (much in the same way mental clouds of thought do)?]

Monday, July 17, 2017

Haiku of the Day ( "I Am" Is the "Open Door")

The Always Open
Door Between Inside and Out
Is the "Way I Am."

The Always Open
Door Between One and Many
Is the "Truth I Am."

The Always Open
Door Between Thought and Feeling
Is the "Life I Am."


The Wide-Open Door
Between Subject and Object
Is the "Door I Am."

The Wide-Open Door
Between Future and Past is
The "Knowledge I Am."

The Wide-Open Door
Between Father and Mother
Is the "Child I Am."

The Wide-Open Door
Between Future and Past is
Present Awareness.


Always Open is
The Door Between Here and There
And "I Am That" Door.

Always Open is
The Door between Now and Then
And "I Am That" Door.

Always Open is
The Door between Life and Death
And "I Am That" Door.

Always Open is
The Door between God and Man
And "I Am That" Door.

Always Open is
The Door between None and One
And "I Am That" Door.

(1) Scripture-Wise:

"I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." John 10:9 KJV

"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so , I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." John 14:2-3 KJV

(2) Three Principle (3P)-Wise:

[Rich Note: A related client story from a wonderful 3P exposition by Mara Thomas entitled, "One Thought Changes Everything"

"'...But in the end, every last person in the course came around and began to have rich, new insights into how they were using their minds in life and at work: even Carl..."

"'I looked in Carl’s direction and asked, “Well, would you care to share?” He looked around the room for a bit, inhaled and then gave us the most fascinating description of what he was experiencing. And in his story, underneath it you can hear the evidence of the principles we’d been discussing with them:

“'You know, it’s a funny thing. All my life, I’ve been an intellectual. I’ve studied and learned so much information. And I’ve prided myself on this knowledge. It’s like I built this amazing library in my brain. And in this library, there are books on almost every topic. It’s really quite impressive. You need a book on quantum mechanics? I’ve got it. You need a book on religions of the world? I’ve got it. Engineering? Math? History? Anything? You name it. And I know exactly which books sit on which shelves, and I’ve read them all a hundred times. I’m a master of all of them. 

"'But as I’ve been sitting here in this class the last couple of days, it’s almost like someone lightly tapped me on the shoulder and whispered, ‘You know, there’s a door over there.’ And I seem to have walked over and opened this door to discover that outside this library is an entire mansion. There are other rooms. And then there’s a door from the mansion to the lawn outside and beyond. There’s just so much more than this little library. What my mind already knows is so small in comparison to what I haven’t explored yet, what I haven’t thought yet. So I guess I’m just quietly walking around, exploring the new scenery. It’s fascinating and it feels very big. So much bigger than where I’d been living before. I’m looking forward to going back to my work and my family more in this space of unknown.'"

Amazon Link:

(3) Robert Sardello Heartfulness-Wise:

20. The "I Am" Mantras

"To be inwardly, bodily-gesturally said from the central point of the heart:

"This I Am is a body of Light
I Am a body of Light

"This I Am is a body of Silence
I Am a body of Silence

"This I Am is a body of Love
I Am a body of Love"

[From "Heartfulness" by Robert Sardello:

Amazon Link: ]

Monday, July 10, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Lovely Daydreams)

Hay-Ku of the Day (Lovely Daydreams)

Infinite rays shine,
Blazing from one central sun,
Universal light. 

A bright, blazing sun,
Mirrored in a mountain lake,
Self-reflecting Light.


Cloud enshrouded sky
Momentarily masking 
A prodigal sun.

Mirroring my face,
Clouds of divine energy
Suspended in space.


Floating dandelion
Seed softly lighting upon
An un-grasping hand.

Solitary bloom,
Last among the leaves and thorns,
Awaiting the fall.


Playful old puppies,
She frolics, he gently paws --
Love in furry coats.

A basement cricket
Competing with my daydreams,
Who is more alive?


Soft chirping chorus,
Surrounding blanket of sound,
Covering silence.

Still and Quiet this 
Sky of Perpetual Grace 
Abiding in my Heart. 


Over-bloated house,
Swollen with self-importance --
Bellowing bullfrog.

Clanging pots and pans
Startle my thoughtful repose --
Another wake-up call.


A fatal case of
Mistaken identity,
This being human.

Liquor store bottle,
Easing with forgetfulness
My soul sick sorrow.


Ambulance passing,
Lights flashing in the night, 
Life in the balance.

Waiting here at the
Motor Vehicle Bureau --
Practicing patience.


Slowly drifting off, 
Thought and feeling fall away,
Practicing my death.

Uncle Joe’s “Richie 
Be Still!” was Divine Counsel
Of the First Order.

[Rich Note:  Selected arrangement of Haiku from Chapter 1, "In the Beginning was the Word," of a 2006 book titled, "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses" (OOMM); a "40 Year State of the Head Message" that is presently being republished by Redemption Press. Given that I was once told by a  "cutting-edge" theologian that OOMM was before its time, perhaps that time is NOW.]

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Heaven and Hell)

Life's either a Joy
Ride or Nightmare depending 
On One's Perspective.

One can turn a Joy
Ride into a Nightmare based
On what One believes.

Whether Life is a
Joy ride or nightmare depends
On the way one thinks.


The Perspective One
Adopts determines whether 
Life's Heaven or Hell.

Hell is in your Head
Heaven is in your Heart and
Love is All-Around.

Heaven and Hell aren't
Locations but Potential
States of Consciousness.

[Rich Note: With the exception of the "Love is All-Around" OOMM Oldie, the above Haiku were inspired by a Francis Bennett post, a related stream of reader comments and the following response thereby evoked:

Re. " many dimensions and so many fascinating beings...";...only One....BE-ing"; and " is more fun that way..."

(Prefatory Note:  Funny/strange how I don't see/feel any contradiction in any of the above referenced discriminative descriptors.)

"Only One BE-ing" with an Infinite Number of Particle State Perspectives (or Dimensionless Still Point Frames of Absolute Self-Reference) from which to View (and so Experience) THAT; (All of which are a direct function of Mental Focal Length and Breadth of Vision) in a Zero (Absolutely Still) One (Energetically Vibrant) Way (of SEE-ing/BE-ing).

In Seeing this, the "One" (Quantum Potential to Be) is no more "Real" than the "Many" (Potentiated Particle) States of Consciousness, seen in an Absolute Context or by Absolute Standards. For even directly perceived, apprehended or intuited "Awareness Aware of Itself as THAT" (prior to Cosmic Consciousness) still implies Relativity or a Zero-One mechanism of Absolute Self-Reflection.

PS1: So why don't We All just "Sit back, relax and enjoy" the Co-Creative Trip/Flight this Divine Amusement Park (or Cosmic Joy Ride) of "Infinitely Creative Absolute Potential to Be" (as Awareness of Being or Consciousness) offers (once one no longer relates to it as "a matter of life and death").

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day ("I Am THAT I AM")

“I AM that I AM”
Is a declaration of 
Absolute Being.


Quite Simply I AM:
"Being Being Being" prior
To self-conception.

Quite Simply I AM:
"Being Being Being" or
"Zero Being One."


"I Am" is "The First
Person Singular of the
Present Tense to Be."

Re: "I Am That I Am" - From the standpoint of rational thought God's response to Mose's question about His (His/Her or It's works too) Name would appear to be a nonsense statement. In truth, however, it is, perhaps, the clearest declaration of God's Absolute Nature (metaphysically speaking, name and nature are equivalent) possible. In the case of God, His (Her or It works too) most essential nature is that of Absolute, Self-Existent Being (both in Still Potential and Vibratory Actuality) as in "being all in all" an so the only One. And how, exactly, is this reflected in the statement, "I Am that I Am"? Simply by stating that He is not only "I Am", the "first person singular of the present tense to be", as the One and only Subject of All, but the One and only Object of All, as well. So in perfectly clear and concise grammerical terms, God was simply saying that He was the Only One or the Subject and Object of All and Everything. Which is just another way of saying that He was All in All, both the First Cause and the Only Effect. Which is simply a way of affirming absolute oneness; affirming that He/She/It was the "One" (Absolute) God and Father of All, Who is In All, Above All and Through All" (and, in more technically correct metaphysical terms, actually Being) All) 1992; U/D 2017

Re: "One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." Ephesians 4:6 KJV ]

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Form and Formlessness, Part 1 of 5)

Form's subject to the
"Laws of Relativity"
Formlessness is not.

Form is subject to
"Newtonian Principles"
Formlessness is not.


Form is subject to
Relative Laws and that which
Is Formless is not.

Formless Energy
Is of not subject to Laws of
Relative Being.


To "Be Nothing" is
To Be in a "Formless State" of
"Conscious Energy."

To "Be Nothing" is
To Be in a "Formless State" of
"Conscious Awareness."


True Emptiness is
Absolute Potential to
Be Prior to Being.

Real Nothingness is
Absolute Potential to
Be Prior to Being.


Particular States
Of Quantum Consciousness are
Patterned Energy.

Particular States
Of Quantum Consciousness are
Like Ocean Waves.


Particle States of
Awareness of Being are
Temporary forms.

Particle State Forms
Of Conscious Awareness are
Forms of Formlessness.

[Rich Note: The following spontaneous thread of a great Francis Bennett Face Book post this morning inspired the above (only the first 12 of 54) stream of Haiku:

Re: Francis Bennett 7-1-17 FB Post 

(1) The Stream:

"An amazing revelation is when one sees with deep clarity that the emptiness of shunyata and the compassion of Karuna are one."

Stephen Bae: Ugh now I have to learn what shunyata is

Francis: Both are unconditional openness.........   :)

Rich: Yes, Francis, and the seeming paradox (but not the amazement and wonder) is resolved with the realization that what is experienced as both emptiness and compassion is the same formless energy in the absence and presence of form; and, further, that emptiness is not really nothing, as normally supposed, but only a present absence of form or patterned energy.

Ergo : "Form is Emptiness (Formless Energy) and Emptiness Form (Formed Energy) -- with the Energy Itself  Being Vibratory (zero-one; on-off) Absolute Potential to Be (or Absolutely Nothing playing at Being Everything).

Jerry Freeman: "shunyata karuna garbham" ...

"Emptiness, the womb of compassion"
~ Nagarjuna

Rich: Jerry, this correlates perfectly with the "Contemplative Living Silence," as a Quantum Field State of Energy (that is Synonymous with both Universal, Energetic Consciousness and/or Vibratory Emptiness), referenced in Robert Sardello's "Silence, the Mystery of Wholeness" and "Heartfulness."

P.S. Something also implied when Neville Goddard said, "Now, let us enter the Silence," at the end of many of his talks.

(2) Related quotes:

A. The Heart Sutra:

"O Sariputra, Form does not differ from Emptiness
And Emptiness does not differ from Form.
Form is Emptiness and Emptiness is Form.
The same is true for Feelings,
Perceptions, Volitions and Consciousness."

B. St. Paul:

"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." Colossians 1:15-17 KJV

"Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen." I 1 Timothy 1:17 KJV

C. Bill Samuel:

"A new world had been revealed in the morning of a spring day. The chimerical nature of the old world was seen in the afternoon. That night, in the cold and dark of a human night, only a meager memory of the Light at the pond remained. In the place of Joy, desolation and depression had descended. My confidence in the old world had been smashed during the day; yet in the dark of night, there was only a fading memory of Something Wonderful to take its place, and, as I looked at the stars, I was aware of my human nothingness and emptiness. Though I didn't know it then, I was coming to discover the nature of learning."

D: Robert Sardello:

"The way of Silence is the way of feeling, and the heart is the center of feeling.  When we are able to place our attention into the center of the heart, we develope the cognition of Silence because feeling is a mode of knowing."

D. Rich Poetry:

"On again, off again, round and around, One moment lost, the next moment found; Movement and stillness, silence and sound, One moment free, the next moment bound..."

"...Flesh and spirit, body and soul, One moment part, the next moment whole; Mary and Joseph, manger and stall, One moment Nothing, the next moment All."

Circa 1982

(First and Last Verse of "One Moment" Poem)]