"I AM" Only Mind,
"I Am" Only Consciousness,
"I am" Only Thought.
There Is Only Mind,
There Is Only Consciousness,
There Is Only Thought.
There's Only One Mind,
There's Only One Consciousness,
There's Only One Thought.
There's Only God Mind,
There's Only God Consciousness,
There's Only God Thought.
[Rich Note: The haiku above amalgamate Syd Bank's "Three Principle Revelation" (with respect to three Changeless Psycho-Dynamic Principles that underlie both the Creation and Experience of Reality) with the following Robert Adams, three part, breath synchronization Meditation format:
"There is only God,
There is only Consciousness,
Everything else is an appearance." ]
A. Related Three Principle Quotes:
(1) Syd Banks (from "The Missing Link"):
"The achievement of mental stability and peace of mind is one thought away from everyone on earth...if you can find that one thought."
"Achieving mental stability is a matter of finding healthy thoughts from moment to moment. Such thoughts can be light years or a second thought away."
"Everyone in the world shares the same innate source of wisdom, but it is hidden by the tangle of our own misguided personal thoughts."
"At the moment of birth, the virgin mind discovers creation, and the duality of life is born. Henceforth you live in a world governed by Thought.
"When clarity and purity of thought are present, the answer you seek will present itself, for what you seek is with you and has been with you always."
(2) Dr. Mark Howard (Three Principles Institute; from the Forward of Amy Johnson's great "Little Book of Big Change")
"I was fortunate to hear a man named Sydney Banks speak about his spiritual understanding of life. He shared the principles of Universal Mind, Thought, and Consciousness, which shed light on the true source of our moment-to-moment experience of life.
"During that presentation, I realized how emotions and feelings are created and how they are simply a reaction to the thinking I create through the power that stems from these spiritual principles. In that moment of insight, I realized that with this understanding, I could be happy—and so could my clients.
"The three principles of universal mind, thought, and consciousness represent the spiritual nature of our human functioning. They are a formless energy that provides us the capacity to experience life."
(3) Dr. Roger Mills and Elsie Spittle "The Inner Wisdom"):
"One of the reasons we, as a society, have gone off track in understanding human nature is that we have taken our personal thinking much to seriously."
"Understanding the role of thought, as both the transmitter and fabric of everyone's reality, immediately takes us to a deeper dimension of wisdom.
"What we want to be able to do is understand how are minds are using thought to continuously determine personal reality at each moment. Whether this view of reality is wise or foolish, it is created in the same manner -- by our thinking at the time.
"When we begin to feel hostile, anxious, or take things personally, these feelings warn us that the quality of our thinking is declining. Our wisdom tells us we should retreat from the illusionary world we are creating with those thoughts. An emotion is always the result is a thought. The quality of the emotion equals the quality of the thought."
"Once any person begins to realize -- by means of an insight -- how the three Principles work, that person can reshape his or her reality. Rather then accepting the world is fixed and intractable, people can actually change their perspective at a very fundamental level if they choose."
B. Related World Scripture and Wisdom:
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee." Proverbs 23:7 KJV. -- King Solomon
"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follow like a shadow." -- Buddha
"The mind is the reality.
You are what you think." -- Alfred Bester
"Think good and good follows.
Think evil and evil follows.
You are what you think all day long." -- Joseph Murphy
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8 KJV. -- St. Paul