Integrity has
To do with the Integral
Nature of Being.
In other words, an
Integrous Being is one
Not double-minded.
Self-reflective thought
Implies a double-minded
State of consciousness.
(1) Scripture-Wise:
"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." James 1:8 KJV
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee." Proverbs 23:7 KJV
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee : because he trusteth in thee." Isaiah 26:3 KJV
"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." Matthew 6:22 KJV
(2) Vernacular-Wise:
You are an integrous individual if you do what is righteous regardless of whether you are alone or with others.
[Rich Note: Thanks to Pedro Cortina for another Insight Provoking Seed Question: "So, really, what is integrity?"
Also, a bit of conceptual algebra in the "Single-Eye" verse above reveals that an "evil eye" is equivalent to a "dual or double-eye (vision) or mind. ]
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Hay-Ku of the Day (Two Prayers of Atonement)
A Prayer of Perfect
Atonement suitable for
Those who Love Being
A Prayer of Perfect
Contrition appropriate
For Children of God.
A Prayer of Perfect
Self-giving suitable for
The Father's Children.
A Prayer Perfect Peace
For those who Love Being the
Awareness of God.
A Prayer Perfect Peace
For those who Love Being the
Father's Awareness.
A Prayer Perfect Peace
For those who Love God at the
Heart of Awareness.
"For I Know that I Am Your Child, from You I Came.
"All That I Have, All That I Am is Yours and unto You I Now and Forever Return.
"Thy Will Be Done through me, as It is in You. I Am One in God Forever."
(The non-traditional "caps" likely originate here.)
(2) A Prayer
"Thou hast opened mine eyes Lord,
Now open my heart;
Fulfill in me Thy Purpose,
Whatever It may Be;
Let me walk in Faith, by Love,
And follow Thee wherever Thou leadeth;
Beyond all else, grant me
A conscious awareness of Thy Presence;
At all times and all places,
Make Thy implicit union with me explicit;
Make It known to my heart,
As well as my head;
Lift me out of my bondage to the
Mean and petty strivings of self-interest;
Loose the chains of desire that
Now so bind my spiritual wings, Lord;
Free me from myself and
Return me to my birthright,
As a Child of God and a Son of Light."
R.F.HAY 3/26/85
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Hay-Ku of the Day (Skygods No More)
Twenty-five years now
And there's still a spot in
The Heart for Pan Am.
[Rich Note: Just finished an audio book entitled: "SKYGODS, The Fall of Pan Am" and thought it might be fun sharing the following revised Amazon review I felt compelled to write last night:
"Outstanding in Every Respect!!!
"What a trip down memory lane. I was a Pan Am (PAA) new-hire in November of 1987, with a month of terminal leave still left, after a 20 year career with the Air Force; and, subsequently, flew for PAA for 4 years as B-727 Flight Engineer and First Officer, until they went down in December of 1991.
Picked-up a lot of detailed PAA, aviation and airline industry history I wasn't aware of from the audio, as well as why (old school and good old boy hubris, politics, Lockerbie, terrorism, the Gulf War) what happened happened.
A wonderful story by the author and a great "old grizzled, pilot-like" presentation from the reader. Both of which truly captured the spirit of aviation, pilots and PAA, at least as it is remembered here. Highly recommended for anyone who loves or has an interest in flying, the history of aviation and the inner workings of the airline industry.
[Rich Note: I was blessed with an interview with United Airlines (UAL) in 1992, as part of the bankruptcy sale of PAA's South American routes (the last of the "family jewels" to go) to UAL; got hired and flew for them until retiring on a medical in 2004. Although, I hadn't realized it until listening to this book, rather ironically, I subsequently did get to "fly-the-line" on many of the old PAA pioneered routes (Pacific, South American, Caribbean and London) on B767s and B777s with UAL.
P.S. Although some have complained about the reader's voice, I felt right at home with him, as he provided a great characterization (vernacular and all) of many of the guys I once flew the friendly (and sometimes not so friendly) sky's with -- gravely voice and all. Guess you had to be there. 😉 ]
Monday, February 20, 2017
Hay-Ku of the Day (Old Favorites List 5)
Yourself and life is a "tale
Told by an idiot."
With relative states of mind
I forget Being.
Seeing life from a
Subject-object perspective
Is double-minded.
Living life based on
Self-reflective images
Misses the moment.
Life is the degree
To which One is Consciously
Aware of Being.
Re-collecting the
Whole of which I am part is
The object of life.
The only thing in
Life not subject to change is
Awareness Itself.
The Living Word is
The Knowledge of God I Am
Conscious of Being.
Two with minor adjustments:
"Life, Light and Love" is
The "True Inheritance" of
A "Self-Mastered Soul."
To “Be Still and Know
That I Am God" is the "Way
The Truth and the Life."
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Hay-Ku of the Day [Seeding Silent Stillness ("Being Still" as a "Societal Immediate Action, Emergency BOLDFACE Item")]
Seeding thought in the
Still Silence is "Taking it
To the Lord in Prayer."
A seed thought planted
In Silence is "Taking it
To the Lord in Prayer."
Seeding Silence with
A desire is "Taking it
To the Lord in Prayer."
[Rich Note: Inspired by the following extract from Christian D. Larson's masterful (New Thought) delineation of "Being It" with respect to both Bentinho's: "See It, Feel It, Be It!" summation and Neville Goddard's "proceeding from the wish fulfilled" approaches to operationalizing the Law of Attraction":
"...To feel the perfect peace of the soul, however, is the first essential.
"After that is attained your consciousness will deepen and you will enter the great within to a greater and greater degree. While the mind is in this interior state of being every thought you think will be a power, and every desire you express will modify or change everything in your life according to the nature of that desire and in proportion to its depth and unity with the Supreme. For this reason you should train yourself to think only right thoughts and create only the truest desires while you are in the silent state.
"That which you think or do while in the silence will have a greater effect upon your life than that which you may attempt while on the surface of outer consciousness. Therefore, everything that is important should be taken into the silence and through the silence to the Infinite. This corresponds perfectly with the statement: “Take it to the Lord in prayer.” The real purpose of the silence is to enable the mind to enter the inner life and not only re‑create all thought according to the higher truth, but to enter into a more perfect touch with the divine source of things.
"The silence should be entered every day for ten, twenty or thirty minutes. This is a daily practice of extreme value. Though you may not have any real results at first, simply continue; you will reach your goal. “When you begin to become conscious of your interior life and begin to live more or less in touch with the world beautiful that is within you, you will find that you can live in this high, peaceful state the greater part of the time and thus be in the silence almost constantly. This is not only a most desirable attainment, but it is the one great attainment toward which every soul should work..."
For those who might like to go a bit deeper, here's a link to the whole "Pray without Ceasing" section of Christian's "The Ideal Made Real" -- Great Stuff; followed by a link to the Amazon, 99 cent, kindle compilation of Lardon's books entitled: "Seven Inspirational Books":
1) Extract Link:
2) Amazon Link:
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Hay-Ku of the Day (A River of Peace)
Wisdom flows like a
River of Peace when I Am
Mindful of "What Is."
Wisdom flows like a
River of Peace when I Am
Minding the Moment.
Wisdom flows like a
River of Peace when I Am
At Home in the Lord.
Wisdom flows like a
River of Peace when I Am
Waiting on the Lord.
Wisdom flows like a
River of Peace when I Am
Nothing in Myself.
Wisdom flows like a
River of Peace when I Am
Self-Emptied Stillness.
Wisdom flows like a
River of Peace when I Am
Still Point Awareness.
Wisdom flows like a
River of Peace when I Am
Awareness Itself.
Wisdom flows like a
River of Peace from the Heart
When the Mind is Still.
Wisdom flows like a
River of Peace from the Heart
When Silent and Still.
[Rich Note: Deep thanks to Pedro Cortina, for "seeding" today's haiku with the following question: "How does wisdom feel in your body?"]
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Hay-Ku of the Day (To Sasha)
To Sasha -- a Sweet Child of a Granddaughter -- who missed her Daddy last night:
The Only One who
Can Be With and Take Care of
You Always is God.
Only the "Lord God
I Am" can Be With and Take
Care of You Always.
Love, Still and Always, Pop-Pop
P.S. "...lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Amen. Matthew 28:20 KJV
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Hay-Ku of the Day (Old Favorites List 4)
The question is not
Whether there is a God, but
Who’s playing the role.
Only an outlaw
Suffers under the Law – an
In-law fulfills It.
Faith in Doctrine is
Worshiping conceptual
Graven images.
Any god that is
Other than I Am can’t be
An Absolute One.
Implies an Absolute State
Underlying All.
Believing I am
Separate from God is the
Original sin.
To be separate
From an Absolute God is
An Oxymoron.
Being Consciously
Aware as I Am is the
Son of God in All.
Thought into Being
As the Knowledge I Am is
The Absolute One.
To Love my Brother
As Myself I must realize
He and I are One.
To know I Am and
Just Be That is the Headstone
The Builders reject.
Empty of Self-thought
I Am the “Holy Grail” through
Which the Father Flows.
Salvation is from
Identification with
Relative matters.
Jesus died to save
Us all from our delusion
Of Self-existence.
Hay-Ku of the Day (Behind Your Eyes)
Can "Anything I
Behold" be other than the
"Awareness I Am?"
"Nothing I See" can
"Be other than Me" as the
"Awareness I Am."
"I Am what I See"
In the "Instant I See It"
And then "I Am Not."
"What I See" is an
"Energetic State" of the
"Awareness I Am."
I Am the Field of
Awareness through which Waves of
Energy Express.
Awareness is the
Medium through which Potential
To Be Expresses.
As an Infinite
Potential to Be I Am
Whatever I See.
Boundless Potential
To Be is Expressed through the
Consciousness I Am.
Re: "What’s going on within the geographic confines of your skull, behind your eyes, right now? Is it not everything you see before your eyes, and is this not actually composed of patterns of mental energy arising within your own head? Is it not also true that the patterns which you presently identify as yourself are composed of the exact same mental material you identify as other? This being true, how is it possible to be so intimately identified with one portion of your awareness, and so self-alienated from the other? Perhaps because the preponderance of your attention is habitually focused on the former, while you are proportional less sensitive and aware of the latter."
[Introduction to Chapter 5, "Of Twain One New Man," of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses" (OOMM).]
Monday, February 6, 2017
Hay-Ku of the Day (Old Favorited List 3)
The Human mind is
A mental house divided
By relative thought.
Narrowed focus and
Shifts in attention create
Form fixated mind
Loses sight and sense of the
Field of Awareness.
Thinking causes one
To burn “mental moth holes” in
The Present moment.
Relative thinking
Involves minding this to the
Exclusion of that.
Minding this to the
Exclusion of that creates
Double mindedness.
Mechanisms of
Perception project their own
Relative limits.
States of mind project their own Relative limits.
Subject to mental
Myopia I lose sight
Of the Big Picture.
Thinking of others
Instead of yourself is how
To stop suffering.
Relative perspectives is
A Divine Calling.
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