The Self-Radiant
Light of Awareness I Am
Is Mystical Light.
The Self-Radiant
Light of Awareness I Am
Is Spiritual Light.
The Self-Radiant
Light of Awareness I Am
Is Scriptural Light.
The Self-Radiant
Light of Awareness I Am
Is Biblical Light.
The Self-Radiant
Light of Awareness I Am
Is the Living Light.
The Self-Radiant
Light of Awareness I Am
Is the Quantum Light.
The Self-Radiant
Light of Awareness I Am
Is Prior to Being.
The Self-Radiant
Light of Awareness I Am
Is Fundamental.
The Self-Radiant
Light of Awareness I Am
Is Primordial.
The Self-Radiant
Light of Awareness I Am
Is Beyond Belief.
(1) Scripture-Wise:
A. "In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." John 1:4-5 KJV
B. "That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." John 1:9 KJV
C. "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." John 9:5 KJV
D. "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." Matthew 5:14 KJV
E. "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:" Ephesians 5:8 KJV
F. "Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness." 1 Thessalonians 5:5 KJV
(2) Sri Nisargadatta-Wise:
"Even the sence 'I am' is composed of the pure light and the sence of being. (IAT201)
"When you realize that you are the light of the world, you will also realize that you are the love of it; that to know is to love and to love is to know." (IAT 202)
"Concept and mind are beams of light from the Contemplator."(SOC21)
"Out of your own light you are living." (SOC73)
"You are seeing your own light."(SOC99)
If the sun can enter into to its own light then you can go behind your beingness." (SOC133)
"You are the light behind the states." (SOC134)
"Be in that source which is the light behind consciousness." (SOC141)
"Bhagavan is the light which is the manifest world." (SOC152)
"Because of the sun, the light is; because you are your world is." (PTC3)
"...That chemical, the consciousness, provides the light which enables the world to get on..." (PTC17)
"In this impersonal presence as such, the only hing present is tge light of consciousness, without any form or shape. Whatever is seen is seen in that light." (EON65)
"When this life force seeks the consciousness of God itself, then dawns the light of this consciousness with which the life force works and achieves what it wants to achieve -- that is oneness with God." (TUM161)
"Abidance in that knowledge 'I Am' which does not identify with the body-mind is the spiritual light."(CA48)
[Rich Note: The Knowledge I Am = Consciousness = Awareness of Being = Beingness = I Amness = Presence Consciousness = Witnessing Presence = Presence Awareness = Conscious Aliveness, et. al...
SOC = Seeds of Consciousness
PTC = Prior to Consciousness
EON = The Experience of Nothingness
TUM= The Ultimate Medicine
CA = Consciousness and the Absolute ]
(2) Bill Samuel-Wise:
A. Little 'Lijah the Luminous Lightening Bug
"There is a verse in The Gospel According to Thomas, “If they say to you: 'From where have you originated?', say to them: 'We have come from the Light, where the Light originated through itself...” The genuine Identity of us “comes from the Light.” That reality seems buried deep within us, as inaccessible to the intellect as the soul is, the very essence of being. But it is not inaccessible; it is within our reach for the asking. Let me use an analogy that will help us understand..."
"...Well now, how does the brass bird (the sculpted eagle sitting on Bill's coffee table) look to us as he goes faster? Smaller. And still smaller as he gets to the speed of sound and smaller yet as he flies at half the speed of light. At those speeds it takes special equipment to see him at all. Then, when he gets to “light,” which is to say, the speed of light—186,300 miles per second—Elijah becomes a photon to us as we sit in the living room drinking our coffee.
"Where would Elijah, the photon is ordinary worldly light. It is called “limited” light (by the early Christian Gnostics and me) because it seems to have a strange limit built into itself. The speed of light is calculated by present physics to be “the limiting speed” of the (material) universe—a primary, an absolute—and indeed, Einstein proved that light travels at that constant speed no matter what the rest of tangibility does..."
"...So, what? Why the limit? Philosophy and theology—and maybe even a metaphysician here or there—have calculated that infinity is beyond limit. Such thoughts lead to the conclusion that if God exists (God being Illimitability or Light-spelled-with-a-capital), then there must be a Light BEYOND the photon-light we can measure. The ultimate Light must be omnipresent—at rest, Light that doesn't move at all. There is something in the Bible about Light without shadow, isn't there? Welcome to the club, physicists. The Jews and Gnostics, the Hindus and forest wanderers, the Taoists and many others made that determination thousands of years ago and have gone on to use the greater Light to explain things about the lesser which human sophistication is only now beginning to confirm..."
"...At the speed of Light there is no more consciousness of time or space— but a new heaven and earth exist “at light” and “the old heaven and earth have passed away.” Could this have been what the Carpenter and the prophets foresaw when they spoke of this world being rolled up like a scroll?—and the one above it as well? How is it that the Gnostics rightly referred to the works of this world as an unreal creation by the dispossessed angel, Lucifer, whose name means Limited light? Since the material universe does seem to be the creation of photons, from which Awareness can't be separated for very long this side of “death,” what relationship exists between the awareness reading these words and the satanic Lucifer? Could the Zen Buddhist and the absolutist who decry all relationships between human consciousness and Reality be right after all? Is there justification for the metaphysical insight that says human consciousness is the anti- Truth? Wouldn't it be a surprise to the churchman who refuses to examine subjectivism to awaken one day to learn he has been enacting the very anti-Christ himself in his refusal to accept God's totality?..."
[Rich Note: For those who may be interested, here's a Link to the entire essay: