Once again Flying
On the Wings of the Spirit
To my own Dear Heart.
The All Seeing Eye
At the Heart of Awareness
Is looking through yours.
A Dimensionless
Still Point Eye at the Heart of
Awareness I Am.
The Quantum Field of
Conscious Space that now contains
All You're Now Seeing.
When Awareness of
Field and Form Coincide One's
Eye becomes Single.
(With the exception of the last haiku, inspired by a Pedro Cortina's posting of a "This Is IT!" the-minder image, as is the following collection of related quotes, posted on FB.)
[Rich Note: That which follows is cross-correlative collage of "This Is It!" quotes that attempts to point to what is essentially a "dimensionless still point," with cross-correlative pointing vectors or lines of thought from different conceptual angles," compiled in the same spirit as the following metaphoric "word picture":
"Although we can not fully define an absolute state in relative terms, we can use analogies, metaphors and similes in an attempt to evoke or recall a direct sense or perception of that state. Thus, if I have an experience I wish to share, I can use a metaphor to indicate what it felt like with the hope of evoking a similar feeling in another. This is the verbal equivalent of having someone balance a coin to convey what balance feels like. This is because balance, as an absolute or non-relative state, cannot be captured in words, yet can be known as a direct experience. Thus, by moving a coin back and forth through its balance point, while progressively reducing said movements, one may get a feel for almost balanced. Then, suddenly, as the coin comes to rest, perhaps a direct sense of balance, as a non-relative state, may be experienced."]
(1) "This is IT!" Burt Harding-Wise:
"...This reality is experienced as unconditional love, peace, clarity, oneness and joy. These feelings are NOT emotional qualities, in fact not qualities at all. They are our true nature as pure presence. If this is your first "looking experience, it may feel scary and even disappointing because the mind's thinking will exclaim, "Is this IT?" -- Burt Harding
(2) "This is IT!" Bill Samuel-Wise:
"...What is It? Listen, listen: It is a tiny moment of sweet inner lightness and delight. It is a moment of relief from the world's heaviness. It is an instant of recognition and weightless surveillance of the scene. It is a flawless moment that lets us say, "Hey, this is a fine minute! I feel all right! I feel good! I feel joy! Everything is all right!" That's It. That goodness and lightness is IT! That's what It is.
"Unfortunately, It's no big event to the intellect of us, yet its recognition and acknowledgment is the most brimming inner understanding anyone will ever acquire-and the heart of us knows this is so. It's the grandest thing one can imagine, because, in the midst of It, suddenly everything IS all right -including the universe and all therein, including our own most personal experiences and our interface with everyone. That's all right too.
"The Marvel of Marvels begins as a tiny, mustard-seed of sweet, innocent peace. The conscious perception of this is the Big Bang of the Future, awaiting the world. When we recognize It, and acknowledge It, It grows and grows. It comes back again, large, and more apparent. It returns, again and again, at other unexpected moments, still larger-until it grows into the Tree of Paradise wherein the angels play.
"We have all needed someone in our personal life who recognizes It and says, "That's it! This is IT!" The It I write about is the purpose of all the human disciplines. It is the objective of the philosophies, all the religions and secret societies intended to bring us to Light. When they are successful, they bring us to this tiny moment wherein we finally recognize It for what it is-peace, simple peace.
"The inner delight we feel, even as we read this, is It. Here It is! Right here as the awareness reading these words. It hasn't gone away, you see. It never left us nor forsook us. We are It. It is us. It is me and thee and everyone. And, It is still right here, a tiny moment of peace in the world, ready to explode into the New World and make all things new..."
A link to a full transcription of the William Samuel Woodsong Note titled, "The Grandest Gift of All" the above "This Is It!" related quote comes from:
(3) "This is IT!" Alan Watts-Wise:
"You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.”
Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.”
“We do not "come into" this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean "waves," the universe "peoples." Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe.”
“Really, the fundamental, ultimate mystery -- the only thing you need to know to understand the deepest metaphysical secrets -- is this: that for every outside there is an inside and for every inside there is an outside, and although they are different, they go together.”
Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes.”
Zen is a liberation from time. For if we open our eyes and see clearly, it becomes obvious that there is no other time than this instant, and that the past and the future are abstractions without any concrete reality.”
― Alan Wilson Watts
Here's a link to a great compilation of 92 of Alan's quotes (all of which might be viewed as conceptual pointers to "This Is IT!) those above came from:
(4) "This is IT!" Rich Hay-Wise:
Here's link to a circa 1990 cross-correlative arrangement of "This Is IT!" (a phrase I first encountered as a title to an Alan Watt's essay of the same title) quotes selected from 11 different source books (also done in the same spirit as the coin balancing metaphor above):