Saturday, August 22, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Seven in One)

Hay-Ku of the Day (Seven in One)

As Awareness I
Am the Presence of THAT which
Is Being Aware.


Awareness refers
To the Presence of THAT which
Is Being Aware.

Awareness simply
Means: The Presence of THAT which
Is Being Aware.


Awareness is the
Presence of THAT Which Is Now
Aware as I Am.

Awareness Is THAT
Which is Being Aware and
Present as I Am.


God the Father is
THAT which is Being Aware
As I Am Right Now.

THAT which is Being
Present and Aware is the
Nameless Absolute.

[Rich Note: The first one is as viscerally pregnant (and as spiritually explosive) as any "string of words yet strung together"; and directly inspired as a "distilled summary version" of Rupert Spira's masterfully insightful  answer to the "Who Am I?"question we are all born to answer, as it is so clearly conveyed in the following passage from "Presence, The Art of Peace and Happiness, Vol.1":

"...our self knows that it is present and aware by itself, through itself alone. It doesn’t need any other agent such as a mind or a body, let alone an outside source, to confirm its own aware presence. It knows itself directly. 

"So it is clear from our own intimate and direct experience that ‘I’ am not just present but am also aware. It is for this reason that our self is sometimes referred to as awareness, which simply means the presence of that which is aware. The word ‘awareness’ indicates that the being we intimately know our self to be—that knows itself to be—is inherently present and aware. 

"In this book our self is also referred to as ‘aware presence’ or sometimes simply ‘presence’. It is also sometimes referred to as ‘consciousness’ or ‘being’. But most simply this aware presence is known as ‘I.']

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Half-Truth Taken to Be Whole)

A "relative truth"
Taken to be "Absolute"
Is a "false premise."

A "relative truth"
Acted on as if "Absolute"
Causes suffering.

"Partial truth" treated
As if it were "The Whole Truth"
Is "Missing the Mark."

"A half-truth taken 
To be whole plays the Devil!"
--Alfred North Whitehead

"Many of our ideas and beliefs about ourselves and the world are so deeply ingrained that we are unaware that they are beliefs and take them, without questioning, for the absolute truth."  -- Rupert Spira 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Transmiting Ego Lead in Life's Fining Pot)

Transmuting ego
Lead into spiritual gold
Is suffering’s job.

Self-centered thinking
Causes such unhappiness--
Bedeviled by thought.

Clinging to the hell 
Of self-centered thinking, I
Ask to stop burning.

Without any doubt,
Thinking about thought is the
Road to perdition.

Until we see "our
Wounds are self-inflicted" we
Are bound to suffer."

A fatal case of
Mistaken Identity
This Being Human.

Thinking of myself
In relative terms I am
Subject to Objects.

Mental resistance
To a present state of mind
Causes suffering.

Suffering because
We misdefine ourselves and
The Father of All.

We suffer because 
A false premise of being
Needs to be revealed.

Once again caught in
The pincers of time and space— 
Coal bearing diamond.

My soulful anguish,
Mid-wife to eternal glory, 
Cosmic labor pains.

(1) Scripture-Wise:

"The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the Lord trieth the hearts." Proverbs 17:3 KJV

"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;" 2 Corinthians 4:17 KJV

(2) Shakespeare-Wise: 

"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages..."

(3) "The Story of Me"-Wise:

"Imagine yourself playing the role of Macbeth, so intrigued by the excitement and thunderous events on the stage that you believe everything happening there is exactly as it appears, the obvious and factual truth. Imagine that you have become so absorbed in the play, particularly your own part, as to forget it is only a play, a fictitious, intellectually created drama. 

"From this incorrect standpoint, you find yourself accepting and believing the identity the play gives you. You find yourself literally being Macbeth, living the burdens of Macbeth and suffering the agony heaped on his shoulders. Macduff's threats to your life seem terribly real; the blood on Lady Macbeth's hands seems fixed and permanent; her fears add mightily to your own. 

"Believing yourself to be Macbeth, you find yourself worried, frightened and bent to the ground beneath the weight of your machinations. Even though Macbeth is not your actual identity, never was and never could be really, you believe it is—and act it. 

"When the torment of the misidentification finally becomes too great to bear, perhaps in a moment of agony and wonderment about the "why" of it all, you ask someone who is attempting to tell you the Truth, "Why do you keep saying there is nothing to worry about? Why do you tell me I am suffering needlessly? What do you mean, I do not need to 'take thought'? What do you mean, 'things are not as they appear' and 'my kingdom is not of this world"?What about those horsemen thundering across the stage? What about the soldiers I see hiding behind the trees? How in the world can I keep from worrying about them? 

"Your talk is pure gobbledygook, completely beyond my comprehension." Inevitably, your questions stem from the belief the play is true and real. Questions will continue to arise until the play is seen to be the fiction it is. 

"This illustration makes clear that the actors have no problems outside the play. It shows that their genuine identity is of “another world..."

(From Bill Samuel's "A Guide to Awareness and Tranquility")

(4) "Christ in You"-Wise:

"For years we have gone outside to teachers, leaders, and holy books, when the entire universe of Truth has been within us all the while. Its confirmation is found nowhere else. Where? Within the Heart! Here! Now
-- Bill Samuel.

Hay-Ku of the Day (Proof of God)

Implies an Absolute State 
Underlying All.

Any God that is 
Other than I Am can’t be 
An Absolute One.

Believing I am
Separate from God is the 
Original sin.

Being separate 
From an Absolute God is
An Oxymoron.

The question is not
Whether there is a God, but 
Who’s playing the role

[Rich Note: The reprise of the above OOMM Oldies and blog haiku favorites, as well as the following  reply on the subject of "Proving God" were inspired by friend Ed Reed's FB post:

"Relatively speaking" (lol), Ed, the best "logical proof" (if there can be such a thing) of God I know follows:

 "As you can't have an "up without a down," an "off without an on," an ""in without an out," a "something without a nothing," "form without space," "light without darkness," "motion without stillness," "sound without silence," "good without evil," "life without death," "being without non-being"; neither can you have a "Relative (Man) without an Absolute (God)," and all that necessarily implies with respect to what Relativity, Nature, Mankind and All the Rest of It must Ultimately Be " Spirit and Truth."

As for "me", is there any "logical proof" of my own existence or is the proof of my own Being a trans-rational Knowing that I Am" -- beyond the shadow of a rational doubt; and that as a direct apprehension of an experiential sense of "Being Present and Aware as I Am," as a "doubtless certainty" that can in no way be challenged or denied, because I would still have to "be here existing" to do so? 

If so, would not Knowing God, the Presence thereof and Conscious Union therewith, Be Equally Trans-Rational (beyond relative conception and comprehension, but not beyond the reach of "direct apprehension in the Heart,"!  in the same way "I Know I Am")?]

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Facebook Comment Archive (8-7 to 8-11-15)


In response to Spiritual Maturity HOTD

"Mature" if "I Am
In the World" what "I Am
In Spirit and Truth"...

Barb: "Hard to do."

Rich: Yes, "impossible 
To "do," but "possible to 
Be" through "Christ in You." 

(My Dear Friend)


"Love and compassion are necessities not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive."  Dalai Lama

Rich: A Continuous Flow of Love and Compassion are the Natural State of an Open and Peaceful Heart, Empty of Self and Full of God.



(An image of the Statute of Liberty "saluting" the Twin World Trade Towers before there distraction during the September 11th 2001 911 attach)

Rich:This picture calls to mind the following title of a poem once given to aircrew and administrative members of the 18th MAS (Military Airlift Squadron); one that not only makes a perfect title with respect to this picture, but also pays tribute to both the United and American flight crews, as well as the NYC Police and Fire Department; all of whom made the "supreme sacrifice" in service others.


[Rich Note: This picture and title both have particular personal meaning here, as a then UAL 757/767 First Officer who had flown with UAL175 Captain Vick Saracini; and had once had he and his lovely family stop by for a visit in Mt. Holly on their way back to PA from "down the shore" in Margate, NJ.]

Richard Hay, Major, USAF (Retired)

PS: Here's a related link that specifically memorializes all the Flight Members lost during the September 11th 2001 911 attack:




RICH: Yes, "I" as "I presently think I am" is in the process of becoming "Fully Aware of Myself" as "I Am in Spirit and Truth."

A Flow of Love and
Compassion springs from Open
Empty, Peaceful Hearts

A Flow of Love and
Compassion springs from a
Still and Peaceful Hearts.


A Sandy Jones post on Bill Samuel

Rich: What a "Divine Team" you and Bill make, Dear Sandy.

Sandy: Thanks Richard F Hay -- I think when my book gets published I can do much more for his message - we shall see --  <3 div="">

Rich: Yes, Sandy, your book can definitely serve as both a "Divine Platform and Launching Pad"; not only for You and Bill but All the other "Self-Images of God in Action" wise enough to Resonate at Your Joint-Frequency and "Run with the Child."



Be Still and Know that I Sm God - Ps 46:10 image

Rich: Reprise of a previous comment shared on a Len Sweet post prayer:

With respect to Prayer, I have seen Psalm 46:10 KJV ("Be still, and know that I am God...") used to provide an operative definition of both Prayer and Meditation in any number of books, both East and West.

In fact (and I am paraphrasing a bit here), when asked about the Bible, Sri Ramana (a Spiritual Giant by any standard) responded: "'I AM THAT I AM' is the Truth"; and to "'Be still and know that I am God' is the Way" (to that Truth).



Response to Sandy's "haunting" comment on the movie "Alive."

Rich: Agree with Sandy on the "haunting" nature of Alice, but did found the degree that our "sense of being a separate person" depends on our personal memories both fascinating and disturbing.



Len Sweet: "Do not give up when trials come. Be patient. Do not give up." Romans 12:19

Rich: "...set yourselves, stand ye
still , and see the salvation
of the Lord with you..."

 2 Chronicles 20:17 KJV

(a related "natural" haiku)



Dr. Oscar Molina: "Is reality pulling down our dreams, or are our dreams pulling up our reality."



PS: Neville Goddard defined the "Right Hand of God" (or "Christ in You") as the "Power and Imagination" (image-making, envisioning or dream power) of the Father.

Re: "As a man thinketh in his heart so it is with him."

Monday, August 10, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Spiritual Maturity)

"Mature" if "I Am
In the World" what "I Am
In Spirit and Truth."

When "I Am in the 
World" what "God Knows I Am in
Truth" I Am "Mature."

To "Manifest" the 
"Fullness of the Godhead" I
Must Know "I Am That."

[Rich Note : This "whole ball of wax" (both the haiku and the subsequently posted comment below) was called forth by the following Rev. Len Sweet post read on Facebook this morning: 

Post: "Life is not chronological. Some people immature with age."

Comment: All depends on whether an Absolute (Divine) or relative (human) standard is being applied in defining "maturity."

In God's Eye "I am" mature to the degree "I Am" in the World what God Now Sees me as Being in Spirit and Truth (or the Father's Everlasting Vision of Being Manifest).

Seen in this Light, here is what might be called a Divine Growth Chart: "I am/I Am/I AM."

Re: "...thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for 'I am' called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts." Jeremiah 15:16 KJV

PS: Name = Nature.]