I Am the Living
Word of God Spoken Into
Relative Being.
I Am the Divine
Word Spoken into Being by
The Father of All.
I Am the Divine
Word Spoken into Being by
An Absolute God.
I Am Awareness
Embodied as a Sense
Of Radiant Light.
I Am a Conscious
Pattern of Self-Radiant
Energy or Word.
I Am a Conscious,
Self-Radiant Pattern of
Quantum Awareness.
This Self-Radiant
Light of Awareness I Am
Is God Manifest.
This Self-Radiant
Light and Love I Am is the
Father Manifest.
This Living Light of
Love I AM is the Christ of
God in every Heart.
"I Am the Word" is
The Last Step in a Fifty-
Year walk on the Path.
Paul's Gift is the Last
Stop in a Fifty-Year Search
For the Living WORD.***
This Gem is the last
Jewel in a Fifty-Year Search
For a long lost Crown.
[Rich Note: This one is an All-Inclusive, Fast-Track approach that "anyone" with an open mind (or at least some degree of intellectual honesty) and willing Heart (or otherwise sufficiently motivated) can readily apply; and not one word or concept offered is the least bit in-consist with anything I've read or any personal insight I've been blessed to receive in 50 years.]
[Rich Note***: Alternative third-line substitutes: Living Light, Living Christ, Light of Love, Word of Truth, Word of Word of Life, Word of God, Word Made Flesh, Truth of God, One I Am, Absolute Truth, I as I Am, Self-Knowledge, Holy One, Son of God...etc.]
(1) Metaphorically Speaking:
"If a “word” is defined as an external vibratory pattern of energy intended to express or convey an inner thought or idea, is it not possible to characterize each and every man- made object you now see before you as a “living word?” For is not each such object simply a recurring pattern of physical energy that expresses an inner idea that once impressed another person’s mind? Do you yourself not also speak your mental ideas into physical being through words—vibratory patterns of external energy—in a similar fashion every time you speak or write? Might this same characterization not also hold true of the natural world?"
(2) Scripturally Speaking:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. "In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not..."
John 1:1-5 KJV
"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."
John 1:14 KJV
(3) Metaphysically Speaking:
A. Paul Selig-Wise;
"...What does it mean to be the Christ?” And we will tell you very simply: what it means to be the Christ is to be in the frequency of Christ, and to recognize the self in its divinity as one with the Creator without the separation of self that the ego process would keep in place to diminish the glory of the self as one with its Creator..."
"...The Word is the vibration of God in action. Word is action. It is creation. When we say to you, “I Am Word,” we are decreeing ourselves as the Creator in action. When you decree, “I Am Word,” you summon to you your own anchoring as the Christed Self and begin to make this manifest in form..."
"...When you affirm, 'Word I am Word,' you give to yourself the Word vibration as Self in manifestation and you bring about a process, an alchemical process, that aligns your frequency to the vibration of Word."
(From "I Am the Word")
B. St. Germain I AM Activity-Wise:
"'I AM' Christ, God I Action, the Light of God that never fails in the fullness of Its eternal victory and dominion."
"...The Master Christ Presence
Incarnate in Man,
Source of All Freedom,
The Blessed Word, 'I AM'..."
C. Bill Samuel-Wise:
(1) "THE LIMITS OF PHYSICAL LIGHT AND SCIENCE: Science has nearly reached the limits of tangibility at both ends of the scale, first and last, large and small. Presently our physical instruments are looking out to the very edges of the tangible universe of light and inward to the limits of the particle's apparent beginning in time and space—to a billionth of a billionth of a second, it is said. These two views are one View. Human views will give way soon to the Reality of things. The government of Godhead—not the government of man and his religion—will arrive palpably right here in man's finite measure because It is here already in simple, timeless Truth, albeit not quite seen, recognized or confirmed yet. As the Lights of the world have said, the New Covenant is written in the hearts of men already. There IS to be a breakthrough and a breakout into childlikeness and simplicity. Beyond that, there is something for the Child ("Christ in You") of us to do in this world. This book is about that as well."
(2) SUBJECTIVISM AND RELIGION: To the objective view, there is God and a sinful mankind struggling to return to God's grace. To the subjective view, there is God and God's Self-Awareness appearing as all possible individual states. The “return” is leaving the bonds of objectivism to re-embrace the Original Child, the subjective “Mind of God”— to let the Awareness be us which is also the Christ Truth. Then, if we are willing to continue, we find and live the balance. Here, the objective world is understood, not denied. The balance is a step beyond subjectivism, just as the subjective idea is a step beyond the objective view of things. But, listen, listen: The Child within can be found anywhere along the line at any moment! When the Child is found, we go quickly to the balance of things."
"...When the Child within (The God Identity) is really acknowledged, It comes alive. We feel it. With this Child, that we actually feel within, comes a simultaneous refutation of the old bastard's view of things—and, blessedly, a natural forsaking of them. We also let go the thoughts and actions that supported the “old man's” position. Suspicion, doubt, judgment of the motives of “others” and many forms of judgmentalism simply vanish..."
"...Yet the Child within us (which is the Christ of us!) allows us to suspect this a long time before we're atop the mountain in conscious fact. Inwardly we're claiming that no Identity exists but God, and doing this, sometimes, against great odds; outwardly, we're slowly beginning to live judgelessly and to see good, God, in everything. Do you see?"
(4) "...Look at the stars as you did those years ago. Be still and patient. Something will stir within. You will feel Something deep within yourself. That greater than sensual marvel stirring within is the Christ Child of Yourself telling you that you are coming alive again and coming home again; that your longings can be fulfilled; that you have important things to do here in this arena of time and space."