Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Hardwired)

I am Hardwired to
Believe I am the center 
Of the universe.

Hardwired to think I
Am the center of my world 
And acting like it.

I am both hardwired
And programmed to feel I am
In charge of my life.

Inspired by the following linked YouTube of the 2005 Kenyon College Commencement Address given by David Foster Wallace - a 22 minute talk that should be mandatory listening for ever man, woman and adolescent child in the world:


[Rich Note: A slightly edited, related background dialogue stream, with old buddy James Post, as it relates to a shared post that was critical of higher  education (for those who may be interested in such details):

James: "A quality liberal arts education will help students focus on what to think about (not earn "gold stars"). I'm sorry this author had such a bad experience. Here is a no b/s talk (commencement speech) by a great author on the importance of awareness and focus that I think you will enjoy Richard. I hope you'll watch and let me know what you think."


Rich Part I: Great to hear from you, James!

Before I read this, and (comment accordingly), I'll pass along something I concluded after finishing 15 months of an Air Force sponsored MBA in 1976, which was: what they taught me to "think about" was not nearly as  important as the "new and different ways of looking at and thinking about" what was being taught; that and the greatly increased capacity for mental self-discipline and focus, as well as an ability to see in the context of a bigger, non-local picture or frame of self-reference; and, with that, the attendant natural insight (or intuitive wisdom) that the "longer mental focal lengths and wider breadths of vision" that such "big picture thinking and seeing" often occasions.

Rich Part 2: You were right, James, I absolutely loved David Foster Wallace's "This Is Water" commencement address.  As brilliant and inspired (divine or otherwise) a summation of the "human dilemma and it's resolution," as I've ever heard. 

Pure genius from beginning to end, James, and as "Spot On" a diagnosis and and cure for human suffering as one might ever hope to find.  Should be made mandatory listening for every man, woman and child presently "hardwired to think" they are "subject to self-reflective mind and thought," and in "sole charge of 'their' life."

Interestingly enough, I'm in the process of taking Bentinho Madsaro's online Trinfinity Academy Course on Self-Realization and Actualization that specifically addresses, in an extremely comprehensive and unique manner, a way of actually "re-wiring the 'I am this or that, center of the universe, person in the world' hardwiring" David indicates "we can choose to overcoming" in his address.

I'll send a related sample that clearly addresses the "psycho-physical-emotional dynamics" of what it really means to be a human being; a wonderful exposition I feel you'll find much more than interesting via e-mail.  

Although the course, which is top draw all the way, can be taken for free for a month, after finishing the Enlightenment 1 section, I'm all in for the duration.

Thanks for David's YouTube, I'll be passing it along to all my close and not so close friends.

Yours, Rich.

Related Links: 

Trinfinity Academy website:

Bentinho Madsaro website:

PS: Bentinho and his Trinfinity Academy are not "pie in the sky" -- take it from a 50 year seeker, this "kid" (as you as he may appear) can "deliver the goods."]

Monday, December 28, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Waiting Upon the Lord)

"To Be Still and Know
That I Am God" is "Waiting
On the Lord with us."

Being mentally
Still and Knowing I Am is
Waiting in the Lord.

Being mentally
Still and Knowing I Am is
Loving the Father.


Waiting on the Lord
Is Being Mentally Still
And Knowing I Am.

Waiting upon the
Lord as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Waiting on the Lord
As the Aware Presence of 
All Conscious Being.


Waiting on the Lord
Is Being Still and Knowing
I Am Consciousness.

Waiting on the Lord
Is Being Still and Knowing
All is Consciousness.

Waiting on the Lord
Is Being Still and Knowing
God is Consciousness.


Waiting on the Lord
Is Being Presence as the
Awareness of God.

Waiting on the Lord
Is Being the Presence of
Divine Awareness.

Waiting on the Lord
Is Being the Presence of
Awareness Itself. 


Waiting on the Lord
Is Being Still in the face
Of worldly matters.

Waiting on the Lord
Is Being Still in the face
Of appearances.

Abiding in Peace
In the face of appearance 
Is waiting on God.

"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 KJV

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 KJV

Friday, December 25, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (A 777 Christmas Day Prayer)

May All Beings Be Joyous!
May All Beings Be at Peace!
May All Beings Know I Am!

Hay-Ku of the Day (Ever-Abiding Light and Love)

Abiding as the
Aware Sensory Presence
Of Being I Am.

Abiding as the
Aware Sensory Presence
Of Being Itself.

Abiding as this
Felt Sense of Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.


Abiding as this
Aware Presence of Being
I Never Not Am.

Abiding as this
Aware Presence of Being
I Am Here and Now.

Abiding as this
Aware Presence of Being
I Am One and All.

"...I abide, I remain, I know my Self—I stay home." -- Bentinho Massaro

"The Dude Abides!" -- The Big Labowski

PS: Merry Christmas to All (and Everything)!

Christ is the Aware
Presence of Being I Am
Living in Your Heart.

Christ is the Aware
Presence of Being I Am
Ablaze in Your Heart.

Christ is the Aware
Presence of Being I Am
Alive in All Hearts.

"Christ in You" is the
Self-Witnessing Presence of
All-Conscious Being.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Purify Your Hearts)

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee." Proverbs 23:7 KJV

"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." James 1:8 KJV

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners (self-ignorant); and purify your hearts, ye double minded." James 4:8 KJV

OOMM Oldies:

Purity of heart
Refers to a state of mind
Empty of itself.

Double mindedness 
Refers to a relative 
State of awareness.

Related Pop-Ups:

Purity of heart
Refers to a state of mind
Void of reflection.

Purity of heart
Refers to a state of mind
Empty of self-thought.


Double mindedness
Implies a mental house that
Is self-divided.

Double mindedness
Is a mind polarized by
Reflective self-thought.

Double mindedness 
Is a "self-referencing"
State of awareness.

Double mindedness
Sees Life from a "Subject and 
Object" perspective.

Double mindedness
Sees Life though a "Subject and 
Object" mental lens.

Double mindedness 
Assumes a "self and other"
Relation to Life.

[Rich Note: A related metaphor that introduced Chapter Seven, "Purify Your Hearts Ye Double Minded," of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses:

"A dual state of mind projects its relative limits in much the same way that looking through a pair of binoculars projects its circular limits. The mental screen of relative words and thoughts through which we look is similarly projected on the limitless horizons of consciousness. What we see is real, though the mental boundaries we unwittingly project are not. From this one might surmise that life is really some form of self-projection, both individual and collective, and that the world serves as a mirror in which it reflects. In this regard, both Scripture, which declares, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he . . .” (Pr.23:7), and quantum physics, which concludes that “the observer conditions his observations,” bear witness to the likelihood of this premise."]

Hay-Ku of the Day (True Self-Reference)

Only a partial
Frame of reference can keep
Being limited.

Only a partial
Frame of self-reference keeps
Awareness finite.

A relative frame
Of reference is keeping
Awareness finite.


The finite nature
Of being is projected
By relative mind.

The seeming finite
Nature of Being is a
Mental projection.

The seeming finite
Nature of Existence is
A self-projection.


When Aware Presence
Is your self-reference Life
Becomes Limitless.

Aware Presence as
A self-reference sets the
Mental captives free.

The Aware Presence
Of Being I Am is only
True Self-Reference.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Open Focus Awareness)

Shifting focus from
Thought to the Aware Presence
I Am offers Grace.

A Shift in Focus
From thought to Aware Presence
Of Being is Grace.

A Shift in Focus
From thought to the Awareness
Of Being I Am.

[Rich Note: The following haiku represent a conceptual breakthrough (a wedding of mental focal length and breadth of vision with relaxed mental focus), here, with respect to the operative principle behind the amazing efficacy of Bentinho's Massaro's seemingly simple, yet utterly profound, "2-5 seconds of relaxing or letting thought (opening mental focus and implicitly extending focal length) go and noticing the felt sense of the Presence (as in the "Aware Presence of Being I Am") of One's Existence as the Underlying Ground of both thought and All Conscious Being.

Related Bentinho Massara Links:


http://www.bentinhomassaro.com ]

Simply Noticing
The Aware Presence I Am
In lieu of thinking.

Notice the Aware
Presence of Being You Are
By letting thought go.

Notice Being the
Aware Presence You Are by
Relaxing Focus.


As Open Focused
Aware Presence of Being
There Is Only One.

As Open Focused
Aware Presence of Being
There Is Only God.

As Open Focused
Aware Presence of Being
There Is Only Peace.

Re: "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 KJV

A Mind that is Still 
Has Infinite Focal Length
And Breadth of Vision.

A Still, Silent Mind
Has Infinite focal length
And breadth of vision.

A Still Mind becomes
Open Focused Awareness
Conscious of Beimg


A Mind in a State
Of Wide-Open Focus is
Absolutely Still.

Mind in Motion is
A Particle State that is
Quantum in Nature.


An Empty Mind
Is also Clear,
Without thought
There is No Fear.

A Quiet Mind
Lives in Peace,
Make the most
Of even Least.

A Silent Mind
Has no bound,
Open and Still
Itself is Found.

Circa 1982

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Our First Love)

"Average Joes" love
Thinking about Being more 
Than Being Itself.

The "average Joe's"
Programmed to love thought more
Then Being Alive.


Let's be honest folks
We love thinking more than we
Love Being Aware.

We love thinking much
Much more then we Love Being
Present and Aware.


Love thinking more than
Being Consciously Aware
And you're an out-law.

Love Being Present
And Aware more than thinking
And you're an in-law.


Loving thinking more
Than Being Aware is a
Kind of "waking sleep."

The "walking dead" love
Thinking about Being more
Than Being Itself.


Loving God as the
Aware Presence I Am will
Fulfill the First Law.

Loving God as the
Aware Presence of Being
I Am is the Way.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Self-Noticing Presence)

The Self-Noticing
Presence of the Awareness
I Am is the Way.

The Self-Noticing
Presence of the Awareness
I Am is the Truth.

The Self-Noticing
Presence of the Awareness
I Am is the Life.

The Self-Noticing
Presence of the Awareness
I Am is the Light.

The Self-Noticing
Presence of the Awareness
I Am is the Christ.

The Self-Noticing
Presence of the Awareness
I Am is the Lord.

The Self-Noticing
Presence of the Awareness
I Am is Savior.

"...I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6 KJV

"...I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." John 8:12 KJV

"And ye shall know that I am the Lord..." Ezekiel 20:44 KJV

"...say unto my soul, I am thy salvation. Psalm 35:3 KJV

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Hole in Our Heart)

The sense of lack we
Feel in our hearts comes from our
Ignoring our Source.

The sense of lack we
Feel in our hearts comes from our
Ignoring our Ground.

The sense of lack we
Feel in our hearts is born of
Egocentric thought.


The "Hole in our Heart"
We seek to fill with "things" is
Relative thought's child.

The "Hole in our Heart"
We seek to fill with "things" is
The child of self-thought.

The "Hole in our Heart"
We seek to fill with "things" is
Self-thought's bastard child.


Relative thinking
Creates a sense of Being 
Other than I Am.

Thinking relative
Creates a sense of Being 
Something I am not.

Thinking relative
Creates a limited sense
Of Being Aware.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (No Greater Gift)

Nothing is Greater
Then "I" as this "Awareness
Of Being I Am."

Nothing is less than
"I" as "I imagine and
Think myself to be."

Exposition: Nothing can be greater then Consciousness, as the Aware Presence of Being I Am, as anything that exists can only be known to exist in and through that Consciousness, or Awareness of Being I Am, that is "with me always" and without which neither "I nor anything else" would ever exist.

[Rich Note:  Both the haiku and conceptual exposition were Inspired by a clear delineation of self-evident "Principles of Life, Existence and Consciousness" (three synonyms for the One and the Same Ultimately Real Stuff) pointed out by Peter Francis Dzuiban in an excellent book entitled "Simply Notice: Clear Awareness is the Key to Happiness, Love and Freedom, Book 1."

Amazon Link to Peter's book: http://www.amazon.com/Simply-Notice-Awareness-Happiness-Freedom/dp/1452576858/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1446724385&sr=8-1&keywords=simply+notice+by+peter+dziuban

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Primal Faith in the Awareness of Being I Am)

The "Faith of God" is
God's Awareness of Being
Alive in ours Hearts.

The "Grace of God" is
God's Awareness of Being
Alive in ours Hearts.

The "Peace of God" is
God's Awareness of Being
Alive in ours Hearts.

The "Truth of God" is
God's Awareness of Being
Alive in ours Hearts.

The "Life of God" is
God's Awareness of Being
Alive in ours Hearts.

The "Light of God" is
God's Awareness of Being
Alive in ours Hearts.

The "Love of God" is
God's Awareness of Being
Alive in ours Hearts.

The "Joy of God" is
God's Awareness of Being
Alive in ours Hearts.

The "Hope of God" is
God's Awareness of Being
Alive in ours Hearts.

The "Way of God" is
God's Awareness of Being
Alive in ours Hearts.

The "Christ of God" is
God's Awareness of Being
Alive in ours Hearts.

[Rich Note: One Thing that All Human Beings, allegedly saved and unsaved alike, have is "God Given Faith" in their own "Life, Existence, Consciousness or Awareness of Being."  Their "programmed and conditioned human faith" in the "partial and imperfect report of relative thought, sense and feeling," and the sense of being a separate self it engenders, however, blinds them to the All-Originating Truth of their Primal Faith in Awareness of Being Itself (which is "Christ in You").]

PS: "To Feel I Am and
Just Be That is the Headstone
The Builder's Reject."

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Haiku of the Day (A Mind Stayed on Christ)

A "Mind stayed on Christ"
As the "Father's Awareness"
Restores "Peace on Earth."


A "Mind stayed on Christ"
As the the "Awareness of God"
Brings "Heaven to Earth."

A "Mind stayed on Christ"
As the "Awareness I Am"
Is "Peace beyond words."

A "Mind stayed on Christ"
As "Awareness of Being"
Is "Peace beyond thought."


A "Mind stayed on Christ"
In lieu of "thoughts about Him"
Is a World apart.

A "Mind stayed on Christ"
Instead of "what I now think"
Offers Salvation.

A "Mind stayed on Christ"
Instead of "what I now think"
Restores Paradise.


You are not what you
Think and can never not Be
What You Are in Christ.

Stop focusing on
What you think and stay you mind
On Christ in your Heart.

When you stop thinking
You are what you are not You
Will Be What You Are.

Re: "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Isaiah 1:18 KJV

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Non-Doership)

As long as you are
The "doer" you're keeping Christ
From getting "It Done."

If Jesus said "the
Father doeth the works" what
Makes me think I can?

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13 KJV

"All things I Am, can
Do and Be through Christ the Truth
That Lives in me."

-- John Dillet Freeman

 "...I do this. I do that." 
The big black snake of selfishness
Has bitten you!"

"I do nothing." 
This is the nectar of faith, 
So drink and be happy..."

--- The Heart of Awareness Gita

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Father's Primal Self-Image)

The Word of God I 
Am is the Primal Image
Prior to the Big Bang.

The Life I Am is
The Primal Self-Image of
The Father of All.

The Light I Am is
The Primal Self-Image of
The Father of All.


The Word I Am is
The Primal Self-Image of
The Absolute One.

The Word I Am is
The Primal Self-Image of
God the Absolute.

The Word I Am is
The Primal Self-Image of
The Father of All.


I Am the Primal 
Self-Image of the Father
As the Absolute.

I Am the Primal 
Self-Image of God as the 
Nameless Absolute.

The One I Am is
The Awareness of Being
Of the Absolute.


The Child I Am is
The Awareness of Being
That Underlies All.

The Christ I Am is
The Awareness of Being
Essential to Life.

The Light I Am is
The Awareness of Being
That Enlivens All.

Re:,"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not..." John 1:1-10 KJV

[Rich: Anna's following response to the selection of "Han" dialogues from Bill Samuel's "The Child Within Us Lives" shared below, inspired the companion haiku above:

Anna: "Absolutely wonderful! Thank you! Spread that around the world."


"A new clock is soon to be turned on in the world of time and space:" said old Han, talking to the group at the pond. "There is something that must be understood about time. The metaphysician's insistence that matter isn't what it seems to be and that time isn't real is only half right. I think that time is to be understood very soon.”


Godhead existed before time and space. The Ineffable still exists, infinite and eternal. 

Then what are time and space about? 

They exist for an essential purpose: that mortals might eventually come to understand and know the scope of the Ineffable source of themselves. When space has been traversed and the mysteries of time calculated, man will find he has touched only the edges of Ineffability. He will find himself like one who has counted all the grains of sand that cover the earth, measured all the leaves in all the forests of his dreams, and then awakens to find he knows nothing of the Dreamer as whom he exists."


Talking to the little group assembled at the mountain pond, Han said, "When the Ineffable asked 'What am I?' the tangible world came into being. When the Ineffable asked 'Who am I?' life appeared." 

"What the hell does that mean?" the soldier asked, impatiently.

 "Very simply, the tangible world is God's knowledge of What God is," the old man answered. "Life is God's knowledge of Who God is. The Child within that sparks the life of each of us is God's own Self-awareness in the process of happening. That spark is God's Self-image. The arrogant and frightened ego that surrounds the spark is the husk of man-made nothingness standing like a veil between Godhead and Its Self-Image. The Who includes the What and there is no division between Awareness and the images that appear within it here." 

"And what does that mean?" the soldier asked, shaking his head in frustration." ]

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Self-Radiant Awareness of Being I Am)

Divine Awareness
Is Being embodied as
Radiant Presence.

Pure Awareness is
Embodied as a sense of
Radiant Presence.


"Christ in You" is the
Self-Radiant Presence of
Divine Awareness.

"Christ in You" is the
Self-Radiant Presence of
Awareness I Am.


Conscious Aliveness
Is the Radiant Presence
Of the Living Light.

Self-Radiant I Am
As the Conscious Aliveness
Of The Father's Light.


I Am the Living
Light of Awareness as God's
Radiant Presence.

I Am Being the
Living Light of Awareness
As a Child of God.

God's Single-Eye is
Embodied as a Sense of
Self-Radiant Light.


The Living Light of
This Awareness I Am is
Everywhere Present.

The Living Light of
Divine Awareness I Am
Is the Source of All.

The Living Light of
Quantum Awareness I Am
Is Fundamental.

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." Matthew 5:14 KJV

"As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." John 9:5 KJV

Friday, October 23, 2015

Haiku of the Day (Addiction to Self)

Addiction to self
Is crucifying Christ on the
Matrix of matter.

Addiction to self
Crucifies Christ on the cross
Of relative thought.

Addition to self-
Thought is crucifying Christ
On carnal mind's cross.


Addiction to thought
Nails me to the cross of self-
Referenced thinking.

Addiction to self-
Thought nails us to a cross of
Carnal conception.

Addiction to self-
Thought nails mind to a cross of
Relative matters.


Addiction to mind
Crucifies Christ on the cross
Of self-conception.

Addiction to mind
Crucifies Christ on the cross
Of self-reference.

Addiction to mind
Crucifies the Awareness
Of Being Christ Is.


Addiction to mind
Crucifies the Awareness
Of Being You Are.

Addiction to self
Crucifies the Awareness
Of Being God Is.

Mankind's addiction
To self-thought crucifies the
Awareness of God.

Re: (related FB comment) "As Paul Hedderman so skillfully (and humorously) points out, with both his words and with his life story, all worldly additions flows from one, single fountainhead addiction: humanity's ongoing and unseen "addiction to self-referencing thought"; an addiction so powerful that we as Awareness Itself are so totally self-identified with and as thought (and its "presumed thinker") that this single-source of all addiction (and affliction) goes totally overlooked, ignored and unchallenged."

Hay-Ku of the Day ("The Holy Spirit")

The "Holy Spirit"
Is the "Conscious Awareness"
Of "God Manifest."

The "Holy Spirit"
Is the "Father's Awareness"
Of "Being Present."

We "All Live, Move and
Have our Being" in the "Pure
Awareness of God."

We "All Live, Move and
Have our Being" in the "Light
Of God's Living Love."

The "Holy Spirit"
Is the "Living Light" of the
"Awareness God Is."

The "Holy Spirit"
Is the "Living Light" of the
"Awareness I Am."

Or more Traditionally speaking;

"One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." Eph. 4:6 KJV

"For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring." Acts 17:28 KJV

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Surviving the Story of Me and the World It Creates)

Thinking is "mental
Story telling" that evolved
To forestall danger.

Thinking connects the
Mental dots that noticing
Creates of my world.

Thinking can become a
Closed-loop feedback system that
Gets "stuck on itself."

To "pay" attention
Is to "give myself" as a
"Mental focal point."

My attention is
Captured by "My Story" as
A survival tool.

In "our world" it is
Fear that captures attention, 
In God's It is Love.

"Self-referenced thought"
Is an "evolved mental thumb"
That "crowns itself king."

The center of one’s
Conscious attention is both
An altar and throne.

Who abides on the 
Throne of conscious attention 
In your mental house?

If "self-thought sits" on
The throne of your attention
What do you worship?

Re: "Neuroeconomist Paul Zak has found that a story -- a narrative with a beginning, middle and end -- causes our brains to release cortisol and ocytocin. These chemicals trigger the uniquely human abilities to connect, empathize and make meaning. Story is literally in our DNA (p.6)." (from a FB Rev. Len Sweet Post)

[Rich Note: Aha! the biology reason behind mankind's present "self-entranced, enthralled, infatuation and unchallenged self-identification with and addiction to "the story of me" (a.k.a. "the me that says my" or "separate-self sense," etc.) that now takes up the preponderance of humanity's waking conscious awareness, attention and energy.  

So my "love of the story of me," and the energized sense of reality my obsessive attention to it naturally creates, stems from our chemically induced and reinforced capacity to empathize and connect with and so give meaning and a sense of reality to "My Story."  Really does sounds like we have been "biologically set-up" to feel and accept this "individual and collective story of me" that most of us are "programmed and conditioned to tell ourselves" and accept as our "only true or ultimate reality."

A discovery that also offers a good biological clue as to our seemingly natural human proclivity "not to let the facts get in the way of a good story"; and, especially so, if the "story being contradicted by reality" just happens to be "the story of the self-separate me" my mind is so fond of both "telling and selling" to maintain its place at the center (or throne) of my conscious attention, in the field of awareness I ultimately am.]

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Mental Space and Leverage)

Without mental space
Between me and my thoughts I
Am a slave to them.

Without mental space
Between me and my thoughts I
Am a slave to mind.


Detachment from thoughts
Creates the leverage one needs
To control one's thoughts

The mental space and
Leverage detachment creates
Allows thought control.


The mental space and
Leverage of detachment fosters
Mental self-control.

The mental space and
Leverage detachment fosters
Can save you from mind.

Or Scripture-wise:

"Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men." Ephesians 4:8 KJV

"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" 2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV

The Knowledge of God
Is "the Knowledge I Am"
Conscious of Being.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (You Are the Light of the World)

An "Image of Light"
Is "One with Its Source" as the 
"Living Light It Is."

An "Image of Light"
Is rightly referred to as
"The Light of the World."

The "Common Nature"
Of All is the "Living Light"
"Being Its Substance."


I Am "Fore-Given"
The "Nature of God" as a
"Child of Living Light."

You Are "Fore-Given"
The "Nature of God" as the
"Living Light of Love."

We Are "Fore-Given"
The "Nature of God" as a
"Living Ray of Light."

One is "Fore-Given"
The "Nature of God" as the
"Light of Awareness."

Related Scriptural-Cross Reference:

"In him was life; and the life was the light of men...That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." John 1:4 & 9 KJV

"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." John 8:12 KJV

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." Matthew 5:14 KJV

"Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;". Philippians 2:14-15 KJV

[Rich Note: KEY: "Spiritual Light" is the "Conscious, Energetic, Living Light of Awareness I Am" (You Are and All Is) -- The "Light of God that Never Fails in the Fullness of Its Eternal Victory and Dominion" (i.e. "the Father of All Light Manifest in Action," etc.).]