I am Hardwired to
Believe I am the center
Of the universe.
Hardwired to think I
Am the center of my world
And acting like it.
I am both hardwired
And programmed to feel I am
In charge of my life.
Inspired by the following linked YouTube of the 2005 Kenyon College Commencement Address given by David Foster Wallace - a 22 minute talk that should be mandatory listening for ever man, woman and adolescent child in the world:
[Rich Note: A slightly edited, related background dialogue stream, with old buddy James Post, as it relates to a shared post that was critical of higher education (for those who may be interested in such details):
James: "A quality liberal arts education will help students focus on what to think about (not earn "gold stars"). I'm sorry this author had such a bad experience. Here is a no b/s talk (commencement speech) by a great author on the importance of awareness and focus that I think you will enjoy Richard. I hope you'll watch and let me know what you think."
Rich Part I: Great to hear from you, James!
Before I read this, and (comment accordingly), I'll pass along something I concluded after finishing 15 months of an Air Force sponsored MBA in 1976, which was: what they taught me to "think about" was not nearly as important as the "new and different ways of looking at and thinking about" what was being taught; that and the greatly increased capacity for mental self-discipline and focus, as well as an ability to see in the context of a bigger, non-local picture or frame of self-reference; and, with that, the attendant natural insight (or intuitive wisdom) that the "longer mental focal lengths and wider breadths of vision" that such "big picture thinking and seeing" often occasions.
Rich Part 2: You were right, James, I absolutely loved David Foster Wallace's "This Is Water" commencement address. As brilliant and inspired (divine or otherwise) a summation of the "human dilemma and it's resolution," as I've ever heard.
Pure genius from beginning to end, James, and as "Spot On" a diagnosis and and cure for human suffering as one might ever hope to find. Should be made mandatory listening for every man, woman and child presently "hardwired to think" they are "subject to self-reflective mind and thought," and in "sole charge of 'their' life."
Interestingly enough, I'm in the process of taking Bentinho Madsaro's online Trinfinity Academy Course on Self-Realization and Actualization that specifically addresses, in an extremely comprehensive and unique manner, a way of actually "re-wiring the 'I am this or that, center of the universe, person in the world' hardwiring" David indicates "we can choose to overcoming" in his address.
I'll send a related sample that clearly addresses the "psycho-physical-emotional dynamics" of what it really means to be a human being; a wonderful exposition I feel you'll find much more than interesting via e-mail.
Although the course, which is top draw all the way, can be taken for free for a month, after finishing the Enlightenment 1 section, I'm all in for the duration.
Thanks for David's YouTube, I'll be passing it along to all my close and not so close friends.
Yours, Rich.
Related Links:
Trinfinity Academy website:
Bentinho Madsaro website:
PS: Bentinho and his Trinfinity Academy are not "pie in the sky" -- take it from a 50 year seeker, this "kid" (as you as he may appear) can "deliver the goods."]