Friday, November 28, 2014

Haiku of the Day (Speaking the Truth in Love)

Hay-Ku of the Day (Speaking the Truth in Love)

Speak the Truth in Love
And Grow up into Him in All
Things, which is the Christ.

"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:" Ephesians 4:15-16 KJV


All Things I Am, can
Do and Be through Christ the Truth
Now Living in me.

"All things I am,
Can do and be,
Through Christ 
the Truth
That Lives in me."

-- James Dillet Freeman

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13-14 KJV

[Rich Note: Here's full version of that Joel Goldsmith closing to "Practicing the Presence" that's has stuck with me for 30 years (but wouldn't fit as a comment under the previous post).]

"The Babe of Christ"

"You can rise no higher in consciousness than to that place where the spiritual Presence enters the heart, and you realize it has happened the Presence is within you. A new dimension has entered your heart when you entertain the Presence, but I must say to you that it is your responsibility to nurture it. That Is the only way to be sure that you will not lose what you have gained. What You have gained is only a Babe; you must let it develop into full Christhood: Many times a day turn your thought as if in the direction of your heart—not because your physical heart has anything to do with your spiritual demonstration, but because the heart is symbolic of love. Thinking of the heart as a symbol of love, as a symbol of the resting place of the Christ within you, turn your thought several times each day to that heart in recognition that the Babe is enthroned there, that the Christ has entered, and that It lives with you. It is you who must keep the Babe from wandering out of your heart and getting lost. It is there, but I say to you that it is a Babe: You must watch It; you must nurse It; you must acknowledge It, love It. Watch It grow as you learn the ways of loving God and of loving man. No Improvement has ever been discovered, no alteration has ever been made in the two great commandments, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind . . . and . . . Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

"No longer plead with God for things; let this Babe do all that for you. It will not have to plead: It will experience Itself as the added things. Do not look to God for favors and do not look to God for strange powers to do things for you. Turn your gaze now to the place where you have already felt that gentle Presence. Smile at It. Secretly and sacredly know that It is there and that It Is fulfilling Its function and is about the Father's business. This Babe is given unto you to restore the lost years of the locusts and to return you to the Father's House and to your conscious union with God.

"It is the function of this Babe to reveal that you are living in the midst of Eden where you will always be tempted with only one temptation: There is only one evil in the Garden of Eden, only one sin, the belief in the power of good and evil.You, sitting back inside your own temple, must be able to look at that tree of the knowledge of good and evil at all times and resist the temptation to believe in it. You, yourself, must be able to say: 

"Beautiful as you look, or horrible as you look, I now know there is no truth in you.There is no power for good or for evil in any form, that is, in any person, place, thing, circumstance, or condition. God in the midst of me is the only good, the only power, and the only presence. The only evil there is, is the belief in a selfhood or a condition separate and apart from God.

"Even when you have overcome for yourself every form in which this one temptation may appear, the problems of the world will tempt you: storms at sea, disaster, war, poverty, and disease; but whatever the temptation, it will always be the one great temptation to accept two powers. This is when you must turn to the Christ within:

"The Christ within me is my assurance that only It has the power the Son of God, the Spirit of God in me. It will never leave me nor forsake me as long as I realize and recognize It and as long as I live the life It tells me to live. I look to It For guidance; I look to It for wisdom. Whenever a question is presented to my mind, I look down toward my heart, and the answer comes forth in whatever form is necessary. 

"Oh, do not be too literal about this. Sometimes this Presence will seem to be looking at you from over your shoulder or sitting right on your shoulder; sometimes It will appear as a face in front of you, sometimes smiling, but always reassuring. Keep It alive. 

"The presence of this Christ, gentle and small as It may be, is the substance of every experience that you will have on the outer plane. Seek neither health, nor wealth, nor fame, nor fortune. Seek first the realization of this inner kingdom and be a beholder as these outer things are added unto your experience. Do not hesitate to turn to It for revelation. Why should not revelation be given to you as well as to others who have lived before alteration has ever been made in the you?  "God is no respecter of persons."Gautama was only the Buddha because he worked for twenty-one years to receive illumination; Jesus was only the Christ because he gave himself to the world; and you will be whatever degree of love there is in you for God and for your neighbor. You will be whatever you permit yourself to be, but only by acknowledging that you, yourself, can never be anything; it is this gentle Presence that you have felt that is to carry you throughout your days back into conscious union with God.

"You know what the goal of life is to be reunited with the Father, to be consciously one with God. You know the way, the prayer of inner contemplation and meditation, the recognition of the Christ, the love of God, and the love of man. Now carry this message in your mind where you will always remember the principles; and in your heart, dwell upon the gift which has been given you, delivered to you from the Father the gift of the realized Presence within you. Bless It always that It may increase.

"FINI. "                 -- Joel Goldsmith

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Holy Child of All)

(An Ecumenical Pre-Christmas Card for All Ages.)

The "Child of God" Is
This "Awareness of Being"
You Are and I Am.

The "Babe of Christ" Is
This "Awareness of Being"
That "Underlies All."

The "Living Lord" Is
"One's Awareness of Being"
Consciously Present. 

The Presence of "This
Awareness of Being I
Am" is the "Christ Child"


The Christ Child is the
Alpha Omega Presence
Of This Awareness. 

The Christ Child is the
Self-Witnessing Presence of
Quantum Awareness.

This Awareness is
The "Fullness of the Godhead"
Witnessing Itself.

The Truth is I Am
The Child Heart of God as This
Present Awareness.


The "Christ Child" is "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Now Reading these words.

The "Christ Light" is "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Seeing through Your Eyes.

The "Christ Babe" is "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
As "Light's Living Love."

The "Christ Child" is "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
As "Godhead's Witness."

(1) "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." -- Isaiah 9:6-7 KJV

(2) "My Guru used to say no matter how old you are you are, you are only a child. (The body gets older. Yet Consciousness is always in the present moment. It is like a new born child in every moment.)" -- Sri Nisargadatta

(3). "To the objective view, there is God and a sinful mankind struggling to return to God's grace. To the subjective view, there is God and God's Self-Awareness appearing as all possible individual states. The “return” is leaving the bonds of objectivism to re-embrace the Original Child, the subjective “Mind of God”—to let the Awareness be us, which is also the Christ Truth. Then, if we are willing to continue, we find and live the balance. Here, the objective world is understood, not denied. The balance is a step beyond subjectivism, just as the subjective idea is a step beyond the objective view of things. But, listen, listen: The Child within can be found anywhere along the line at any moment! When the Child is found, we go quickly to the balance of things." -- Bill Samuel

(4) "You can rise no higher in consciousness than to that place where the spiritual Presence enters the heart, and you realize it has happened the Presence is within you. A new dimension has entered your heart when you entertain the Presence, but I must say to you that it is your responsibility to nurture it. That Is the only way to be sure that you will not lose what you have gained. What You have gained is only a Babe; you must let it develop into full Christhood: Many times a day turn your thought as if in the direction of your heart—not because your physical heart has anything to do with your spiritual demonstration, but because the heart is symbolic of love. Thinking of the heart as a symbol of love, as a symbol of the resting place of the Christ within you, turn your thought several times each day to that heart in recognition that the Babe is enthroned there, that the Christ has entered, and that It lives with you. It is you who must keep the Babe from wandering out of your heart and getting lost. It is there, but I say to you that it is a Babe: You must watch It; you must nurse It; you must acknowledge It, love It. Watch It grow as you learn the ways of loving God and of loving man. No Improvement has ever been discovered, no alteration has ever been made in the two great commandments, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind . . . and . . . Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself..."(TBC).  -- Joel Goldsmith

(From the concluding pages "Practicing the Presence")

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Making Myself Zero")

I Am Invincible
In the Instant I become
"Zero in Myself."

In "Making Myself"
Zero" I Am "Seeing" with
No "Seer or Seen."

Allowing Oneself
To Be Zero lets One See
From Zero Distance.

When "I Make Myself
Zero" I Am able to "See
From the Inside-Out."

In "Making Myself
Zero" I See by Virtue
Of Being what's Seen.

When I Am Zero
In Myself I Am All and
Everything in God

"Being Zero in
Myself" reveals the Clear Sight
Of Pure Awareness.

Re: "Compassion in Action"

"MISHLOVE: It's a pleasure to be with you. You know, I think if we were to go right to the core of the issue, it strikes me that at the very bottom line, at the root of things, the spiritual premise is that we are all one, and therefore politically we would want to treat the whole world as if it were our own body, in a sense. That would seem to me to be the basic premise of spirituality and politics."

"DASS: Well, yes, but there are many levels to understand that. You can understand it with your intellect, and you can understand it because you are that, and that's a very different place to act politically. It's like Mahatma Gandhi said, "When you make yourself into zero, your power becomes invincible." Now, any politician, or anybody in the life of trying to institute social change in society, would like to have that power of the invincible, but it only happens when you aren't, but it is. And that's the one that is really hard -- that you have to in a way die into "not my but thy will" for that kind of potential impact on social change..."

(Opening dialogue on a "Compassion in Action with Ram Das" transcript from the "The Intuition Network, A Thinking Allowed Television Underwriter"...series (entitled) "Thinking Allowed, Conversations On the Leading Edge of Knowledge and Discovery, with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove.")

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Soldier's Poems)

[Rich Note:  Although late for Veterans Day, it feels appropriate to share the following two poems with a few accompanying hay-ku.]

One is never more
Alert, Aware and Alive
Then in a War Zone.

A near and present
Danger stills the mind's mental
Noise like nothing else.

Life is never more 
Dear then when the potential
For death is present.


(Samuel Audio Transcript, Vignettes on Love 1.17)

"You know that I’ve long ago given up on this business of trying to say everything so absolutely and having everything very profound.

"We just say it like it comes to be said and if we’re honest about it then not only what we say is understood but what seems to be behind it is understood too. So I don’t know why I should, all of a sudden, want to read a poem, I don't do it very often.

"I did the other day though. Maybe because I was a soldier this particular poem had significance to me. This was written by a soldier whose name we don’t know and he was a confederate soldier. And perhaps the most, as wars go, the most vicious war this country has ever suffered, a time when polarization burst into flame and, as appearances go, this is a new time of polarization. Listen to these words, not absolute words, just the simple words of a soldier:

I asked God for strength that I might achieve;
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.

I asked for help that I might do greater things;
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.

I asked for riches that I might be happy;
I was given poverty that I might be wise.

I asked for all things that I might enjoy life;
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.

I got nothing that I asked for,
Oh, but I got everything I had hoped for.

Despite myself my prayers were answered;
I am, among all men, most richly blessed."

"Words like that communicate too don’t they? Of course they do. They point to Love and I can echo those words, I am, among all men most richly blessed. I am, I am and I know I am.  Oh, and I can tell you that with this blessing, that I can tell you how blessed you are, that you are blessed with perfection and purity and beauty and holiness beyond all belief…beyond all belief. -- Bill Samuel


To one left behind,
Who lives on in my mind;
To one I left there,
Beyond worry and care;
Who lives on in my heart,
And from whom I can't part;
Though not with me here,
He has nothing to fear,
His duty is done,
And mine only begun;
For though gone from my sight,
I'll still carry his light;
Nor forget what he's done,
As a true, faithful son.

In Loving Memory of TSgt Clyde D. Alloway, 18SOS, DaNang, Republic of Vietnam; a long ago comrade lost during an emergency bailout on the 6th of June 1970.]

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Overlooked Essential)

Everything is seen
In Awareness except for
Awareness Itself.

Awareness is both
The Medium and Substance
Now Being Ignored.

The All-Pervasive
Clear Space of Awareness is
Being Overlooked.

Awareness like a
TV Screen is not out of sight
Only Overlooked.


I Am like a Fish 
In a Sea of Awareness
That I cannot See.

I Am Mentally
Blind to the Awareness I Am
In which All Exists.

Mentally blind to
The Awareness I Am that's 
Aware of Being.

I Am Innately
Blind to Being the Seeing
That I Myself Am.


This Fundamental
Sense of Being I Am is
Known by Awareness.

The Knower cannot
Be Known except in a self-
Reflective manner.

Awareness can't be
Known except through a process 
Of Self-Reflection.

"I" can't get closer
To Awareness than the Sense
Of Being I Am.

[Rich Note: This hay-ku stream was inspired by the following wonderfully  succinct, perfectly natural and yet utterly profound pointer to

 "'What Is As It Is,'
Prior to any self-mirrored
Reflection of THAT":

Re: "Everything can be seen in daylight, Except daylight."
 --Wu Sein (Roy Melvyn Translation).]

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Minding Myself as I Am)

"Keep in the mind the
Feeling I Am" till "Mind and
Feeling become One."

"Keeping in Mind the
Feeling I Am," until "There
Can Be Only One."

"Keeping in Mind the
Feeling I Am," till "Only
One remains Present."


The Feeling I Am
Is the Sun and the Mind Self
Reflected Moonlight.

"Keeping in mind the
Feeling I Am" reunites
The "Head with the Heart."

"Keeping in mind the
Feeling I Am" unites the
"Many and the One."


Mind is a Local
Self-Reflection of the Pure
Light of Awareness.

A Divine Wedding
Happens with I "Keep in mind
The Feeling I Am."

"Keeping in mind the
Feeling I Am" reunites
"Chit and Ananda."


In the Still Mental
Waters of a Quiet Mind Light's
Reflection is Clear.

In the Still Mental
Waters of a Quiet Mind God's
Self-Image is Clear.

In the Still Mental
Waters of a Quiet Mind SELF
Awareness returns.

Re: "Why not turn away from the experience to the experiencer and realize the full import of the only true statement you can make: ‘I am’. Just keep in mind the feeling ‘I am’, merge in it, till your mind and feeling become one. By repeated attempts you will stumble on the right balance of attention and affection and your mind will be firmly established in the thought-feeling ‘I am’. Whatever you think, say or do, this sense of immutable and affectionate being remains as the ever-present background of the mind."  (Sri Nisargatta ", "I AM THAT" favorite)

[Rich Note: Two great links to complementary, downloadable PDFs -- the first to Sri Nisargadatta's Masterwork: "I AM THAT"; and, the second, to Predeep Apt's wonderful compilation entitled, "I AM, the Complete I AM Quotes of Sri Nisargadatta": ]

Monday, November 10, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Where Are You Looking From?)

One can relate to
Reality from a "point"
Or "field" perspective.

All that one sees is 
A direct function of where
One is looking from.

Looking from a self
Centered perspective seems to
Fragment Awareness.


A particle state
Perspective creates a sense
Of separation.

A quantum state of
Awareness collapses with

The wave function of
Awareness collapses with
Self-reflective thought.

The wave function of
The Light of Pure Awareness
Collapses with thought.


Seeing things from a
Partial perspective seems to
Divide Awareness.

Seeing things from a
Partial perspective appears
To Fragment What Is.

Seeing things from a
Partial perspective projects
Relative boundaries.

Re: "The objective is less to change what we are looking at than where we are looking from – to change consciousness of ourselves in relation to the world." - Samuel Avery

(Quote from an essay entitled: "Consciousness and Activism")

"What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing." - CS Lewis

[Rich Note: Someone once said, "If you want to know the Truth, reverse the commonly held human view of things."  Well, here are two extremely bright individuals who illustrate that "180 Degree Out" principle exactly with their perfectly reciprocal (to the Ultimate Truth) "particularly human perspective and conclusions" (which are equivalent to making one's  "face" contingent upon its "self-reflected image" in the mental mirror of mind):

"Where you stand depends on what you see."         Jennifer Hochschild

"I think therefore I am." 
                          Rene DeCartes 

Two quotes which quite obviously presume the "Awareness of Being I Am" (which is, first and foremost, the Original Observer required to collapse the Cosmic Wave Function) to be contingent upon subsequent, particular states of that Self-Same Awareness of Being (re: the "Aware Sensory Presence I Am" that is needed for anything to "Be in the First Place"). When, in fact, "Being In Itself" (or "Consciousness as All") -- as a "Quantum Field of Wave of Self-Radiant Awareness or Light," prior to any and all such "photonic particularization" -- is more than sufficient for said "Awareness of Being I Am" to Exist in and of Itself.

Awareness Aware
Of Itself as Being That
Is the Light of All.

Awareness Aware
Of Itself as Being That
Is the Living Light.

Awareness Aware
Of Itself as Being That
Is the Light of God.

Awareness Aware
Of Itself as Being That
Is the Life One Is.


Awareness Aware
Of Itself as Awareness
Is Being Itself.

Awareness Aware
Of Itself as Awareness
Is the Ground of All.

Awareness Aware
Of Being that Awareness
Is the Holy One.

Awareness Aware
Of Being that Awareness
Is the One I Am.


(Mirrors don't create
What they reflect they allow
Awareness thereof.) ]

Friday, November 7, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (Operating Princple)

An operating
Principle of separation
Is always fatal.

Separation as
An operating premise
Assures suffering.

With separation
As a premise fulfillment
Is not possible.

Separation as
An operating premise
Can't lead to Wholeness.

"Belief in separation is the organizing principle, which is the foundation of how we see ourselves and the world around us. A shift in perception can happen that opens up a new way of seeing, relating, living everyday life and engaging in further exploration."

(From "LOOK - An Illustrated Guide to What Is.")

I AM the Central
Organizing Principle 
Of All that Exists.

I AM the Central
Organizing Principle 
Of Aware Presence

I AM the Central
Observing Principle 
Of Human Being.

I AM the Central
Originating Premise 
Disguised as a man.

[Rich Note : The following related note to a friend might be interesting to some:

"Remember what I said about God (as a Dimensionless Still Point of Eye of the Absolute that Originates the "Awareness of Being I AM" that
God Manifest Is) Being the Central "Originating, Observing, Organizing and Operating (0000) Principle" (that is Everywhere Present at the Heart of All-Existence and Expression Thereof)."

"Well, the Divine 0000 Principle is Absolute Nature or Oneness (Non-Duality); while the "carnal minded or secular humanist" (linear) 0000 principle or system is  "separation, relativity and reflection" (and that through a process of mental self- reflection or mirroring and projection)."

Re: Or Scripturally Speaking

"For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.  When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity."

1 Corinthians 13:9-13 KJV .]

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Haiku of the Day (Seeing the Truth)

Seeing the Truth is
Merely dropping a belief
In other than Truth.

Seeing the Truth is
Simply dropping a belief
In what is not true.

Seeing the Truth is
Simply dropping a belief
In relative thought.


Seeing the Truth is
Simply dropping your faith in
Relative matters.

Seeing the Truth is
Simply dropping your faith in
What appears to be.

Seeing the Truth is
Simply dropping your faith in
Self-reflective mind.

Re: "Liberation Unleashed" Quote:

13. "Similarly (to Santa Claus), this magical "I" or "me" cannot be found, but people still believe it.  Seeing
the truth is simply dropping that belief."

"Life goes on as it always did, and no change is going to happen other than in the way life is perceived."

[Rich Note -- Not for everyone, but if and when you might feel compelled to truly answer, once and for all, the "Who Am I?" question, here are two great non-dual websites and a PDF entailed, "Gateless Gate Crashers," Twenty-One Ordinary People, Twenty-Ohe Extraordinary Awakenings" (from "Liberation Unleashed"): - All things Non-Dual; encyclopedic-like resource in matrized archive format. - Notes and Quotes say all that needs to be said and are available in downloadable audio and even an iPhone/ app format. - 21 Awakening Dialogues in a Gratis downloadable PDF. ]